Tuesday, July 12, 2011

1861 July 12 Camp Vigilance [Virginia]

My Dear Ann

As I have an opportunity of sending you
a few lines this morning I
take advantage of the opportunity
I send the remains of George
Harris to Shepherdstown this
morning to be entered with the
honors of war--Poor fellow he was
a good soldier & one very careful
of his arms, Horse &c; it was
a sad specticle for me & all the
camp while I could look upon
the field of battle covred with the
dead & diiing as the natural conseq-
uence of war, yet to see such a man
shot down in his own tent, under
such circumstances is my very sad
I send a bundle consisting of a pr of

[page 2]
Green Leggins cap, & shirt &c you must
put the leggins & cap away in some
safe place have the clothes washed
& return by the first opportunity--
Have my carriage harness locked
up in some secure place--

Our army in Winchester are throwing
up fortifications around the town.
Patterson will not advance until
joined by McClearnand who is
now in western Virgina--Gen
Johnson may advance the latter
part of next week at which time
his arrangements will be completed
Colo Stuarts regiment of cavalry has
been highly complimented by
Gen Johnson--We had a brush
with the enemy yesterday, which
resulted in the killing of 5 yankees
& capturing 2--none of us were hurt
in the least--such is our every day
life here between the two armies--

I have no time to write more

[page 3]
now. Gus came in to camp last
evening & stayed all night with
us--I suppose he gave you all
the particulars of his flight
from one of our pickets.

Love to Mother Jill cousin Rose
& family I will write to Mother
the first time I get, all of us
are well. we got the letter valise
by Latimore & its contents were
very acceptable to us--Kiss my
little darlings for me, tell them
they must be good children until
I come, tell Gus, he must take
care of Sisters & Mama--till papa
comes back--Write to me by
any opportunity you may have &
let me know how you are getting
along farming--god bless & protect
you always Goodbye--
Your ever devoted
W.A. Morgan

Colonel William A. Morgan, 1831-1899, was at the time of this letter the Captain of Co. F., 1st Virginia Cavalry

John Alexander McClernand, 1812-1890, known chiefly for his criticism of McClellan and later, Grant. Democratic politician after the war.

General Robert Patterson, 1792-1881 commanded the Department of Pennsylvania and the Army of the Shenandoah was defeated at the Battle of Hoke's Run/Falling Waters, allowing Confederate Gen. Joseph E. Johnston to march unimpeded to reinforce the troops at Manassas/Bull Run.

James Ewell Brown "Jeb" Stuart,1833-1864, and assumed command of the 1at Virginia Cavalry Regiment on July 4th.

MSS 1275

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