Wednesday, February 8, 2012

1862 February 8 [Lynchburg]

[from the diary of William M. Blackford, former diplomat, bank officer, editor and postmaster at Lynchburg, Va., with five sons in Confederate service]

I waited last night for some time the ar
rival of the train to receive Staige--but it did not
come. At breakfast heard the bell ring and knew
it was Staige. He came last night to the great
gratification of the family. He says slaughter
was natural after 3 this morning--Had a laborous
day at Bank and did a great deal of business
-Staige dined with us. Ben came in and
talked "hospital" so incessantly that we had little
opportunity of enjoying Staige's society--Ben's
professional enthusiasm makes him a bore sometimes
--Bad news from Tennessee--the enemy have
taken Fort Henry on the Cumberland. There is dan
-ger of their penetrating into the state having
a flotilla on the river--news also of the
Burnside expedition attacking Roanoke Island
which I suppose must fall before the
great superiority of force. this would be
a dangerous post if occupied--threateneing Norfolk
in the rear and the lower Roanoke region
of North Carolina a post to Lucius Minor
to reawake[?] him to the trust feature on his brot
thers will, which is very galling to him. He
manages so badly that I think it wise in
John to prevent his spending the money. it
is better the children shd have some resource
After tea went up to Charles Slaughters, and
sat an hour or two with Staige. He has not
much hope of his living. He is compelled to
go back tomorrow morg.

MSS 4763

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