Monday, October 31, 2011

1861 October 31 Centreville

My Dear Sister –
After a second day occupied
with a display of the troops and a general
review by Gov. Letcher, I have just returned
to my quarters, and as I don’t find a
letter from you awaiting me, I have conclu-
ded to attempt to excite your writing propen-
sities by giving you a good example.
Yesterday and to day, I have seen more
of “the pomp & circumstance of War” than at
any previous time during the War Campaign
Yesterday Gov. Letcher presented a State flag
to each Va. Regiment and the ceremony
was witnessed by almost all of the Gener-
als and distinguished officers in this
department of the Army; and this evening
there was a still grander pageant presented
in a review of some 10,000 of the troops.
The column was nearly a mile in
length, and with the martial music, float-
ing banners, and the usual display of such
occasions, the scene presented was quite
grand & imposing. There has not prob-
ably been collected so many Generals at
a single spot during the war as this Evening
were assembled around the Governor.

[page 2]
Generals Johnston, Beauregard, G. W. Smith, Kirby
Smith, Jackson, Longstreet, Van Dorn, Steuart,
Sam. Jones, Clark, Early, Toombs, and several
others attended by their staffs were all
there and you can well imagine what
interest, and Eclat their presence gave the

Nov. 1st. Drowsiness so overcame me last night
that I had to lay aside my pen, and this
morning I find I shall barely have time to
add a few lines before the mail leaves
for the junction. Don’t forget to send me
the books which I spoke of a few days
since. Time sometimes hangs quite heavily
on my hands & when not so, it is not
generally very profitably employed.
Abram was with me yesterday and was
looking quite well, and hearty.
Let me impress it upon you to write
me frequently, and I will engage to punctually
answer all your letters.
Give my love to Every member of the
family, and believe me
Affectionately Your Brother
John W. Daniel

MSS 158

1861 October 31 Camp near McLean's Ford

My Dear Wife
Again am I in receipt
of another of excellent letters, which has
afforded me much real pleasure.
This time your letter reached
me in three days after it was mai-
led. In my last I wrote you of my
being unwell; since then I have been
still more indisposed, but am thankful
to state that I am now pretty well
and hope soon to be more so. Having
a considerable cold when I was
last on Picket, my system was in
a condition to admit of more cold
upon the last exposure. Upon our
return to camp I had a slight
chill and soon fever afterwards.
I still remained on duty until

[page 2]
the 29th which day together with yesterday I
have been in bed. But for a little no-
account feeling, I am doing very well.
You will know the feeling after taking
Castor Oil and add to that quinine
powders and calomel, the latter of
course comes first. Many strange
rumors are now afloat in Camp.
Maj Woodward was to have started
for home to day, but was induced to
remain, he having received informa-
tion from those in Command that
within a few days there would certa-
inly be a great battle. It may
be that they are in possession of
information which would warrant
the putting forth of such a remark.
In the event of such collision may
the God of battles preserve us and
again give us the victory is my
prayer. I am very much pleased
with the programme you sent me

[page 3]
and only regret that I was not pre-
-sent to have [‘p’ lined out] taken part therein. I
think I might have contributed a
“fools” part. You know the extent
of my facilities in that line. I
could have at least told the “elephant
story.” There is so little going on (appa-
rently) and situated where we are, seeing
very little. I am somewhat at a
loss to lengthen this letter. If you
were in Camp now (and every one
looks forward to the fight at any moment)
you would not see the slightest change,
but when the “Long Roll” is beaten, which
is the signal to prepare for any duty
thus before us, then such a cheering you
probably never heard, as it extends
along the whole line. For such an
assembly as that (the “long Roll”) you
may imagine I might say from 75 to 200,000
men in motion, through woods and over
hills. I would be much gratified to
have you see such a sight.

[Page 4]
I hope we may live to get back home
before a descent is made upon our
coast. I do not know, but think as
it is so near home, we might make
a more desperate fight. As nothing
more suggests itself I must close
Give much love to all and accept
the purest affection
of your Sincere husband
Say to Mrs. Canady her son is
quite hearty, and the same to any one
who may inquire, as the boys are well
and doing well.
Capt Sheddin has not been sick
but you know what ___________
I believe you need not send her
the message in full.

James W. Phinney, Confederate officer from Winnsboro, S. C., in the Boyce Guards Militia and the 6th Infantry Regiment.
MSS 12661

1861 October 31

[from the diary of James Dinsmore Templeton of the 23rd Ohio Infantry]

Played as usual. Thad and I
went down to Head Quarters to
get Carpet sacks left there by Will
received papers & Envelop also
Revolver caps

MSS 10317

1861 October 31

[from the diary of Francis G. Hale, Co. F, 34th Ohio Zouaves]
I woke up this morning
and felt tolerable well but
was awful sore we are
in a new house that has not been finished
yet we slept very well we
had hay to sleepe on and
it felt like a fea ther
bed to us or to me at least
the boys are in good health
this morning and are
flying round like every
thing getting breakfast &c
I was put on a picket to day
a bout a mile from
camp we can hear
the drumes from
camp every now an
then we are put clost
to a house by a straw
stack we got some apples
as we come a long to
eat there is eight of
us here we went to the house to
get our dinner we had a good
dinner as I have eat
since I left home
the man of the houase
comes out and talks to
us he looks like old Billy
Chinneth he has a hair
lip he is a first rate fellow
there is two girls at the house
we will have to stay here
till to morrow morning
there is three more of our
picketed up the road
farther toward camp
one of them shot his
self just now he had his
foot on the hammer
of the gun and went to
turn aroun his gun slipt
of of a pile of a boards he was
standing on the gun dischar
ged the ball entered his
fored a bout an inch above
his right eye and went
out at the top of his
head taring an awfull
hole I have to stay in
his place now here he
looks awfull his brain
is all runing out and
the blood is runing out
fast he is not dead
yet but will die soon
he is not quite incen
cible yet he took his
letters out of his pocket
and handed them out
to lieutenant Nesbit
he gave them to the chap
lain he has no brother
or relations to weepe
for him here there is not
a tear shead for him
he was not mutch loved
by the boys but was a
tolerable good boy for all
that how shure is the
old saying that in the midst
of life we are in death
they cam out with a two
horse waggeon and took him
to camp there is no doctor
here to attend to him he
will have to suffer untill
he is sent for 18 miles and comes

MSS 13405

1861 Oct[ober] 31 Camp near Centreville

We returned from Picket late in
the day on Tuesday. Was notified the same
evening that I was to prepare for a grand
parade of all the Virginia Regiments to Re-
ceive from the hands of the Governor
a flag. We had a grand parade &
I made the best show I could with
the Regiment, but of course a Regim-
ent is like a smart child always doing
worse when you want it to do
best. Yet on the whole dont know
that I had much cause to com-
plain. I had a very pleasant time
on Picket--good order so much so
that I brought the Regiment in camp
without having a single stragler[sic]--the
first time such a thing was ever
done. I have just had a muster
& inspection preparations for four
months pay and am now in re-
ceipt of an order to prepare the
Regiment for review by the Gov
this afternoon--so you see I am
kept very busy and am afraid
I will not have time to write
you such a letter as I desire. Col
Gibbons is still sick & starts home to
day. Genl Elzie[sic] told me when I ap-
plied for his time, the Regiment could
not be left in better hands--though he
was sorry to part with any of his
officers--A very high compliment to

[page 2]
come from a man who so seldom pays
them, dont you think so. I will endeavor
to so manage the Regiment as to deserve
it. I fully appreciate my darling Jennie
your situation and I know your delicate
modesty--Yet I can think of nothing better
for you than to go to Frascatti. There is
the place for you & there you will receive
all the kindness which brothers sisters
& father can bestow--as soon as you
get settled I would write for Jennie Mot
son to come & stay with you. and you
will have a pleasant & quiet time un-
til after X Mass--about which time the
work of the organizing the Virginia
forces will commence and then I in-
tend to apply for a Colncy Comn which
of itself will send me home to reorgan
ize--but if I fail in that, then I will
ask to be sent on that duty as Lt Col
and Genl Elzie[sic] will I know give me
a good endorsement for either. So I
really hope to be with you at any
rate as early as February & may be
before that time. Why did you
not take the old plume & trim your
bonet[sic]--take any thing I know that
you can use for either yourself or
children or if you want to give it
away I have no
for you my dear darling wife and
well do you know it--I love you to
day more than the night our destinies
were united & expect to do so as long
as we live

E T H Warren

The flag referred to as received "from the hands of the Governor" is now on display at the Harrisonburg-Rockingham Historical Society, Dayton, Va. This flag has a dark blue body with the seal of the Commonwealth painted on a white disc in the center. It is one of the many flags issued by the Commonwealth to Virginia units during the War. John P. Mann, IV
MSS 7786-g

Sunday, October 30, 2011

1861 October 30 Forest View

Dear brother [Wilson Miles Cary]

I enclose you a
letter Aunt Mary sent us today
from Pa--I cannot understand
why they did not write to us by
the same opportunity but such is
a sorrowful fact. I left the Hill
last Friday, Mr. Carroll put me
on the Mail Car in Charlottesville
and I had a charming tête-à-tête with
Mr. Pritchard the agent until we
reached Gordonsville; while there
as I was leaning out of the window
I was suddenly accosted by a young
man whom I never remembered
seeing before--"Miss Cary excuse
the liberty I am taking I am Mr Crane

[page 2]
an old neighbor of yours in Balto.-
have just left that place on Wednes
day last and thought you would
like to hear from home." I welcomed
him with outstretched arms (figurative
ly speaking) and immediately invited him
in--he told me he had seen Ma the
day we left, coming out of the school
yard, that she looked very well, as
did all the rest of the family--although
afraid to let them know she was coming
to Va.--he took particular care to
inform himself of their separate well-
fare----He reported Dr. Robinson & cousin
John Brune as having escaped to
Canada-said Federal hill was
all cut up and fortified and that
there were six fortified camps around
the city--I was mighty sorry not
to see him longer, for it was so
interesting to talk to him but he had

