Col Philip st Geo Cocke
Culpeper C H
Dear sir
I wrote to you
last monday making you a statement of what
Mr Hand had writen me inregard to the
Engine he is bilding for you, If you have not
Received that letter, and will inform so I will
make you another statement, and send it to you
I have commenced work on a musket cap machine
in lynchburg va of my own inventin if I have
luck I will have the machine done in three
weeks from this time and will take it down
to the Richmond armory and sett it to work
I have no doubt that my machine will make
50,000 good caps in 12 hours
I have Been trying Ever since I saw you to colect
and settle up my matters here and out of nearly
three thousand dollars due me last fall and winter I
have not colected one hundred dollars since I got home
from the south. had I have Been here instead
of the south I could have made much Better arrange=
=ments to keep my family from want but as it is
I see no chance but suffer If I faile in my
cap machine I am gone, if you think you
will be doing you self justice send me a check
for seventyfive or eighty dollars do so at one I did not
see mr cunningham to get him to make out
my [?] while at work at Bellmead )over(
[page 2]
pleas let me hear from you on Recpt
of this Direct for the next 3 weeks to
Lynchburge Va
I remain your Humble servnt
W.M. Wash jr
MSS 640
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