Saturday, January 14, 2012

1862 January 14

Capt C C Cocke Dear Sir I drop you a few
lines to Let you no that I am yet in the Land of
the living tho I am not able to do any thing some
times for weeks I am laid up I hope when this
reaches Camp it may find you and all of your men
well I no that you think hard of my leaving when
I did and as I did I no that I have done contrary to
the Law and I am sorry that it is so but I was
persueaded by many that I thought new more then I did
to leave when I left I did not intend to stay so long as I
have but not being able for service is the cause of my
not returning I was excited when I left on the
account of my on situation and that of my family
I had bin gone some six weeks and they wrote
me that they had never received any thing form[sic] the
county and they were likely to sufer so under these
considerrations I be came excited and I have sufered
great agony of paine since I left the doctor
says he cant do me any good rest and to
rub with sompthing[sic] is the best thing for me
tho I wish I was there if I can do any good I am
not able to stoop about I am just as true
to the South and her writes[sic] as any many and
if you can assine[sic] me to any place that I can
perform and send me a furlow for ten days
to come on I will try and get there I have not
bin able to do 1 days work se[hole in paper] last harvest

[page 2]
please write and let me hear I had
understood that the company says that I shall
not come in any more or at least they dont
want me if you will be so kind as
to write to me you will pleas direct yours
to Scottsville Your most umble servant
Samuel H Harden

Capt C C Cocke
Manssas Junction

MSS 640

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