[page 3]
some things to attend to and so
left me--On his departure I again
occupied my place at the window
and had the intense pleasure of
meeting once more Capt. da Ponte
one of Van Dorne's aides, whom we
met coming up from Baylors and
of whom I think Het wrote you--
he joined me immediately and
entertained me most charmingly
until we reached Orange C. H.
He is one of the editors of the New Orleans
Delta and wrote a piece about us,
bringing in my encounter with the
Yankee and several other things &
winding up with a grand flourish
about our being grand nieces of the
illustrious Jefferson &c &c--it was
copied into one of the Petersburg papers
and brought to us by a friend--
Quite [charming?] was it not? how

[page 4]
he found out all these things I
dont know, we certainly did not
tell him--Mercer me at the
C. H. and I have been here ever
since--On Sunday we drove over
expecting to meet Het and South
Lemmon, the former only came
bringing with her your most
delightful letter which I need
scarcely tell you I devoured--She
brought also a quantity of Battle
Flags which we have been diligently
working on ever since--they are
beautiful and Het intends sending
hers which is especially handsome
to Gen. Johnston! Monday evening
Banks came to see us; he stayed
all night and carried Het off
the next morning down to Wise's
She came back today and seems
to have had a most charming

[page 5]
time. In the Mail car she met
as usual the greatest quantity
of people, Gov. Letcher, Capt
Imboden Gen Taylor and a
host of others all of them insisted
on our coming down and paying
another visit to camp--We received
a letter today from Capt. da
Ponte in which there is a req
uisition from Gen VanDorne for
us to come down and pay them
a visit offering us their residence
& saying he will appoint us on his
staff and give us an escort of
cavalry--and that we shall have
a splendid time. Would it not
be charming? So near you too
Mrs. Col. Hill offers to matronize
us so you must not be astonished
to receive a visit from us.

[page 6 ]
South Lemmon arrived today. I
suppose you know that he has
been very sick and was sent up
to the hospital at the University
Dr Warren gave him a furlough
immediately and he took advan
tage of Mrs. Slaughters invitation
and joined us here. Poor boy
he looks just as if he were in a
galloping consumption. I hope
a change of air & fare will do him
good. What do you think of Pa's
letter? Spunky is it not? and
so like him- what would you
advise us to do? Sister Hettie
is now writing to R.M.T. Hunter
to ask him to procure us Gov
positions if he can do this and the
salary is large enough to enable
us to pay our board in Richmond
and thus relieve Aunt Sydney

[page 7]
I think we ought to stay for times
must be very hard at home
and we would not be able to support
ourselves there but would simply
be a burden on them. If on the
contrary our application prove
useless and we have to remain
dependent upon Aunt Sydney
(for I know she would not receive any
board) who and if almost in indigent
circumstances I think that we
will turn our faces homeward
almost immediately. Bankes
told sister Hettie confidentially
that you could be made Quartermaster
immediately with a salary of a
hundred and thirty dollars a
month, the rank of Capt and a
place in Richmond, if you would
accept it. he says the duties are
not arduous, and she has been

[page 8]
told by others that they are not
so difficult as those you now
fulfill--of course she would
not urge you to accept it if you
seriously object but in event of
our going to Richmond it would
be the most unspeakable comfort
to have you with us-she says
she has been very assiduous to
answer your letter and thank
you for you sweet brotherly offers
of supporting us dear Willie
we cannot bear to think of your
working so hard merely to support
us but if dependence could be
sweet it would be to depend on
you-You dont know what a
delight your letters are to us-
Miss Nannie sends here best
love and thanks for your letter
to her which she contemplated

[page 9 cross hatched on page 8]
answering in a day or two. We are expecting letters
daily from home. Bye the bye I forgot to tell you
that Mr. Evans gave me his directions in Richmond
and said he would be most happy to send letters
to Baltimore for me if I would send them to him-
he has a friend who crosses over into Maryland
constantly, and who wh will take any letters
with pleasure. I send you the direction in case you should
wish to avail yourself of this opportunity-you may
write what you please there is no danger of their
being opened--. Wm Crane-Jr--Medical Purveyors
Dept. Richmond--Is it not strange that the son
of that awful Black Republican Fuller Crane
should be in the Southern Army--I heard today
that Sam Sterrett had been forced to flee from
Maryland--and was now at Manassa with his
father--I reckon Cousin Sears and Jinnie laugh

[page 10 cross hatched on page 7]
at the L___L___ more than ever I suppose you have
seen him. Aunt Mary and Uncle Hands family
are going to Richmond. the Doctor will give up his
position of Asst Surgeon and try for practise
in the capitol--I am afraid he will not succeed-
Dr and Mrs Warren have left the Hill so that
Aunt Syd is almost without boarders she has
only fourstudents and I dont know what she'll
do--She has been quite sick and is in very bad
spirits--They are all mighty sweet and kind to us
at the Hill but [?] so censorious--they talk so
hardly of us and indeed of everyone that we call them
nothing but the C___ C___s (censorious circle). Sam
poor fellow has again known a scorching tongue
and sometimes makes us so mad we can scarcely
contain our wrath and have to seek refuge in our room

[page 11 cross hatched on page 6]
in order to give vent to it of course this is very
wrong we ought to remember his ill health and all
he has had to make him irritable but it is very
hard to bear. Please dont work yourself so hard
I am so afraid you'll get sick--Did sister Hettie
ever tell you how anxious your beloved Mary was
to send you a pair of socks of her own knitting it
occurred to her as She was going down to the boat with
us and she nearly cried at not having thought of
it before however she consoled herself by determining
to have them ready and she was sure an opportunity
would occur when she could send them and a box
of things to you--anyone would have imagined to
hear her railing at herself for her forgetfulness
that your feet were bleeding for want of the Socks--
Poor Mr. Cary! Banks never failing Banks

[page 12 cross hatched on page 5]
that there is a man in Richmond that he
knows who will undertake to carry a letter for us
directly to Ma and bring us a carpet bag full of
clothes back if we determine to stay we will
certainly avail ourselves of this offer--We would
like so much to make you the shirt you want
but it is utterly impossible to get a yard of blue
flannel or even light blue cloth in the Southern Confed
If we send for our clothes however we will also
send for you Md. Guard shirt-- I am so
worried at your having no great coat--what is
to be done about it? cant you get a Yankee one?
I wish you had been about when the Prisoners
taken in the last battle came down Mr Pritchard
told me they were selling the most splendid
great coats at fine dollars a piece--I should certainly

[page 13 cross hatched on page 1]
have purchased one for you had I been on the
scene of the action--was not that a glorious victory by the
by? I hope Major Barbour is better if only for
your sake--Write to us as soon as you can--Oh
my expiring candle! It is late and I must hie
me to my downy couch as Constance would
say--Did you see some time ago in the Enquirer
Constance's last effort in the poetical line entitled
"Encore Toujours Maryland" -- it was beautiful
She certainly is talented and will be quite a
noted authoress in course of time I have no doubt
All send love Good night
Your sleepy sister
Jennie [Cary]

Jennie Cary, her sister Hettie Cary and their cousin Constance Cary were known as the Cary Invincibles. They did sew the first Confederate battleflags as related on page 4 above which they presented to Confederate Generals Johnston, Beauregard and Van Dorn. Hettie's hopes for employment in the Confedetate Government described on page 6 were not realized. See the letter from R.M.T. Hunter to Hettie of November 2. As Jenny predicted on page 13 Constance did become a noted author.

MSS 1174

[to be continued]

1861 October 30

[from the diary of Wesley Hammond of the Dixie Greys, Co. E of the 42nd Virginia]

Read 8 chapters in bible
Lieutenant Thomas go for
money to Huntersville first
to get it – Pay roll [-]
Men grumble a good deal
about it. Received a letter from Emma

MSS 5526

1861 October 30 Camp near Alexandria of the Fifth Maine Regiment

Dear Father I recd the letters Mother & William wrote to me or the 24th &30th & was glad to hear from home once more but I felt bad when I came to that part of Mothers Letter that said that I wrote in my last to you that I wish you would not write such foolish stuff because I did not mean anything by it what I meant what I ment[sic] by it was this you know when you wrote to me in your last letter to me you said something about fixing that box just as though I was six or seven years old & that day was A very dull day & I felt out of sorts that day & I suppose that was that Made me write that, there is nothing that I can write about Just now only that we are at work on a Fort here which is named Ward & I do not know why it is call so last night I received a new blanket which is a warm one Just as I am writing to you there is A Cavalry Regiment passing by this Camp From Washington & they are firing A salute at fort Ward this fort is most dun & has 12 Guns on it & there is Guns that keeps cumming to be placed on it every day the first named after General Lyon is most dun and the fourth of Maine is building another one about a mile from it when this was finished this part of Virgnia will be nothing but Forts tomorrow is the day to be paid off and if they pay ours off I shall send some of my money to you I am gone to get me A pair of boots & A pair of Gloves & there is A great many little things that I want to get but I shall send you home some of the money Because I told you so & I wrote to George I should I hope you wont think hard of one for writing that to you because I did not mean anything by it I want you to tell Mother I have made up my mind to go in the ranks & not be A cook for any one & tell Mary Wallace that I would not care if I did hear Mr. Cox & tell Mother that I answered the Letter that she wrote to me Just after I wrote here that I was gone to have my discharge, From your affectinate Son Joseph Leavitt I have just received two pair of drawers I have blotted this letter but I Cant afford to write another one

Letters from Joseph Leavitt and his brother George were copied into a ledger by their father John Leavitt in October 1865 "because they are of value to me and I was fearful that they might get mislaid." Both boys were mortally wounded int he war, George at Second Bull Run, August 30, 1862, and Joseph at Spotsylvania, May 18, 1864. Presumably the third brother William survived the war.

