Monday, February 13, 2012

1862 March 14 Mulberry Point

Mulberry Pt February 14, 62

My dear Neph

I recd yours of the 8th; a well writ
-ten letter compared with those you wrote some weeks
ago. I am sorry you and Frank can not at this time
visit me--I must see my way more clearly, before
I have so small a chap, as Frank with me, for he
might give us trouble at Fort Warren---I think
we shall have a great deal of hard fighting
and at many points---Things have been badly
managed at Richmond, & now they are in a hurry
to do, what they should have done six months
ago--We shall have 600 men working on the
fortifications at this place, in a day or so--and
in six weeks I hope to see three or four times the
number of guns mounted, and the men protected
by Bombproofs---I thank you for your horse, but
I do not care to have him at this time---I wrote your
Ma two days ago, & sent a chk on the Bank of Va
Should she not recieve the letter-She must write to the
cashier of the bank of Va (Chk for $95. 70 mad payale
to the order of Mary E. Noland--signed W. C. Crqafford
who recd it from James Maurice)----
Remember me to Mr. Sucra, & say I am glad to
hear that he has so much feed on hand. Corn,oats
&c will be very high in the spring---

[page 2]
My love to all at Dewberry--Kiss all the lchildren
for me---Remember me to all my neighbors--I should
be pleased to recieve a letter from your cousin Dick
Remember me to W. Christian, & tell him you have
improved greatly in writing---My love to your
Aunt Betty Landon--Kiss Ma, Maggie, Fent
& Frank--You must all do your best to keep things
together, and prepare for hard times--
Your Affectionate Father
C.St. G. Noland

My dear Mary
I wrote you a few lines three days
ago & sent the chk--Last night I saw the Act under
which I was appointed, and I fear I may have
some trouble about the pay--I have money
sufficient to pay for my clothes, I all my debts,
(contracted by m,e since I left home)and keep me up
for some time--if they do not make me pay back rations.
I am sorry I can not have the boys with me, but
think it best they should not come at this time--
did you understand my impudence in the last
letter? I suppose you will say you did not--
If I should have any trouble about my pay,
I will certainly leave this place--I have nearly
been a year on duty & wish to be my own master
& fight where I please

Your Cal

Commandant of the battery at Mulberry Island Point defending the James River.

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