Dear parents
I was very glad of
the reception of your last letter
for it gave me the desired inf
ormation and eased my mind
of quite a burden. I did not
intend to convey the idea
to you that I was very sick
for I have not been very sick
since I left home I have
had some slim spells and
have been excused from
duty a number of days but
there has not been a day that
I could not go out rain or
shine since I came out here.
You spoke in your letter about
the small pox getting into
our camp I think it will not
for we have all en vaxinated
[page 2]
for it in this brigade mine
did not take the Dr. thought it
would not as I had a good
scar on my arm. I shall get
some chorade of lime and keep
it about me all the time to
prevent any disease. I have
received reliable news that
you can send things out here
free of expense from Portland
the agents name is Georg R.
Davis if this is so I should
like to have you send me
one pare of blue woolen shirts
for they are better than these
we draw you will know the
kind I
had when I enlisted and if
you have any thing else to
send put it in and if any of
the neighbors fell free to send
me any thing give them the
priveledge any thing from
[page 2]
friends will be thankfully
recieved. I do not want you
to put yourself to any great
expence for it will not pay.
I have not any particular news
to write we have not had but
two fair days for three weeks
it has snowed three days and
rained or been cloudy the
rest of the time it rains here
to day and it is very muddy.
Every thing remains quiet
in this division of the army
all other war news you get as
soon as we do. Our box started
yesterday and it will reach
Webbs Mills next Tuesday
if nothing happens to it.
I think the bill for you to pay
will be about 1.00 I want
you to write as soon as you
find out about it. If Durans
folks want to send any thing
[page 4]
or any other one he will be glad
to get it. It them things
get home safe I do not want
you to give Walter any thing
unless he lives with you. There
is some books there that I got
at Dr. Masons last Summer
they are not worth much but
I thought I would send them
home. I have nothing more
to write this time so I will
close write as soon as you
get news from that box
Yours in haste
H. M. Cash
Hiram M. Cash, 5th Maine Infantry
MSS 12916
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