MSS 66

1861 October 30

[from the diary of James Dinsmore Templeton, musician and private in the 23rd Ohio]

No Dress parade Practiced some this
forenoon. This afternoon W. Arthur arrive
-d brought letters from Pap and Mrs.
Campbell also one from Sarah Caldwell
inclosed in Paps also Stumps. Two from
Pap. Mostly clear, Remark Scammon taught
McClelland & Beauregard engineering at
west point. Mostly clear.

Eliakim Parker Scammon, 1816-1894, was Colonel of the 23rd Ohio. A West Point graduate he remained at the academy one year, 1837-1838, teaching mathematics. McClellan was not a cadet that year. Beauregard was.
MSS 10317

1861 October 30

[from the diary of Francis G. Hale, Co. F, 34th Ohio Zouaves]

Last night we was at
church the chaplain
preached us a short
surmon his text was
in the 1st cor ch 16 &vs 18 quit yor
selves like men be
strong he preached
a duty surmond to
us and give some of
the lazy boys fits for
their lazyness and refusing
to duty and sighted us
to the boys on the sewell
mountains how many
had there died of fatig
quiting their selves like
men we will leavee
here about 8+ comapneys
of us for mud bridge
in a day or two I expect to go
we left camp red house
to day at a bout eleven
oclock for herican
bridge we stopt in a bout three
miles of herican a bout
three oclock we will go
to mud from there I expect
to day we arived at mud
at half after seven in the
evening after a march of
eighteen miles in eight
hours we was awful tiard
when we got here a good
many give out and had
to get in the waggeons
I thought I would give
out my self but did not
I feele awful sore to night
but I felt better after
I got my supper

MSS 13405

Saturday, October 29, 2011

1861 October 29 Camp at Centreville, Va

Rockbridge Artilley
1st Brigade 2d Corps
C.S. Army of the Potomac

Mr.Wm M. Blackford--Lynchburg
My Dear Father
Your packet of the 27th
including letters from you and mother reached
me this afternoon. I have no time now
to write at length but believe I cannot
dispatch the two notes enclosed without
a few words on general topics.
I have today had the pleasure of
seeing two of my brothers. Charles rode
by and stopped 10 or 15 minutes this mor-
ning; he was in too much hurry to dis-
mount and merely called to let me know
of his return with the Troop from Leesburg.
All the reinforcements sent up last
week came back to the army here around
last night. Bro. Charles is quite severe
on Gen. Evans who is, he declares, on the
testimony of the officers under him in
the battle, not entitled to any credit for
the achievement but quite the reverse.
His faults were those of omission, rather
than commission; e.g. he ought to have taken
all the 4000 muskets of only 7 or 800 prisoners

[page 2]
I forbear to speak further however of what
bro. Charles told me, as he will doubtless
write home more fully himself of this matter
To night just as we were going to supper
bro. William rode up. He stopped and ate
with us and set an hour or two, making
himself very agreeable. I shewed him you
letter which contained several items of general
interest. His camp is some 3 miles below this
point in the direction of the C.H. He tells
me the pickets of his cavalry regiment re-
turned last evening reporting no signs of the
enemy as far down as four or five miles below
the C. H., in the woods their outposts in
that direction must be not further out
than they were 2 or 3 weeks ago before
we fell back. Accounts somewhat similar
reached me from other quarters yesterday.
This does not look like an advance of the
Yankees, certainly, though I endeavour
never to permit myself to count upon
their not coming until it becomes impossible
Both of my brothers looked very well and
are in good spirits--that is for married soldiers.

[page 3]
On Saturday night last Brooke reached the Co.
I had just fallen out of ranks from Tattoo
when a gentleman who had asked that
I might be pointed out to him, presented himself
and told me his name was Brooke, at the
same time presenting your letter. Of course we
got acquainted directly. It was about bed
time and a place to put my friend was my
first concern. I got another place for myself
for the night, and put him in my bed, which
being a particularly comfortable one for a camp
enabled him I believe to have a good rest.
I have been much pleased with Mr. B; having
seen much in him to like and nothing to
condemn. I think we shall become fast
friends. I have introduced him to my own
circle of friends & many others and think
he begins already to fell much at home.
He is for the present in my mess and tent.
The latter will probably be a permanent
arrangement, the former to last until a
new mess to consist of Trueheart, Maury, Chs. Minor
& others is made up. Trueheart, of these, only has
yet arrived & they have not yet got their mess things.

[page 4]
Brooke has given me some very interesting items
of home intelligence. His gratitude for
the kindness received at our house from all
hands, and for his entertainment at Sis Sue's
also, is very great. He expresses it with much
heartiness mingled with graceful delicacy.
He is very grateful too to Mr. Tucker too, at
whose house in Richmond he staid, for many
attentions and kindnesses. I think his exper-
ience of Va so far is tinged with a strong
couleur de rose. I feel glad it is so . He ack-
nowledges with many thanks your kind mes-
sages and reciprocates them.
Col. Rodes of the 5th Ala. has been made
a Brigadier General. This may help Eugene some
how, though I am not all desirous he should give
up his Co. I am glad Macon is his 2d. Lt.
The money-2 dollar notes-you sent came to hand.
Our Co. is about being paid off. I get nothing yet however
having joined the co. just 2 Days after our last muster day Aug. 31
I will write again this week & answer your letter
Eugene is at Union Mills. I have not seen him yet though I have
often heard Major Maury (Dick) was here to see me yesterday
He is near Eugene, in a different brigade, but Van Dorn's Division.
your affectionate son
L.M. Blackford

Lancelot Minor Blackford, one of five Blackford brothers in the war, all alumni of the University of Virginia.
MSS 5088

1861 October 29

[from the diary of James Dinsmore Templeton, private and musician in the 23rd Ohio]

Played as usual Practiced some
this forenoon. did nothng impor-
tant this afternoono, At parade
orders were read to hafe the
Band drilled in the care of the woun
-ded. Received letter from Jno Templeton
also his meeting card. Clear fine day

MSS 10317

1861 October 29 Williamsburg

My dear, dear wifey

In writing to you this morn-
ing I hardly know where to commence--I have
written to you twice in the last two weeks, but cant
say whether you have gotten my letters or not
the mails are so irregular--the last letter I
received from you was dated the 18th (friday)
but you attended to Dr. McGuffey's preaching the
next day which induced me to think that you
wrote on Saturday, as you would be more likely
to make a mistake in the day of the month
than in the day of the week--at any rate I sent
you quite a long letter by young Wills who expected
to be in Charlottesville on friday the 18th in that
letter, written partly on Youngs farm & partly at
Harwoods Mill, I told you of my having been
attacked with the chills & fever--in another letter
neither of which have been acknowledged
written to you & Ma together on last Wednesday ^
I told you of my having been sent to this place
as an invalid; not exactly as an invalid either
but in order to get all who were not able to
stand a very rough time out of the way as Genl
Magruder expected an attack hourly. I have
been here now one week and feel entirely
recovered except a little weakness and will rejoin
my company as soon as I can get an opportunity,
The company have had quite a hard time of it since
in the rain without their tents. Genl Magruders
fear of an attack seems to have been unfounded.

[page 2]
I have received no letter from wifey since the 18th
but hope there is one in camp for me; though I
ought to have gotten it if you directed it to Wmsbg
as it would have to come here before it went
to camp-by the way, if letters and parcels &c
intended for me are directed to Yorktown, I think
I would get them sooner--but do not trust anything
of value which you may wish to send me, except
in the hands of reliable persons or in a way which
you are convinced will carry them direct.
I have received several of the things sent me
by Mr. Southall, the overcoat, gloves, likeness, a
couple of pamphlets and your letter--the
other things are probably at camp--those I men-
tioned were brought up here to me by one
of the men--the gold dollar was not in the letter
and unless you gave it to Mr S. is doubtless lost.
But that is no great loss as a soldier can send
his letters without prepaying the postage, though it
will have to be paid when it reaches its destination.
Besides I expect to receive part of my pay when
I get back to camp which with money due me
by the men will amount to one hundred and
thirty (130) dollars--this with the ninety odd dollars
which you ought to have will keep you afloat
this winter--the overcoat and gloves will be worth
their weight this winter, in confederate notes.
From what I can judge, I think Doct Coleman came
up last week to be married but as there was no
clergyman in town it was postponed until this evening.
I think they go about it in a very matter of
fact way, making no fuss and like they were
used to it--Miss Helen sends her love to you
and tries to plague me about thinking & talking
so much of you, but she cant succeed there.
Mrs. Saunders and Miss Lelia also desired me
to send you their love I showed them your

[page 3]
likeness and they were in admiration at its
faithfulness and beauty.
dont forget to ask Mr. Godwin for an abstract
of my bank account since the first of July
and send it to me in one of your letters--
Where is Aunt Sarah? Ma has'nt mentioned
her once in any of her letters that I recollect
Give her my best love if she is in Ch:ville
and tell her that one of her letters would be very
acceptable-- writing from this section of the
country is a serious matter--paper coarse
foolscap 75 cts a quire--Miss Helen is out and
this I happened to pick up in the parlor-Give my
love to Pa, Ma, Mittie and the rest at [lynhaden?]
your Mother, Pa, Aunt Chloe Monkey &c
and believe me as ever
your very loving

(Confidential) *I wonder if C. C. could
do anything for me
suppose you try him

My own darling wifey
How much I thank you for the daguerreotype
it was so kind in you and so much like your sweet self
it is even more of a consolation to me than I expected
it would be-it is so much pleasure to look at the
image of a countenance really so lovely and so very
dear to me--I have it now before me and were it
[?] the original I would be the happiest man in
this peninsula--I catch myself frequently talking
to it and kissing it, just as I would you--I have
thought so much of my darling in the last week
that I would almost give all I am worth to be with
you ten days--such a hankering to see you comes
over me some times that it makes me sick--My
own precious darling! my love! my life! & my every
thing! when shall I see you--I almost feel like
[?]thing a substitute and leave war to those who

[page 4]
havent such a darling wife as I have I hope
and pray that something may turn up so that I
can see you before Christmas. I want to be with
you the 18th of Dec and tell you how much happiness
you have conferred on me during the last year.
I have seen more happiness during the last year in
the love and affection and possession of my precious
jewel than I ever did in any other five years before
wont you tell husband in your next if you have been
sick lately?--O for one sweet kiss, from my darling
May God bless, preserve and make happy my darling
wifey is the prayer of her devoted loving husband.

