Dear Father--I received A Letter from you directed 14th this morning i wrote to you about a Week ago & you do not tell me wether you received it or not But that you received on of the 8th Gen McClellan was here the other day to see the Army this side of the Potomac to see how they were getting Along thay gave him a grand supper Since I set down to write this Letter the Cavelrey that has been on Picket To day was drove in by the enemy And we expect to be attacted To Night or Tomorrow A part of this Brigade Has gone to see wether They can see the Enemy And I see by the Baltimore Clipper of this morning that there was a great And Bloody Battle in Missouri & the attact on Lexiton by the Rebel Genl Price & the repulse of the Rebels & heavy loss of the Enemy five thousand Rebels reported killed & Federal loss about eight Hundred & the Battle still in Progress the Force that Price attacted on the Federal entrenchments was under the command of Colonel Muligin & when they assaulted they was repulsed with great Loss, There is to be anther Brigade co come in where we are encamped i received a Letter from George this Morning it is the First Letter that i have Receivd from him since i have Ben Here But i answered it right a way & i received the Portland Advertiser from Home you wanted to know in your Letter why George Martin was not elected Captain & why Whe did not elect A First Lieutenant the reason that whe did not Elect him Captain Was that he had sent his Papers to resign & we could not Elect A First Lieutenant Not till he got the Papers and if he gets them There will be a Chance for McFearson To get that Birth When Lieutenant Colonel Ilsley Left this Regiment He laid down on the Ground & began to Cry he fel so Bad I saw a site up at Company H this Morning which I hope i never shall Have the thing myselfe it was a Man With the Cramp Cholic And he was in Awful pain for about halfe an hour, From your Son Joseph Leavitt
Edward Ilsley, a West Point cadet, recruited a company for the 5th Maine, later with the 12th Maine
Joseph Leavitt of the 5th Maine as copied after the war by his father
MSS 66
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