[from the diary of Wesley Hammond of the Dixie Greys, Co. E of the 42nd Virginia]
This morning take a view of the
Yankees Camp – read 5 chapters
in bible – Inspection of arms –
[four words lined through]
Hear 5,000 troops leave Mead –
bluff to get in the rear of Yankees
Received orders from Gen. Lee to
be ready by daylight to march
on the Yankees and send our
baggage to Lewisburg
MSS 5525
Letters and diary entries from the corresponding day in the Civil War posted from the holdings of Special Collections, University of Virginia Library.
Friday, September 30, 2011
1861 September 30 Camp above Fairfax C. H. Va
Rockbridge Artillery
1st Brigade (Gen. Jackson)
2d Corps Army of the Potomac (Gen Smith)
Camp 1 mile above Fairfax C. H. Va
P.O. Address Fairfax Station
Mr. Wm. M. Blackford--Lynchburg
My Dear Father--
My last letter bore
date on the 20th. It is therefore a longer in-
terval since I wrote last than has yet e-
lapsed between my letters: I design to write
every week and was only accidentally pre-
vented on Thursday and the days following. When
I first joined the army I thought of keeping
a Diary: this idea I abandoned in favour
of writing long and explicit letters home cov-
ering the same ground. On this account
I write my letters in ink, and have the
vanity of asking that they be preserved.
A family budget of letters from home
dating from the 21st to 24th reached me
on the 20th. Mother sent me Mr Conrad's
letter to herself, in response I suppose to a
request I made of Mary Isabelle that she, Mary,
would send Mr C.'s letter to to myself, envelope & all
I have a copy of Mr. C.'s letter to mother & therefore
no occasion for the original. I return it, therefore,
and repeat my former request.
[page 2]
On Saturday 21st, I walked over to the Camp
of the 1st Md. Regt. at Fairfax Station, with
two of my friends of this Co., to spend the day
I met nearly all of my friends and acquain-
tances in the Regt. and dined with Randolph
McKim, whose mess, mother will be pleased
to learn (?) have gotten a cook at last.
While we were at dinner Eugene, whose
camp is not over 1 1/2 miles distant came in
--just in time, by the way, for dessert,
viz preserves and bread. Eugene was in his
dress uniform, and high spirits as usual.
A beard under the chin, such as he now
wears, is singularly becoming to him, and
together with his beaming expression, ruddy
complexion and fine carriage renders him
handsomer than I have ever seen him.
The same characteristics precisely mark Ran
McKim and make him more like Eugene
than ever. They are both the personifica
tion of health, and vigour, nor less of a
noble ardour for the cause. Two handsome
men, at least to my thinking, are not easily
found, albeit that one is constantly struck
with the number of fine looking fellows
to be sure, at least among the better sort, in our army.
[page 3]
We passed the afternoon together very pleasantly
and parted about 5 o'ck. The only drawback
to the enjoyment of camp visiting and it is
a great one where it is intimate friends
or kinsmen we visit, lies in the fact that
in the number of people around there is
generally but little opportunity for intimate
intercourse. You know that meeting one's
near kindred or friends in a crowd is extremely
tantalizing; at any rate I often find it so.
Just as my companions and myself left the
Md Regt. lines it began to rain. We had
permission but for the day, however, and
could not stop on this account. We were
compelled too to take rather a round about
way too to get home--four miles fully--&
so by the time we had walked 1 1/2 hours in
a cold and steady shower we were well drenched.
This is of course a small matter for a sol-
dier, and indeed it occasioned us no in-
convenience after I got on dry clothes, but
the finale of our days pleasure reminded
me somewhat of the "Steam Excursion" in Boz's Sketches.
Sunday proved clear. We had but small
reason to expect this, by the bye, as it was
the Equinox (Sep 22nd) but Saturdays rain was all we had.
[page 4]
Sunday Ran McKim spent the day with me
and other friends, of whom he has not a
few in this co. We had reason to expect
religious services in the forenoon by the
Rev. Dr. Brown, a Presbyn. minister from Richmond.
He did not preach till the evening however
and a dozen or so of us occupied an hour
of the morning in a prayer meeting in my
tent. This was very like the University and
as I sat between Chas. L. C. Minor & Ran McKim
I could almost fancy myself again at one
of those gatherings which will always con-
spire to render the remembrance of our
Sundays at college particularly delightful.
Charles's camp until within a few days
past was not over 3/4 mile distant from
us and so we enjoyed the pleasure of seeing
him almost daily until his departure
for Hanover last Thursday. He expects to
be back in the army some time in Oct.
and then to join the Wise Troop. This
is an arrangement which will be prduc-
tive of much pleasure to two Charles' in
whom we feel interested, as you may imagine.
In speaking of the Md. Regt. I do not know
what I ever told you that there 8 or 9 of the
[page 5]
Howards, five of the number being sons of
Mr -- I would say- the Honourable Charles
Howard of Baltimore, one of the Police Commrs
of that city now in the Yankee Bastile.