Dr. Coleman was married tonight at Mrs Tucker's
quite private they immediately came over here and
have taken lodging--Charles Carrington has been
appointed quartermaster at Yorktown and the Rev.
Mr. Wilmer assistant.

Mt's Nannie L. Cochran

Howe Peyton Cochran, Sergeant, Co. H, 1st Virginia ArtilleryMSS 9380

1861 October 29

[from the diary of Francis G. Hale, Co. F, 24th Ohio Zouaves]

Last night a bout 8 o clock
there was a house caught
or was set afire a crost
the river it was a two
story store house it soon
was in a blaze there was
no other hous near to
catch from it so they
could not get it out
and it burnt down
it had not been a fire
long till the long roll
beete and we had to
fall in for battle for
we expect an attact.
we marched out in
battle form and
marched out to our
drill groun and
throughed out our men
to com mand and flank
the road we sated for
a considerable time but
there was not report
of sentinels and we was
or dered back to our quarters
be fore the fire broke out
we was have ing a good
time for there was two
men from Waynesville
arived and we was
just enjoying the nuse
whe the word a hous is
afire and the enemy
is coming but they did
not com they are to
cowardly to attacked
us even whe they have
the advantag they will
not stand fire

MSS 13405

Friday, October 28, 2011

1861 October 28

[from the diary of Francis G. Hale, Co. F, 34th Ohio Zouaves]

I have still a bad cold
and do not feele very
well Bill Hosier has got
the measles and is in
the hospittal but I hope
he will be out soone
News came that our boys
was coming in to day
one or two have come
in the rest are not far
off we had orders to go to
the river to day to wash
up all our pants and
dry them I do not know
what it is for unles
it is be cause we are
get awful durty and
some of the boys are
they do not try to keepe

MSS 13405

1861 October 28

[from the diary of James Dinsmore Templeton, private and musician in the 23rd Ohio]

Played as usual did nothing
important Whittled some on a
Pipe which I spoiled. Charlie was
reprimanded by the Col for not
practicing more Commenced having
two meals per day
cold night clear day fine

MSS 10317

1861 October 28 Bull Run Virginia

Camp near McLean's Ford

My Dear Creek

I am happy to inform you that the Box
came duly to hand, the contents were all safe except the
two bottles of Pickles and one of Catsup which were Broken
they did not however damage anything in the Box to
hurt, and the contents were very exceptable to us, as the
weather is now getting very cold here and warm clothes
very much needed, I think I will do pretty well now for
the winter, if I had the Balance of my homespun Uniform
The pants fit me finely and are the very thing I wanted.
I also recieved a long letter from you a day before the
Box came, I am sorry to ear of the manner in which
Harvins people are behaving toward you, but christmas
is not far of now and tell Papa not to let him stay
a day longer on any consideration, we have treated the
old rascal to kindly, and this is the manner in which
he repays you in my absence, I thought he was a man
of a better principle but I have been mistaken
I was very much alarmed when I read of the sow taking
hold of poor little Maggie, if she is getting dangerous put
her up and kill her right away, as she may try it
again when you are not there [to] protect the child, I
should never have got over it had she been crippled.

[page 2]
I will not need any shoes from home as I sent to Columbia
to Mr Oliver by Breazeale, to make me a pair of Heavy Boots for
the winter, Breazeale will call and get them as he comes on, I dont
know of anything else I will need except a pair of woolen gloves, if
you can get them before Stephen starts back and send me a pair.
Tell Ma we are very much obliged to her for the dried Beef
and wine, they are both rarities in the camp.
I lent Gus McAlister twenty dollars sometime before
he started, and I told him to pay it to you, so you can
get Papa or Jink to get it from him for you. I do not need
it here just now. You said Gilkison had never come nigh
you since he came home. I understand he is a pretty hard
case to get money out of anyhow, so you had better get
uncle John Todd who lives right by him to get corn or wheat
or anything of that sort that you can dispose of for cash
from him to the amount, if you cant get the money.
Give my kindest Regards to Grand Ma, and tell her I will
try and find out uncle Addison the first chance I
have, there is a Texas Regiment not very far from us and
I expect he is in it, if he is I will have no difficulty in
finding him.
The Boys wishes me to return their thanks to you for the
nice pelmettoes you sent, they are all very proud of them. I
kept the feather with yours and Maggies hair in it for myself.
I dont know of any news in camp just now that would
interest you, there is rumors of Battles every day but nothing
certain about them, while i am writing this I can

[age 3]
hear the heavy booming of cannon in the direction
of Evansport on the Potomac, but that is nothing new
to us, as they have a fuss there every day or two, firing
at the yankee ships trying to pass our battries, our
boys suceed sometimes in capturing one or two of them
laden with clothing provisions &c for their troops, which
pays us very handsomely for the powder and shot used
in taking them. Generals Johnston and Beauregard are
both here at present, and the general impression is that
they expect another attack at this point, I hope it
may be so, for we are prepared to give them a tremendous
whipping this time should they be fool enough to
attempt it, our men are all in the finest of spirits
and anticipate great results, for our Cause should
a battle take place, no one doubts his abilities to
whip at least four yankes and the late affair at Leesburg
has given us all fresh courage, so that altogether we will
be pretty hard to whip.

I had a letter from Tom yesterday he thinks our little
Maggie is the greatest child he ever saw. I will write
him as soon as I finish this, tell Jink he owes me a letter
I should like to hear from him, should we have stirring times
I will give him all the particulars
Give my kindest Regards to all the family, tell Billy Smith
Gambriell has been and is still sick with dysentary but is
fast improving. Kiss our little angel for me, and tell her
I will ship the Hog for biting my little pet, and reserve
to yourself the warmest affection of you devoted
[on back of page 1]
Dugan is quite well, noting further from James

Captain William Anderson, Captain Co. J, 4th Regiment South Carolina Volunteers (Palmetto Sharpshooters)

MSS 10366

1861 Oct 29th Hopewell

[letter written as an addendum to Lucy Skipwith's letter of October 28]

Dear Genl
We received your letter yesterday
and were truly glad to hear from you & to find
that you are not confined to a bed of sickness
We have had a great deal of sickness since
I wrote last, but have not had an occasion to call
in a physician but once. they are all now much
better, we have only one patient & she has a rising foot.
We have not had as much sickness as our neighbors
in a great many places their have been fifteen or
twenty down at the same time, We have had as many as
five or six We are getting along very well picking
cotton considering the sickness we have had. They are
now picking in the Melton Field. The hands are picking
very well they average from one hundred & fifty to two
hundred each day & have averaged as high as 232.
Eliza has picked as high as three hundred & eighty four
I keep the different fields of cotton set down
to itself. We have sixty Bales packed & are hauling
it to the Landing. We have not gathered Boleyn
Field of corn yet. Our Hogs are in very good
order We have 43 to Kill this winter. We have
turned out several Brood sows. Mules, cows & colts
are in very good order. Old Moll is improving
very fast & her colt is growing. the carriage
mares are in good order & worked well the
last time we worked them, I think they
are pretty well broken

[page 2]
The Guinea grass has been cut for Hay.
We made a very good crop of Punkins but they
are rotning[sic] very fast. Uncle R. was down the
first of the month he wrote toyou I hope
you have received his letter he told me to
say to you that the annual conference would will
meet in Greensboro 11th December & that you
had better come out in November if you can.
He also says he thinks you had better not
order any Flour until you come out, as we
have some very nice. Howel, Sippia, Charles,
Morris & Eliza are the bets pickers. The young
hands are improving very fast.
There are two limbs buried from the
Mulberry tree in the garden & seem to be
growing. The grafts are all dead but three &
they are growing very well. the little Mulbery
tree in the yard is growing very fast
We have attended to saving all kinds of seed.
I understood from Armstead that he was
Hauling corn last week. I have not seen
Wiles for several days. He has been a little
unwell. I read your letter to him.
Yours respectfully
Smith Powell
Gen J. H. Cocke

Mr Borden's, Capt Cocke's and Miss Averys
families are well
yours &c

MSS 640

1861 Oct the 28th Hopewell

My Dear Master [General John Hartwell Cocke]

I have written to you every month and hope
that my letters has been received.
We have not received a letter from you
since you letter dated September the 2nd.
I hope that you are not sick.
We have had a great deal of Sickness
among the people both here and at New
Hope, mostly chills and fever- but we are
now much better than we have been.
we have had more Sickness up here so far
than they have had at new Hope.
There is a great deal of Sickness in the
Neighbourhood at present, mostly
chills and fever, but I hope that the sickly
Season will soon be over. We have had a
very pleasant fall so far-we have had but
very little cold. we had one very cold morning
last week- and a very frost[?] we have had
several hard rains since my last letter to
you. mr Powell was down the 8th inst. - and
staid two days. he said he was well
sattisfied with what work had been
done in his absents. he said he had not
received a letter from you for some time.

[page 2]
he wrote to you from place giveing you and
account of the birth of Betseys child. She has
increased to my surprise and I see that she
was in that way when she came home from
Columbus. She has a fine child and a white one.
We have preaching regularly at the Chapel.
There is no revivals of religion nowhere in
none of the Churches--we have our family
prayers every morning, as master Smith is
going to write I will say no more--your
Servant Lucy. Skipwith.

