Monday, September 5, 2011

1861 Sept[ember] 5 Germantown Va

My Dear Creek

As Josh Holland has
arrived here this morning, I will write
you a short letter by him, I dont think
I will have time to write a long one as his
stay will be very short, I have not yet seen
him but heard from him at the Hospital,
and I will finish this before he comes so I will
have to assist him in getting the corpse off.
I received your letter of the 25th his morning
and am truly happy to hear that you are getting
along as well, I got the box Tom sent, all safe
the one Papa sent by Ned Emerson was lost
by the way with all of its contents, I think
you would be safe in sending any thing by
Dr. Brown, as he will know how to take care
of it, Send me a quire of good writing paper
by him and some envelopes if you can
get them, as I am nearly out now and
it is almost impossible to get any more
here, I have enough to write 10 or 12 more

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letters but I have to use a good deal of it
Company Business, you can also send me
any clothing that you may have ready for
me, Stephen Breazele wil start home about
Monday or Tuesday next to cut the clothes
should nothing prevent, Did Jink ever
get the Palmetto buttons for the coats.
Stephen will bring all the other trimings
with him, If you can crowd in a little
good Corn Whiskey or Brandy it will be
very exceptable, You may let Martin
have my tools, also Josh Holland, but no
one else, and tell Mrtin to take good
care of them and dont loose any of them
or let them get rusty,
if you have not made my blue coat you
had better let it stay till Steph comes, as
he has y measure, and knows how
I want it made, you can make one pair
of the pants and send by E. M. Brown, get
me a tooth brush and send by him also
as I need one very much, also two coulared
pocket-handkerchifes, and any thing
else your own ingenuity may think of.
Dugan has started to the mountains

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today on business for the Regiment. I
dont know what it is, he will be gone for
five or six days, he still enjoys good health
and is getting along finely.
Josh has just arrived and eat his
dinner with us. Poor fellow he is in
very low spirits not at all like the man
he used to be, but I expected to find him
in worse spirits than he is.
But I will have to come to a close as it
will take me nearly all evening to attend
to my duties and make arrangements
for him to get the corpse hauled to the
depot in time for the train.
Good By Dear Creek tell our little darling
that I will bring her something better
than a big Yankee I dont know which
I love best you or her, but one thing is
certain I would allow you to kiss me
as often as you pleased if I had her in
my arms and take you on the other knee
and never get tired nursing you both.
My Kindest Regards to all, my warmest
love to yourself


[William Anderson addresses a second letter to his wife on the same day, or possibly wrote on the 6th and misdated it:]

My Dear Creek
As there is nothing of
interest transpiring here at present
I will only write you on this small
sheet, as we have to be very sparing with
our paper here, and I know you will
be as well pleased with a short letter
as a long one, I am enjoying very fine
health now better than when I was at
home. I now weigh 162 pounds and
improving every day, if I continue to
improve, you may expect to see me as
large as Charley Mattison when I get
home. I am happy to inform you that
the health of the Regiment is also im-
proving, though we are having some deaths
Ruben Williamson of the Palmetto Riflemen
died yesterday morning of Typhoid Fever

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he is a son of old Dacy Williamson that
lives by Grandma, Gill[?] Land's son is also
very sick of the same complaint and I think
hes case is a very bad one and extremely
doubtful, the sick of my company are
all doing well and in a few days the most
of them will be able for duty, some of
my worst cases are in Richmond. I heard
from them by letter yesterday and was
happy to hear they were all improving
James Griffin a son of Eliza Griffin has
been the sickest man in my compnay but is
now recovering and out of danger as
soon as he is able to travel I will try and
get a furlough for him and let him
come home a while to regain his strength
Gambriell Smith has had a slight
spell of sickness but is almost well again
the Balance of our neighbours iis all well.
Mrs. Campbells Brother Mac was taken
sick with Typhoid fever about a week
ago but is not dangerous his cousin

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Stanton is waiting on him all the time.
I having been looking for a letter from you for a
day or two, but have not got one yet--the last
one I got is dated August 25th--write to me often
it does me so much good to hear from you
it is all the comfort we have here, to hear
of the welfare of the loved ones at home
and should any crosses come in your way
I should fell[sic] unhappy did I not share
them with you, Oh Creek how happy
I would be, could I only spend one week
with you, the desire grows upon me every
day, and should an opportunity offer without
neglecting y duty to our contry[sic] I shall
most certainly avail myself of it,
how is our little darling Maggie doing
Dear little Angel how I long to press her
to my bosom, Kiss her for me and tell
her to love papa. William is well and
sends his love to you all. Remember me to
all of our folks and believe me your devoted

William Anderson, 4th Regiment South Carolina Volunteers
MSS 10366

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