Tuesday, September 6, 2011

1861 September 6 University of Virginia

Dear Genl [John Hartwell Cocke]

I should have written
before this to thank you for your kind
letter of July 29th (which however was
delayed for some weeks on the way)
but expected for a time, that you would
make a visit to this place, as I heard was
your intention--& then I decided to
make you a visit myself--Accordingly
I directed some of my correspondents
write to me at Bremo & will thank
you to send me any letters which may
come to your care, to this office, as it is
now out of my power to make you a
visit as my mother would be left
entirely alone--my aunt having gone to
Richmond I have made the

[page 2]
acquaintance of your friend Miss Moon
& am very much prepossessed in her favor-
She told me she expected to have seen you
up here sometime since--I hope you have
not given out coming altogether--
I learned from Mr Ryland a few days since
that our college buildings had been rented
as a hospital & consequently our session
would not commence in Oct: as usual-
He said, at the time of his writing, the Board
of Trustees had not fully decided their
relation to the faculty during the prolonged
suspension--Phil: Cabell staid one day
with me on his way to join his uncle P
I have heard from once since- & he
seemed cheerfu, & was comfortably rixed--

Hoping to see you soon, with kindest
regards, in which my mother unites,

I am yours truly
Wm. G. Strange

P. S. When you write please direct to the
University, not to Chlle as you did before
which may have occasioned in some
degree the delay of your letter--

William G. Strange, 1824- of Dunlora, Charlottesville, Va., was the brother of John Bowie Strange, 1832-1862, for whom the local United Confederate Veterans Camp was named.

It is not clear whether Strange is referring to Dr. Orianna Moon of Scottsville, now serving as a doctor at the University hospital (see letter of July 19) or her sister, the missionary Lottie Moon who had interceded on Orianna's behalf (see letter of July 29)

MSS 640

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