John H. Cocke

Lucy Skipwith was a slave trusted to manage one of John Hartwell Cocke's Alabama plantations.

MSS 640

Thursday, October 27, 2011

1861 October 27

[From the diary of Eugene M. Cox of the Albemarle Border Guards]

9 P.M. This pleasant Sabbath Day has been spent in peace and quiet--The sun with all the brightness and warmth of a summer's day has warmed, cheered, and enlifened us--forms quite a contrast with many a Sabbath Day sent by us in long and toilsome marches--Genl. Lee is here yet--

MSS 38-221

1861 October 27]

[from the diary of James Dinsmore Templeton, musician and private in the 23rd Ohio Infantry]

Played as usual. waited on B[oys?]
some who is quite unwell, Had fine
dinner of roast Beef mashed po-
tatoes Procured some Laurel roots
one piece from Carnifax. An attack
was made on a Boat coming up the
river no damage. Have done
nothing to must do better hereafter
very fine day clear cool

MSS 10317

1861 October 27 Camp near Centreville

Head Quarters 5 Brigade

My dear John

I have just received the box of clothing
all safely--opened it & delivered to the servants S[?] &
Tyler the articles for them--and retain what is for my-
self--This will give us an abundant supply for the
present--& I write to relieve your mind & that of
your mother of all uncertainty about the package
which may have been caused by my previous letters.

They have just sent me from Richmond a
Commission as Brig. Genl. dated 21st inst: This com-
mission does not in the least change my purpose which
as I wrote you some time since was fixed to remain
in service until after something decisive had transpired
in the line of military operations--If I survive
such events it will be time enough to think
of subsequent action--A few weeks at most
will I think develop the designs of the enemy upon
this line--and it may be in much less time--In the
mean time my consideration of duty, patriotism
and honour conspire to indicate clearly to me the
course marked out for myself as the only one
possible for me to pursue under the circumstances--

I am trying to have [?]Cocke commissioned as
A A Adjt Genl of the Brig & have written to the Secretary
or War upon the subject--I still think you ought

[page 2]
to remain at home at home at least for some time longer
if possible to reconcile your Mother & sisters to their
situation in my absence--It is not possible for me
to conceive any plan so proper & safe for them as
our own home especially if you remain with them--
and I forsee great, almost insurmountable objections
to so large a family of unprotected females & young
children going to board in a town or city. I do trust
in God that you mother & sisters will be reconciled to
the idea of remaining at home under your protection--

I have received a letter from Mr. Ed. Cunningham
in which he writes that my taxes amount to $1406.89
state & county for 1861--I suppose this includes Beldale
I send my check on the other side on the Farmers Bank
to Goode Sheriff of Powhatan--You will insert
on the check the initials of his first name--and get
his receipt for the taxes upon the tax bill when you
deliver to him the check--

If you can sell our wheat to any of the millers in
Richmond (who are responsible) or get Deane to select
for the best current prices we must let it go-in order
to raise money for current expenses. I hope they
will be able to dispose of the flour also--Ask them to
deposit proceeds of sales as they are made in the
Farmers Bank to my credit--or if of your produce
to your credit

I regret very much losing the agency of such a

[page 3]
house as that of Crenshaw & Co and if the break between
yourself and the house is not impasable-and I see
not why it should be--it will be our best policy to
continue their agency if they will agree to act--
They are business men & having means there is no danger
of losing by them--and besides they are able to
advance to us when we may find it convenient--
Few other houses are in such situation--
So continue with them if you can bring about
a satisfactory explanation o& agreement with them--
If not then we must get T.S. Deane H. & James to
act as our agents & Commission Merchants--

With love to all the dear ones I
remain my dear John
Yr afft father
Philip St Geo Cocke

Maj Jno G Cocke

P.S. Address all letters to Manassas

MSS 640

1861 October 27 Head Quarters Union Mills

My dear Miss [Hetty] Cary

Permit me once more to remind
yourself and you sister of the promise made by you
to visit the line of this army--a promise so long de-
ferred in its fulfillment that many an anticipant
has become heart-sic, and hope has become the
parent of despair.

"Piaceva madre di figlio crudele"

Now I am instructed by the General to say
that your presence is absolutely required to restore the
morale of the army; and of course the presence of
your sister and of you charming cousin, Miss
Constance, is included in the requisition. If
you resolve to obey the command, I have no
doubt you can dispose of the services of one
or more male friends to constitute your es=
cort. The General likewise instructs me to say
that, although never honored with an intro=
duction, he has yet seen enough to excite his
admiration of that combination of beauty,
intelligence and patriotism, which forms
an attraction strong enough to bring the
world to the feet of their possessors.

[page 2]
Our residence, of course, is at your disposal,
you shall have an escort of cavalry; and
the General will appoint you on his staff
as Aide-de-Camp.

I hope I shall not be
deemed presumptuous in saying that I expect
an answer to this invitation--if for no other pur=
pose than that, in your autograph, I may
possess a memento of one of the most pleasing
episodes of my life. Enclosed I send you
a copy of the verses written on the cars, which
I trust, will possess at least the merit
of legibility.

Very respectfully
Durant da Ponte

P.S. The General not wishing to make any
partial discrimination between two sisters
so lovely and so deserving, send the en=
closed button, as complementary to the
one bestowed before.

[separate sheet of paper enclosed]

On Seeing Miss Cary's Pistol

Ah! why should I this useless weaon fear
When thou hast deadlier weapons at command?
Why seek to fly when I could welcome here,
The death inflicted by so fair a hand?
For deadlier, far, than pistol or than lance
Than sword or dagger, or than barbéd dart,
Are those bright rays that 'neath thine eyelids glance,
Strike through the breast, and pierce the willing heart,
Then tell me not 'tis death to linger here;
Or that thy hand with Lethean gifts is rife;
For it were sweeter far, to perish here
By hands like thine, than centuries of life,
And if 'twere speedy death to stay, then I,
Shouldst thou command, could only wish to die,

Durante Da Ponte, 1823-1894,journalist, editor, and occasional painter served on the staffs of Confederate generals Earl Van Dorn and John B. Magruder.
Hetty Cary, a famous Confederate belle, later married Confederate General John Pegram.

MSS 1415

1861 October 27 Camp Federal Hill Baltimore

Brother William Your last letter is received as I have A few moments I will try & write you A few lines the work on our Post is now finished with the exception of mounting A few guns but that will be done by men hired for that part for my part I am not sorry that we have got through for it was the hardest digging that I ever had as soon as I get A chance I will send Home some specimens of the different kinds of clay we had to dig through the Fort is verry strong & it will take A verry large force to take it from us I cannot tell how many guns will be mounted some say fifty & some say one hundred the guns are so placed that one part of the Fort protects the other part & every gun points direct on the City Father in his last letter wished me to let him know how Federal Hill was situated now that is A tough Job for me but I will tell you as near as I can how it is situated it is about the same as MonJoy to Portland with the exception instead of the Hill being at one end of the City it is about the Cnter of the Hill commands the Bay & the City lays the same as if Portland City commenced at Hog Island & extended from Hog Island round to Tukeys Bridge all the Wharfes are right in Front of the Hill & the Hill is about two hundred feet from the water now if you can make anything out of this all right, we have commenced drill since we got through working on the trenches, Company drill from one halfe past eight to one halfe past eleven Battalion drill from one halfe past two untill four with knapsacks Batalion drill is tough, one hour & A halfe constant drill with about fifty lbs on you back is no Joke I have got A tremenduous lot of clothes & when they are all in my knapsack it is hard work to get it together you say you had A chance to go as Sergant Major in the Fifth of Maine what do you know about serjent Major duties if you can get A chance in either of the other Regiments why dont you go it will not hurt you how are they getting along in the twelvth & thirteenth I have about six letters to write to day this is the third one & how I am going to write the other three I dont know I will write you again soon remember me to all From your Brother George

Letters from George Leavitt and his brother Joseph were copied into a ledger by their father John Leavitt in October 1865 "because they are of value to me and I was fearful that they might get mislaid." Both boys were mortally wounded int he war, George at Second Bull Run, August 30, 1862, and Joseph at Spotsylvania, May 18, 1864. Presumably Brother William survived the war.

MSS 66

1861 October 27

[From the diary of Francis G. Hale, 34th Ohio Zouaves]

News came today that
the boys was coming back
that they had advanced
to little mud creek
and was com ing back
in a fiew days but
I do not [k]now
how soone it will be for
we never be lieve any
thing that we hear
un less it comes from
a re li a ble sorse they
are all well as far as
i can learn they got
som horses but not
many and some sheepe
a cattle they did not see
any of the enimy I
believe nor did not
have any skirmish

MSS 13405

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

1861 October 26

[from the diary of James Dinsmore Templeton, private and musician in the 32 Ohio Infantry]

Played as usual no Dress parade
did not practice any from the
fact that several of the Boys
are unwell, we had was out &
procured some apples &c, sprincled
rain a little this afternoon.

