My Dear Mother
I recd yours yesterday & I assure you it gives me great pleasure to hear so often from home I received A visit from Mr Henry Jackson & Family yesterday & I tell you I was verry glad to see them I was glad to see & talk with some one that had seen those that are so dear to me at Home; we are getting along verry fast with our fortification & I think we shall soon have them finished when the Fort is finished it will be verry strong so it will be almost impossible to take it from us although I do not think we shall have any occasion to fire A gun it will do no hurt to be prepared in case there should be any trouble this Regiment is more feared than any other in Baltimore, I was over to the Camp of the 7th Maine Regiment A few days ago & met several of my acquaintances & they were surprised to see me, we like our new Col & have confidence in him perhaps you would like to know what we are going to do, that is more than I can tell & I can only guess, from what I hear it is my opinion that we shall be stationed here for the winter Gen Wool & Gen Fremont have been after this Regiment several times but Gen Dix (who is in command here) will not consent to our leaving as he wishes this Regiment here, I think we shall stay here we have just got through our regular Sunday morning inspection & if any think is out of order look out, Company F was on hand & turned out the best lot of muskets in the Regiment we received A compliment from the Manor & we feel quite proud I wish you could see some of the muskets they look like silver I have got my musket in good shape & will have it looking as well as the best in A short time, I shall write you as often as I can & will give you what information I can pick up hopeing you will continue in good health & that I shall have the pleasure of taking you by the hand I remain your affectionate Son George
George Leavitt, 5th New York, from a letter copied in a ledger book by his father after the war
MSS 66
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