Friday, February 10, 2012

1862 February 11 Camp Ewell

Camp Ewell February 11th 1862

Dear Phill[ip Barraud Cabell]

You owe me a letter nevertheless
I wish to ask you advice as I will not mind that I have
got a strong notion of reenlisting for the war, as they will
certainly have a draft next Spring and I do not want to
be caught in any Militia company so write and give
me your opinion as soon as you get this letter and tell
me what you think is the best plan if you intend
coming out for the next year You ought to raise a com-
-pany up in Nelson & then I could be with you but it
goes mightily against the grain to enlist as a private that
is to me for the work is very hard and a private is a
great deal more exposed too so if it is possible I should
like to get a commission but I believe a private in
a cavalry company has a better time than the officers
in an infantry company from what I have seen during
this winter. I have been wishing to get a letter from you all
for some time as Sister had not entirely recovered when
I heard from you all last. I suppose you have
heard that Alex Holyday & Jennie have a little daughter
I hear of it about a little more than a week ago I think
he did not look much like a family man when I saw
him he does not know how to make u his mind it seems
to me about anything. Was not that a terrible loss for us
down on Roanoke Island I tell you it makes me low
spirited enough when I think of three thousand of our

[page 2]
men laying down their arms to the Yankees and
then fighting in such a cause as we are too they ought
to have died in their tracks before giving up and if
volunteers act in that way what will the Militia do
unless the volunteers now in service come out next
spring I think we are gone I for my part mean to
come as a Private if I cant do any better so I think I
better take my thirty days now and come right back
a good many of our regiment and more than half
of our company have already reenlisted and have
gone home. I thought at one time that Capt. Heath would
raise a company and I would get a commission as Lieut
under him for he is one of the best friends I have but he
is troubled about his family being left at home and
abut his affairs and seems to have given up the idea of
getting up a company. I must now close this dull letter
as there is no news up here to relate at present Give
my love to Sister and to the rest of the family at
Liberty Hall and believe me as ever your affectionate
Richard M. Bolling
P.S. Please answer this soon
R. M. Bolling

MSS 38-111

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