MSS 10317

1861 October 16 Camp of the Fifth Maine Regiment Near Alexandria Va

Dear Father Your kind & welcome Letter of the 21st came to hand And it Maide me feel good when I came to that part of the Letter in Which you said Lieut Martin called at the House & let you know that I was in the Fight and gave me such a good name for doing my duty I do not want to put any ting in my Letters about Bragging but there is one thing & that is when the time come for action again you will not find me to flinch to act with the rest of my Fellow Soldiers without I am sick so that I cannot act with them when Lieutenant Martin Left this Regiment the Boys were sorry to part with him because he had been A good Officer with them I suppose you heard about the Boys put in and bought two watches and Maide a Present to Him & Captain Sawyer that was because they liked them as Officers but they did not like Capt Thomas on account of his tryng to push them in to every old thing that came along this Company is the second company to the right of the regiment & was the Flag company therefore they call the company at the right as the Post of honor Company when McFearson writes Home to his Wife about my being sick, I do not want you to Mind anything about it when I am sick so that I think I cannot stand it I will apply for my discharge & not before I want to stay now & see this truble out yesterday I receved A Letter from Ellen and I do not know how to direct one to her he wrote to me & said that Edward did not care enough about her to come to see her when she was at Home, I do not want you to write to her and tell her that I wrote to you about it, It is getting dark now & must close my Letter by telling you that Pay day is coming off soon & you must look out Because they are making out the Payrolls & you can have A Little money to take care of for me From you affectionate Son Joseph Leavitt

P.S. I received A letter from you day before yesterday but I cannot find it to tell you the date of it & when you write to me again I want you to write & tell me how to direct one to Ellen it has cost me A great deal for Postage stamps most every letter that I receive from you I have to pay three cents what is due on them But I want you to keep on writing every day or every two days The next letter I write to you I will try & tell you all about the march to Bulls Run & Back.

Letters from Joseph Leavitt and his brother George were copied into a ledger by their father John Leavitt in October 1865 "because they are of value to me and I was fearful that they might get mislaid." Both boys were mortally wounded int he war, George at Second Bull Run, August 30, 1862, and Joseph at Spotsylvania,
May 18, 1864

MSS 66

1861 October 26

[from the diary of Sgt. Francis G. Hale of Co. F, 34th Ohio Zouaves]

I took my men that was
sick to the hospittal
this morning to get their
medicin one fellow
he thought to play sick
but the steward found
him out this morn
ing and had him
a bed fix up stairs
for him and he
give him a dose of
medicin half of a
tinfull of salts
three spoonsfull of
casteroil and two pills
I think he will feele
better when he get well
H[e]a[r]d Austin is getting
better and expects to
get out soone.

MSS 13405
get out come

1861 October 25

[From the diary of Wesley Hammond of the Dixie Greys, Co. E of the 42nd Virginia Infantry]

Morning cold and frosty good deal
March troop Mt. to Marlin’s
Bottom. Greenbrier Bridge. Cross
2 mountains. distance 16
miles. Hear that the Yankees have
left Valley Mountain – Left a cannon.
Received letter from N. & P. R. Y.

MSS 5526

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

1861 October 25 Camp near Centreville

Head Quarters 5 Brig

My dear John [B. Cocke]

Mr. Grant arrived last evening
and tells me that he received no letters or
package for you--I know not therefore who
brought the letters which I wrote you were handed
to me one day by a courier and I can not trace
who brought them--So as to inquire about the box
of clothing In your letter (received with the letters of
the girls above referred to) you say you intended to
send your letters & the box by Mr Grant with whom
you had met at Richmond So I now suppose
since seeing Mr. Grant that you must have sent
all by some other person--but by whom I am unable
to learn & so far have heard nothing of the box--
Perhaps it may yet be delivered here I write
to order those you may inform me and also enquire
You will have heard of the brilliant fight of
Evans near Leesburg in which he repulsed three or
four times his numbers & captured several
hundred prisoners & six pieces of artillery--

We suppose the enemy to be slowly & cautiously
advancing to make fight with us here but
of course we know not when or exactly when he
will come--Perhaps the advance upon Leesburg

[page 2]
was intended by him if successful as a preliminary
or part of a more general movement--We are
throwing up entrenchments upon the higher places
near Centreville which clearly indicates that
our army intends to make a final stand &
a fight here--and it may come at any time
the enemy chooses to advance--but when that
may be no one can foretell--The sooner however
the better for us--Providence so far seems to
have preserved our cause in every battle and
we must still trust that the bravery of our
soldiers and the over ruling arm of a just
and merciful God will again give us the
victory whenever a battle shall take place

Tell the dear girls I thank them from my heart
for their affectionate letters--Tell them dear John
& remember yourself, that this apparently cruel
separation of our family May be intended to teach
us all that there is no real safety & dependence
but in trust & faith in God--All human hopes
are transitory and that we must seek by earnest
prayer the guidance & protection of our Father
in Heaven--and that you all may trust in Him
and find comfort & protection & hope now & hereafter
is my earnest prayer now that I am seperated from
you and feel that none but the Omnipotent can
protect save & guide us all

[page 3]
Tell your mother that I wrote her a very hurried
letter by last mail to reply to her last dated the
1st inst.--That I trust she will excuse the many
defects of my letters which I am sure she would
to a great measure do if she could form any
adequate idea of the difficulties & distractions
attending letter writing situated in camp as we are--

Your Uncle Charles [Cary Cocke] is encamped about a
mile further in the turnpike between Centreville
and Cub run. He is well--He is in the
2d Army Corps now commanded by Genl Smith--

I still wish you to remain with the family
and not to come up here until I write for you
I suppose you can find some person to be trusted
to deliver the box of clothing--or write to me
if you have sent it on so that I can find it--

Write both to Manassas & to Centreville--sending
duplicate letters--We have a courier going
daily to Manassas for letters--as there is no
mail I believe to this place--The family should
direct their letters to Manassas

With love & prayers for you all I remain my
dear John
Yr afft father
Philip St Geo Cocke

Major John B. Cocke

MSS 640
[to be continued]

1861 October 25

[from the diary of James D Templeton, private and musician in the 23rd Ohio Infantry]

Played as usual Did nothing
today of any importance practiced
a little alone. Gillet & Charlie
got another tent, Phil quite
sick Abb & Milton out the sick
list. Hard frost this morning ice
formed cool cloudy.

MSS 10317

1861 October the 25 Orange court house

Dear father and mother
It is with pleasure that
I seat my self to let
know that I am well
and hope when theas
few lines come to hand
thy may find you
enjoying the same bless
ing we had a battle
at leasburg we killed
and wounded and taken
prisners a bout 1500 men
I dont think our
Regiment was in the
fight we air expecting
a big fight every day
father I have no
news of importance
to write to you

[page 2]
I dont think it will be very long untill
peace is made
father I would like
if you would send
me two or three
dollars if you have
it I have not got
a cent of money
we will draw about
40 dollars and I will
send you the maney[sic]
back again I want
as you to send it as soon
you receive this letter
if you can send the course
send the money
in the course 2 weaks
direct it to the Regiment
if you in the co send
me the money in a short

[page 3]
direct it t orange
court house Va
I made mistake a bout you
sending me some money if you
can send me the many
in the course 2 weeks direct
to orange court house and
if you cant direct it to the
28 Regiment Va Vol In care
of P. G. Breckenridge
give my love to all the
children I would like
to see you all mother
I read my bible every
day nearly i an[sic] in
fine spirits tell george
to take the answer
to amsterdam so it
will directly george write
to me often and
let the girls a lone
writ to me how much

[page 4]
wheat you sowed
tell Benton howdy
for me if i ever get
home we will have
Jolly old time
now I must bring
my letter to a close
nothing more at
but i hope to remain
your dear son
James B Painter

[caricature of head sketched below signature]

James B. Painter, Corporal in Co. K, 28th Virginia Infantry

MSS 10661

1861 Oct[ober] 25 Camp Near Centreville

[postscript to Cary C. Cocke's letter of October 22

Artillery Corps Army of Potomac

A courier has just arrived who says that Genl Evans was attacked by
8000 men; our force under Genl Evans was 2000 the enemy lost
in prisoners 700 in killed & drowned in the river some 500. we
took only 3 cannons & 2000 stand of arms. the rout was complete
They sent over a flag of truce with 300 men to bury their dead & whilst
their men were so employed they sent a force up the river to try &
cross above & surprise our wary Genl, but he was not trusting them,
& let them see he had an eye to the living & As well as the dying &
the dead!! so we ought to thank God again for his goodness

[page 4]
and wonderful loveing kindness & tender mercy which he
continues so signally to bestow upon our army. I wrote the
first part of this two days or more ago but had no chance
to send it home--We had a white frost like snow
here this morning but I got thru the night very well
& am as well as ever was in my life

MSS 640

1861 October 25]

[from the diary of Francis G. Hale of Co. F, 34th Ohio Zouaves]

This morning was frosty
and cold we had to
get up & build a fire
in the night to keepe warm
till day light then we
had to hall a nother
load of wood
I put one man on
guard this morning his
name is Bill Hosier he
was on guard awhile
and let a fellow go
over the line and was
put in the guard house

1861 Oct[ober] 25 Camp Near Centreville

My Dear Wife

I recd yours of Wednesday last and
although I am in a state of buisy[sic] preparations
for a march in the morning at 7 oclock
I must take time to say that I do not
Expect to be able to send you a letter for
the next three days. that being the time
for which we are ordered to carry Rations
I am not permited to know where I am
bound for until to morrow morning
when I am instructed to report to Genl
Stu[a?]rt for orders. We will be sent on Some
sort of Picket duty probably 5 or 6 miles in
advance of our lines. Gibbons is sick & Major
Walker serving on a general court martial hence
I will be in command without any field of-
ficer to assist me, but I will make two first
rate ones in less then no time out of capts. Sto-
ner & Kinney. I hope to have a pleasant time
& Return safe with all my men--
Tell Jim & Lizzie Papa is very sorry he
cant come & see them & that it is too cold for
them to come & see me. I want to see them
very much indeed and would like to go home
for other reasons, but you see very plainly
my situation & how utterly impossible it
is for me to get a leave of absence

even if under the circumstances I could get
my own consent to ask for one.
From your letter I observe that you have
pretty much done Everything preparatory
to your return to Frescatti, to which
place I am anxious you should Return

[page 2]
before we have another Engagement
here which is still anticipated by
our commanders--though from the
proclimation[sic] of Mr Seward some of
us think he is preparing the public's mind
for the Recognition of our independence
on the ground of the absolute necessity of
the case. For instance he sets up a pretense
that Either England or France or both of
them are about to compell the opening
of Southern ports by an invasion of the
north, hence he calls on the Governors
of the Northern States to put all their weak
points on a perfect state of defence--This
being done, then on the slightest offensive
demonstration by Either of these powers he
can very Easy say--well we cant fight
the world, let us make peace with the
South &c This idea is favorably entertained
at Hd Quarters--Yet all is preparation for
a conflict.

