Winchester Va. February 7th 1862
Ma I received your kind
letter dated January 29th which
I read with much pleasure
I also got your poetry which
I read with pleasure I am
well and hope these few lines
will finde you all in good
health. We have got back
to winchester once more
but I dont expect we will
stay hear long Some think
we will go to Richmond and
from there to Ky but it
is unsertten whear we well
go It has been more than
a moth since we left hear
and we have been exposed
very much since we left
hear Ma you wanted to know
[page 2]
whether I got my quilt or
not I got the quilt and boliver
got his vest and handkerchiefs
you said m[ay]be you would send
me some shirts and socks but
I expect I have as many clothes
as I will need for a good while
you said uncle Vincent was
agoing to start after Edmiston
I dont know whether he could
finde his grave or not while
we was at monterey I went to
the grave yard and looked for
his grave but I could not finde
it but if he wants to go let
him go m[ay]be he can finde it
their is right Smart Sickniss
in the Regiment at this time
but I dont think their is
many dangerous cases in the
Regiment their was a great
many dide while we was gon
[page 3]
our coumpany has lost more
man than anny nother Company
in the Regiment but their is
not many sick in our Coumpy
at this time Ma our living
know is wheat bread made up
with cold water and salt our
meat is blew beef. that you
know is good. Congress wante
the old volunteers to reinlist
I think I will try it again
though I would like to stay
at home next summer to
get some good milk and butter
to eat and to see the farm and
the green grass cattle horses
and colts. James A Gilmer said
to tell his folks that he
was well. Ma I would like
to see you all and talk with
you but I expect it will be
along time befor I see you all
[page 4]
but I hope their is a day
acuming when we will be
permitted to see each other
I would like to see all of the
little ones but I belive I have
forgotten some of them their
is so many of them that I
can hardly think of their
names but I recken I could
call their names. Tell them
all howdy for me. Ma I have
nothing mew to write to you
so I will have to bring my
badly ritten letter to aclose
So nothing more at present
but remain your affection
ate Son William R. Gilmer
Mary Gilmer Wm R. Gilmer
William R. Gilmer, Private, Co. I, 37th Virginia Infantry
MSS 5194
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