Tuesday, September 13, 2011

1861 Sept. 13 Camp Dimmock

Special Orders No [5] [a draft written by Cary C. Cocke]

This Post shall be known by the name of
"Camp Dimmock" and its limits shall extend
on the North fifty yards from the line of tents
on that side, on the South fifty yards from the
line of tents on that side; on the East to the fence
in front of this Camp enclosing this field, and
on the West to the branch running from the spring
at which we get water

2 Reveille shall be sounded at 5 1/2 o'clock, when the
rolls of each company will be called; at which
time all men shall turn out on the parade ground
of their respective companies and answer to their
names--The roll will be called by the 1st
Sergeant, or in his absence, by the Senior Sergeant
present--The men are required to assemble promptly
and fall in, in Detachments, faced to the front
in two ranks--Strict attention must be paid, and
talking in the ranks is strictly prohibited--
No man will be allowed to offer an excuse for an

3rdly Immediately after roll-call, the Sergeant
who calls the roll, shall visit each tent of his
Company, and take a list of those who are sick,
if there be any, and report to the Capt all absentees
from roll-call and the names of those sick-

4th Breakfast call shall be sounded at 7 o'clock-

5 Guard mounting shall take place at 8 o'clock, at
which time the drum shall be sounded

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6th At half past eight (8 1/2) o'clock the drill of the
Detachments will commence and be continued
according to the lists of the Captains

7th Dinner Call shall be sounded at 1 o'clock.

8 A dress Parade of the Companies at this Post
shall take place daily at 6 o'clock P.M.

9 Tattoo will be sounded at 8 o'clock when the
rolls of each Company will be called as at
Reveille--At 9 o'clock the drum will be tapped
for the men to turn in for the night-, and lights
to be extinguished--

10 The men of the Companies at this Post are required
to assemble promptly on their respective Company
parades at rolls[sic]-calls, and failing to be in line
when their names are called, shall for the first
offence be punished by confinement in the
Guard Tent for 2 hours, and for the 2nd offence
8 hours.

11 Men shall not leave the limits of this
Camp without a written leave of absence, from
the Officer of the Day or the Commandant
of their Company--Any man violating this
Article shall be punished, for the 1st offence by
twelve hours of police duty--and for the second offence
by twenty four hours confinement--

12 Commandants of Companies will appoint weekly
an orderly to each tent whose business shall be
to keep the tents of his company clean and in good

[page 3]
order--He shall immediately after sun-rise roll call
remove the straw, knapsacks and other articles from
the tent, sweep it out, and raise the back of the tent
that it may be well aired--At retreat he shall
lower the back of the tent, and replace the straw,
knap-sacks and other things properly belonging to the tent-

13 The Prisoners in Confinement shall under the superin-
tendence of a Corporal of the Guard, Police the
Camp daily commencing immediately after Guard-
Mounting--Should there be no prisoners a
fatigue party shall be appointed from the
Companies of the Camp by the Commandants of

14 Any man violating any of the foregoing rules
will be punished by the Commandant of his
Company as he may think fit-, except where the
punishment has been already specified--

Issued by order of Capt. C. C. Cocke

Commandant of "Camp Dimmock"

15 An Inspection of the companies will take place every
Sunday morning at half past 8 o'clock A.M.
When on dress Parade and inspection the men are
required to appear in full uniform

MSS 640

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