I have written hunt[?] a note about
the Yancey house. I cant make him
a deal now because I cant get to an
officer who has power to take my
acknowledgement, I send an agreement
however which if he will sign binds all
parties & which he can keep in his

Write often Love to all
most affectionately
E T H Warren

Frascatti, Jennie Warren's family home near Somerset in Orange County, Va., was purchased in 1841 by her father Captain James Magruder from the widow of the original owner the Supreme Court justice Philip Pendleton Barbour. It is still standing and is on the Virginia National Landmarks Register.

Warren appears to be referring to the Proclamation by Abraham Lincoln and Secretary of State William H. Seward of the previous April blockading Southern ports.

Monday, October 24, 2011

1861 October 24 Camp Ewing

[from the diary of James Dinsmore Templeton, private and musician in the 23rd Ohio Infantry]

Played as usual did nothing
hardly to day wrote letter to Pap
and give it to Max to carry
Home Lumber was brought on
to the ground with which to
floor for tents I payed off Moor
for cooking Sent my Minniature Home
cleared off this afternoon quite Cool

Camp Ewing

Dear Parents [Daniel G. and Jane Templeton]
Having an opportunity to
send a few lines by a fellow
Mr Geo Moore from New-
London who is now going
home I thought to write he came with us from
Camp Chase as Cook
I paid him Five Dollars this
morning as my share for
cooking This with some things
which I have been obliged
to buy has reduced my
5 We expect however to
receive our pay soon as
the Pay-Master has paid Troops
only a short distance below
us. there are Troops Camped
all along the River from
here to the Ohio river

[page 2]
On Monday there was some
skirmishing between our men
and some Rebels who were across
the River at times the fireing
was quite sharp This took
place about Two miles from Our
Camp little attention was
however paid to it--I believe
only Two or Three of our men
were killed. Lumber was brought
in this morning with which to
floor our tents This would seem
to indicate that we are to remain
here a time longer it may be
all winter. There are a good-
many of our men Sick the
Hospitals are all full
My health has been good all the
difficulty I find with me is
that I am disposed to Eat too much
Yesterday as I was in the woods close
to camp I discovered some Pigs
running about calling one of the Boys

[page 3]
we followed them down into a
deep ravine whee we succeeded
in killing one which we skined
& Dressed this will make us several
messes. This however is not the first
one we have had

We have now divided our Band into
two messes each of which do their
own cooking We have divided the
work so that each one will have
an equal a share to do as possible
Next[?] I am to start the Fire & chop
the wood. Wight & Coffin Cook
Campbell & W. Arthur wash Dishes
Bryan & Critchfield cary water
Fulkerson[?] & A. Arthur provide Wood
I get up and start the Fire
before Reville which is at 5 Oclock
I find that this is not sleeping
up Stairs until Breakfast is
ready especially these frosty
mornings The cooks have just
called us to Dinner and I am very hungry

[page 4]
Have finished my dinner had fresh potk
fried crackers & coffee
I wish we had plenty of Potatoes we
have managed to trade for some but
they are quite scarce Yesterday the
commissary issued us rations of them
they only had enough for one issue

[next line obscured by fold in in letter causing penciled words to smear, perhaps:]
How [?] our Potatoes do
I think they might be issued
to us at less expense than some
other things which we get
I have not received any letter
from you since I received the
one brought by Stoner
Bill Cress seems to get along
quite well he has not had any
thing to do yet though Stoner
was unwell for some days but
is well now

W Arthur has not got back yet his
time was up the 20th Boys think
he must be sick I received the Box of
Caps you sent suit me very well
I would say write soon for you must know
that letters to us from Home are always
Welcome Yours
J. D. Templeton

Templeton was concerned with the soldiers and bandsmen in the 23rd Ohio, and not with the affairs of the officers. He does not mention that on this day future president Rutherford B. Hayes was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel of the 23rd.
MSS 10317

MSS 10317

1861 October 24

[from the diary of Wesley Hammond of the Dixie Greys, Co. E of the 42nd Virginia]

Last night was very cold and frosty –
Our Company detailed

as rear guard. March through
Frankford in morning – Encamp
at night on troop mountain
March 17 miles – crossing
mountains – had a great
deal of trouble with the sick
about 9 O’clock before we got to

MSS 5526

1861 October 24

My dear Ma;
It has been so long since I wrote
a letter that I’ve almost gotten my hand out. I don’t believe I’ve writ-
ten since Bro John left – I had rather do most anything else than write.
Nothing of any importance has happened since Pen wrote to you last –
We got back to camp yesterday evening – we had a very nice time
with the exception of one evening that it rained very hard. It was very
cool last night & the wind blew very hard– came very near blowing our tents
over – Mr. Walthall left us this morning – he seemed to enjoy himself
very much – Kit stayed with him when we went on picket.
Leon is still here, having a very nice time – I don’t think he has
any idea of going home anytime soon unless we move away. I’ve
thought of Jim & Meade oftener more than ever since Leon has been with us
wish they could come over to see us. Leon has promised to sleep in my
tent to night…Will Ashby got back to camp yesterday evening – all at Uncle
William’s were well – Cou[s]ine Bailey will return to Culpepper tomorrow.
Uncle Phil Ashby was here a few days ago – he is camped near here…. We had
the full particulars of the fight at Leesburg this morning – a great ma-
ny of the prisoners passed here – I did not see any them – It is reported
today that the Yankees have possession of Leesburg but no one believes
it. We hear a great many rumours – heard the other day that we were
going to Kentucky, no one believed that of course….
Your letter to Pen was received this morning - we were very glad to
hear from all of you . We will be glad to see Bro. John back – will
expect him Tuesday or Wednesday – reckon he will hate to leave home

[page 2]
right bad – the trunk which he started with was left at the sta=
tion – we got it the next day & have it now – will send it home by the first
opportunity – would have sent it by Mr. Walthall but he was not going
to the CH & we did not like to trouble him with it. I wish Pa would
come over with Bro. John if he thought he could get through, but
I reckon it would be very doubtful whether he would find us here
or not, for I do n’t think we are settled yet by any means. I wish
Joe Brooks would pay us a visit – tell him he must come over with
Bro. John & bring his blanket & spend several weeks with us..
They are still throwing up breast works – are fortifying nearly
every hill near Centreville – I do n’t think our Generals have any idea
of falling back anymore. I never was more surprised at anything
in my life as I was when we fell back from Fairfax. I hated
leaving the Station right much, had been there so long that I had
formed and attachment for the place – This is a very good place
for a camp – right on a very high hill & plenty of hen grass
all around us which makes a very good bed. I must now
stop for the present. Excuse this badly written letter & all mistakes
I am ashamed to send my letters very often – they are so badly
written & there is so little connection – my best love to all
at home & friends & accept a large share for yr self.
yr devoted & most
P. S. Aff son Edloe –
Pen says send his old grey suit by Bro. John.
My boots can be easily altered so as to fit by put[t]ing
a piece in the leg – the foot is plenty large I’m certain –
P. E. Jones
P. Edloe Jones, Private Co. E, 13th Virginia Infantry
MSS 13407

1861 October 24 Helmswood

                Helmswood  Octs 24th 1861.
                 My dear children,
                                             I’ve just
recd the sad intelligence that
poor Thom Brown is dead, shot
[In pencil above the line are the words, “Watts half brother”.]
by a bullet just above the eye
as he was going out to picket
duty, and I feel so sad that
I must [-] you a few lines
I went to see the boys last week
and failed to see them in cones-
quence of a general move among
the troops, so that it was almost
impossible to find where they were
I feel so sorry that I did not
See Thom!  Poor fellow!  In the
Twinkling of an eye he is sudden
ly cut down and hurried into eter-
nity.  Oh! My children do you not
see the importance of trying to be
ready?  At any moment we may
be called away, and how awful

[page 2]
to enter the presence of God
unprepared!  Try my children to
give y’r hearts unreservedly to the
Lord now while you are young,
and you will never have cause to
regret it thr’o life.  Last Monday
we had a very severe battle near
Lees burg, which began in Mr Trun-
dle’s field.  Early in the morning
some forty Mississippians went out
as a scouting party and came in
sight of five or six companies of
Yankees who were marching up to
town.  Ours charged upon them and
routed them.  Later in the day many
more came up and for three or
four hours there was very severe
fighting between some 2500 of our
forces and 3 to 5000 of the enemy
We whipped them, taking upwards
of 700 prisoners, killing some 200

[page 3]
and causing it is thought more
than 300. to be drowned.  As our
troops ran them to the river so
many jumped on one ^ ‘canal’ boat that
it sunk and nearly every one was
drowned.  They say the screams were
awful.  One general was killed
a colonel taken prisoner and many
other officers of lower grade.
Well I have such a head ache
to night.  I cant write more
with any comfort.  I expect to
start for Amherst about the 6th
of Nov: if nothing prevent and
will probably see you the last
of the week – My love to all
Good night!  May the Lord bless
and keep you both! Kiss each
other for me –
                  Y’r affectionate father
                       R.W. Watts

[page 4]
[The following words are inserted in pencil.]
     Death of Uncle Tom Brown Watts
Fighting between Yankees & Rebs
         Near Leesburg, Va

Robert W. Watts, 1825-1910, Methodist minister who served several parishes in central Virginia

[transcription by Mary Roy Dawson Edwards]

MSS 809

1861 October 24

[from the diary of Francis G. Hale, Co. F, 34th Regiment Ohio Zouaves]

