Monday, January 2, 2012

1862 January 1 Charlottesville, Va.

[from the letterbook of University of Virginia law professor John B. Minor]

To Mrs. E. O. Carter
Upperville, Fauquier Co Va

Dr Madam
I send you herewith, a check for $40, for hire
of Joe for 1861.
The recent death of my brother, & the de-
pressed price of one of our chief staples, tobacco,
having made it necessary, in the opinion of his
executors of whom I am one, to forbear to hire
any hands for the use of the farm belonging
to him & me, on which he has hitherto been em-
ployed, I was obliged to find him another
home in the neighbourhood. I have done so
at the best price I could obtain, &c as to be suffi-
ciently convenient to his wife,--only $85, with
which I hope you will be content. In other
neighbourhoods, more remote, I could have got
ten a better price, but supposed that by remo-
ving him so far, I should thwart yr wishes.
Shd you not discard me as yr agt for
another year, after this experience, I shd be glad
to have yr instructions how far the consideration
of contiguity to his wife, must weigh agst a better
The name of his present employer is Ths.
W. Wood, whose bond I retain subject to yr order.
Ivery heartily sympathize with the alarms
&c &c.


MSS 3114

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