Sunday, September 11, 2011

1861 Sept[ember] 10 Head Quarters 5th Brigade Camp near Fairfax C.H.

Col. Tho. G. Rhett
A. Adjt Genl.


When at Genl Beauregard's
Head Quarters yesterday, I learned for the first
time that a certain passage of my report
of the battle of the 21st July was disapproved by
Genl. Johnston and I rode to the General's
Head Quarters to ask an interview with him
upon the subject. Finding him absent and
being obliged to return to this place the same
evening I met him by the way and after
the usual salutations mentioned the subject
of the report.

The only material difference between the
General's recollection and statement and mine
given in the report appears to be in regard to an
order which he says he gave of the advance of
two of my regiments into battle and which order
he says subsequently withdrawn upon my
stating to him the position & strength of the enemy

[page 2]
in my front. I recollect but one order as stated
in my report and which was received upon at a
time when those regiments could be thrown forward
into battle without at the same time inviting attack on
the flank & rear of our then line of battle--which
would have been fatal--and when I had explained to General
Johnston the state of things which I conceived to be involved
in the position of those regiments--all with the view of
enabling him to determine whether the time had come
to abandon the position and to order forward the regiments.
He decided that it had--and accordingly dis-
patched my aides de camp to order up
the Regiments.

I was indeed greatly pained and
surprised to learn from General Johnson
that he regarded some expressions in my
report as conveying the impression of a want
of consideration of and reference to his
position and orders

I can assure hm that nothing was
further from my thoughts or purpose.

But to put this beyond all question
not only with himself but with all who
may see the report when published--I

[page 3]
purpose to modify the form of expression
in the paragraph of my report alluded to which
I understand to be objected to--and which I
can do in a manner entirely consistant
with the material statements of the report--
I propose then that the paragraph shall
read thus

"Genl J. E. Johnston appearing near my
"position about this time--I pointed out to
"him the state of my command on the
"front of Lewis' farm and referred for his
the expediency of abandoning that
"front & of immediately ordering forward
"the whole of the balance of my command-
"to take part in the battle now raging
"and becoming critical as to its results on
"our left. It was decided to make the
"movement and I immediately dispatched
"my Aides de Camp to order up &"

I hope this explanation will prove satis-
factory.. Having stated circumstances in my
report to the best of my recollection, I do
not pretend to infallibility of memory in
regard to much that may have happened

[page 3]
when so much was crowded into every

I shall be glad to hear from Genl Johnston
& remain Col
very Resptly
your obt servant
Philip St Geo Cocke
Col Comdg 5th Brigade

MSS 640

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