We had a big frost this
morning the ground
was very white and we
are about out of wood so
we will have to Hall wood
to day I went out to
day and halled a load of
wood we took a yoke of oxen
and found some persimmons
but they are not ripe
yet I had to make
out a list of the men
that are left here of the
sickness and what kind
I made it out and put
to it all very lousy
and then had to take one
to the hospittal there
is three of them in the
hospittal here now Had

Austin is getting better
and I hope will be well
soone for he is the
best fellow I ever met
with or as good I believe
all the rest of the boys
that went are at hericas
bridge the are I expect
suffering very mutch
I expect though the
have good quarters they
are agoing to take
some things over
there tomorrow I
have a chance but
I cannot go for I
have my men to take
care of to draw rations
and make out reports
I saw a man in the hosp

ittal today that has his
left arm shot of he was
in the battle at Chapman
ville he be longed to our
regiment and was left
there and had his arm
amputated near the sholder
he says the other man
that we left there died
the next morning and
that the secech colonel
that was wounded there
the one we left is mend
ing fast and that he
will get well but he
will not take up arms
against the united
states again we got a
dayly paper to day we
had to pay a dime for it

MSS 10317

1861 October 24 Stewarts House near Centreville

[pages 1 and 5 are cross hatched]

CH QM Dept 1st Corps Army of Potomac

Dear Sister mine [Hetty Cary, future wife of General John Pegram]
How long it seems since I have written to you my precious so-
roral relative but could you only see the amount of business done in the Quartermasters
Department you would not wonder at my silence. Business flows in upon us in a steady
current from morning til night--not til "dewy eve" for we run up often to 8 or 9 oclk
Then the papers of the office and correspondence have still to be arranged and your
uncle Fuller is so slow in his movements that it takes him a considerable time to
wind up the day.---There is not a moment of the day really that I can call
my own for even if there is no one requiring attention in the office--I consider
it my duty to snatch the few moments for perusal of the Army Regulations, so
as to acquaint myself with the duties of the department hitherto have had
no time even for thee--Mary Barbour is now sick in bed & consequently my
time is harder than ever. I am so fearful of making a mistake in my payments
it makes me continually anxious. I feel here not as if I had mercy to do as I am
but, but as if by accepting the position in which I am placed I was supposed [to]
know everything connected with it--& of course you know I would be mortified to
death if I was found wanting--and I really know so little--that I constantly
dread being thought inefficient. Sometimes I would give worlds to be relieved of
a feeling of impossibility, which always somehow or other weighs on me--I would

[page 2]
rather be in the ranks than here to get rid of anxiety & hard work but I believe
the training of this office will render me more of a man--more fit for something here
after--I hope to grow quicker & sharper in business transactions--The business of a Quar-
termaster is entirely different that of a merchant & my part of it is different from
that of a clerk in a counting room who has a regular routine--& a certain defined class
of affairs to attend to--I can truly say that in this place I am actuated by no desire
to make money--All I care for the money is to pay expenses--whatever they be, and
to make you independent while exiles in Virginia--My own individual expenses
here would be high--but of course must bear my share of the mess--which occasions
great trouble i.e. making proportionate shares I would rather board somewhere, if it could be procured, than mess with
tom dick & Harry as we do now--I am afraid it will bother me not a little to settle up
the mess accounts--to make out the share to be borne by the difft members--so irregular
has everything been--If it wasnt for you all I wd pay the whole thing myself and
say nothing about it--This is strictly entre nous, Farewell to a disagreeable subject
Mr. Banks brought me the other day the bundle & letter from you--I wish the old
lady had sent me my gray vest---she has sent collar & cravats enough to last until
the end of a seven years war--I would give anything ifyou could make me a shirt
like our Maryland Guard--but I know you cant get the material--If I could only
get sent to Rich;mond on business I could get someshirts & a cloth jacket so as to
look decent--But I am more needed in the in-door operatins--I wd be afraid
of want of knowledge of business to undertake the out door--I received a few
days ago by an agent of the Department a pair of blankets wh I sent for from Petersburg--a very

[page 3]
nice pair they are indeed & together with those Miss Mannie sent me, make me
very comfortable--The chesnuts you sent me are very acceptable I am discussing
some now--We generally examine their merits after supper by the office fire-side
My watch stopped the a week ago==& I am good for nothing without it--I am
going to send it to Charlottesville by Wilson c. Nicholas who is a relation of ours & lives in Albemarle-a fine
active young fellow --who was until lately Gen. Beauregards orderly--now engaged as
agent in this Department. He goes early in the morning & I will get him to drop
this letter for you at Brandy--I suppose you are still staying at with Connie [Constance Cary Harrison]-if
you are not there she will send to Dr Slaughter & in the course of time it may
reach you--If it were not for the uncertainty I would enclose you some funds, but
dont be afraid of expense--you have some money--get what you want--I'll send the
needful by the first opportunity as soon as I know where you are--Now dont think
you are dependent for in the first place I dont want the money--& in the 2d if I
ever do --you can consider it a loan, & pay it when you marry some rich old fellow who has nothing else to do but "shell out" For goodness sake give up the idea of returning
home--I supposed Ma's leter had settled that--Dont you see that you can be of
no possible use there, but merely a source of anxiety? Last Tuesday night the 15th
we evacuated Fairfax C. J.--I never passed such a night in my life--I had to super-
intend the packing our office fixtures & baggage--furniture--Kitchen utensils--china &c
into the wagon--it was an arduous task--the servants wee all more or less tight & it was
the hardest thing to keep them going--I did half the work myself--After that about 3
oclk in the Morning --just as we had packed up everything Major Barbour sent me

[page 4]
me[sic] off ahead on horse back through a country & to a place with which I was
totally unacquainted to try and find Head Quarters for Beauregard & to return
& report to him on the his way to there--I rode off as fast as I could drive--through the
dark night--It was one of the grandest scenes I ever witnessed--The whole
country lit up here & there with huge camp fires--making the night darker than
it really was--except where the glare of the fires glittered on the bristling bayonets
& revealed the faces, with the grandest effect of light & shade--of vast multitudes it
seemed--marching hither & thither--midst blare of trumpet & sounding music which
floated grandly through the midnight air--fainting away in the distance as I farther
I rode rapidly on--now the road was blocked up with wagons hurrying their teams
causing me to pick my way over stumps & through the burning embers of campfires
now & then stumbling over some weary soldier taking a short nap by the way--now
I came upon a group regiment falling into line amidst commands of officers & echoes
of subalterns--Here in the field was a store house blazing to the skies--There
by the road side a burning wagon --with fiery-circled wheels all circled of fire enclosing their
flaming spokes like rays of gold--There the wild confusion of Light & darkness--music
fire-cries-orders-the tramp of men-clanging of arms-crackling of the flames-
made an impression on me I never shall forget--On I rode through the night down
damp valleys & through dark woods--how cold & cheerless I felt! the music had died
away--the fires were past--& the chill mists of the valleys reminded me that I had left
my coat behind trusting to the warmth of a flannel shirt--On I travelled, thinking
of home & comfort--across fields--through thickets & drawbars[?]--pulling down fences & forgetting
to put them up--barked at by dogs & sleepily answered by their masters--whose slumbers I
disturbed with questions of no consequence to them--but "on the contrary quite the reverse"
to me--till finally grey dawn overtook me just as I reached the house I was directed
to try for --I rapped up the occupants midst the howling of a dozen curs--Meeting with
no success from one whose husband had left her with six small children etc I scram-
bled over fenced fields to another house in view--after a long conversation & exhausting
all my powers of persuasion -I left & visited some dozen houses in the vicinity-without
success--till finally I came to a Mr Kincheloes who invited me into a nice breakfast which I
relished I assure you (he comes from Alexandria) After breakfast he & his wife agreed to give up the
house except one room for their own use--this being the best I cd. do--I started back---reached Fair
fax C.H. abt 12 o'c--which was the picture of a deserted village--Missed Maj Barbour who had gone--
got not dinner--in the evening started with Capt. Moore asst q.M. of Maj Barbour--for Centreville--7 miles from
Fairfax C.H.--Staid there some time & then started on another 7 mile trip to Union Mills where Maj B

[cross hatched on page 1]
had gone for quarters--I reached there ater a long ride almost broken down--found our quarters after a great
many questions in a small rickety log house--where I got supper & retried shortly after to the only bed in the house
which Maj. B. & I occupied--The next day we determined to move to Centreville
and here we are in very comfortable quartrs in the house of a Mr. Stewart
who is an exceedingly clever man being hospitable & kind. The house is very
crowded at present as Gen. Beauregard occupies the largest & best part of it
but he is[?] but he will soon move out to his other quarters which have been
provided for him. Mr. Stewart also reserved a room in the house for himself
having sent his family away. This house when the Yankees were here was the
headquarters of Genl Schenck who was thrashed so badly at Vienna yu remember
when we were in Baltimore--But it is very late & as I will have a tough day
again tomorrow--as Maj Barbour is still too sick to leave his bed--I think
I must leave you though I have a great deal to say & could talk all night.
I sat up all night a few nights ago--If I I was not so slow of comprehension
I would not have to work hard By the way I bought a military cap
from Capt. John Dooley of the 1st Virga Regt. who is the great Richmond
Hatter he had a lot of caps on hand for sale I got one & now I am called
Capt. & Lieut &c by the frequenters of our office Give my
love to Aunt Minnie & Connie & take a great deal for Jennie
& yourself Good night Let me hear from you soon---
The Maryland Regt is but a quarter of a mile ff in sight but I havent
had time yet to go to see the boys. Mr. Cameron is staying with Mr Steart

Good night

W M Cary

Wilson Miles Cary, 1838-1914, University of Virginia alumnus and afterwards a lawyer in Baltimore, Md.

MSS 1174