Dr. J Hanson Thomas has a son, of the same name
in the Regt too I have met one or two
others, and know of more men, in this band
of exile soldiers whose father or near rela-
tives are immured in Fort LaFayette. There
are others whose property has either been al-
ready confiscated or is liable to early spolia
tion at the hands of the Lincoln Despotism.
I met one young fellow the last time I was
with them--Southard, by name,--from St. Mary's Co
whose fathers' estate has been confiscated, ne-
groes stolen, Etc Mr. S. senr, is now a refugee
in Va., and his wife & daughters, for a time
prisoners in Washn, now released, but in Md,
These, and the hundreds of other outrages of Lincoln
that cry out for vengeance in that devoted State,
have combined to awaken an unparalleled
ardour for the conflict in the Maryland Line.
The gallant fellows find it hard to contain their
impatience at not being permitted to cross the river.
[page 6]
On Monday [?] we enjoyed the pleasure of
a visit from Rev. Dr. Packard, now sojourning
with his family in Fauquier His son Joseph
one of my best mates, had been for weeks,
on the sick list and recently so unwell
that his father came down in a carriage
and was fortunate enough to get a sick-
furlough for him. The Doctor spent the night
he was in camp in our tent. We made
him as comfortable as we could in one of
our bunks and when we retired he seemed
likely to rest tolerably well, at least he
appeared to think he would. This hope was
destined to a melancholy disappointment,
however, as several of our boys who were
stirring during the night surmised, the Dr
himself preserving a courteous silence as to
his discomfort the while, though never
observed to rest very quietly. In the morning
Magruder Maury who had rested well and had
little suspicious of the truth as regarded the
Doctor was unfortunate enough to venture
upon the compliments of the hour--
"Good morning, Dr., I hope you slept well,
sir!"...."Sleep!" replied the unhappy pro-
fessor of divinity, with better sarcasm couched
[page 7]
in courteous language--"Sleep, sir, I don't
believe I closed my eyes during the night."
The truth 'must out,' and so we had it.
After Dr. P. left us we had a hearty laugh
over the effort which he diligently made
to conceal the unmitigated miserywhich
he endured during his sojourn in the Camp
of the Rockbridge Artillery--
On Tuesday I went with Dr. P. to Gen. Johnston's
HdQrs.--between the C. H. & Station--to get the
sick furlough countersigned. On my return I
stopped at the C. H., called to see Capt. Davis,
or rather inquire about him, and to make
some other visits in camp. I saw Mr. Davis &
the Rev. D. C. L., and set some time with them.
You are probably aware that the Captain is
now in a fair way to recover (I was there yesterday)
After my visit to the Davis' I went to the
11th Va--a few hundred yards distant-spent
some time with friends in Co. G. (the Home Guard)
and then went to see Col. Garland, with
whom, by invitation, I dined. Lt Col Johnstons, the Rev.W. Granbery,
the Chaplain, Capt. Otey, the Meems[?] Mr. Kean,
and one or two others mess with the Colonel
I ate the best dinner at the HdQr of the
11th I have seen in camp, so far. Col. G.
[page 8]
seems very sad and now disposed to silence
than I have ever seen him before. He was
and is uniformly, very courteous towards me
but in his manner generally is abstracted
and less cheerful than I ever saw him.
His Lt. Col. Jno[?] Funston of Alexandria, is a
very pleasing gentleman, and struck me
most agreeably. He went out of his way
to be polite to me. In short I lose sight
of the fact that I am a private so when
[?] than at the HdQrs. of the 11th.
The "Home Guard" are trying to turn them
selves into an Artillery Co. This would add
to their comfort in many respects and
yet it seems to me would be almost a
pity. They are so admirably drilled as
Infantry, and have such a reputation in
this time it would be almost a pity to
sacrifice it. Col. Garland views it with
disfavour, though of course he would not if
I suppose they desiring it
he could ^ prevent the change. I have reason
to know from what he said to me that
he would be much concerned to lose his
crack Co. I saw Robin Berkeley--as of course
I always do--and Waltham H.B., on Tuesday & yesterday.
They are both well & stand the service Excellently.
[page 9]
On Wednesday night about 8 o'clock we recd
a sudden order from the HdQrs. of our division
--a circular order extending to about 4 brigades
besides our own--to prepare 3 days rations
and hold ourselves in readiness to march
at a moments notice. We thought an ad-
vance of the enemy or some such occasion
rendered a conflict imminent though we
knew nothing but the orders. The latter
were immediately carried out and the
camp did not become quiet for some time
after the usual time, the men being up
cooking and making ready for a move.
As you may imagine, this being my first
alarm, I did not rest very quietly that
night, expecting every moment to be roused
to go I knew not whither & to meet I knew
not whom. The night and following day
passed without further orders, however, & we
became quiet again. On Friday the special
order of Wednesday was made a general one
and we are now under standing orders,
until further notice, to have 3 days rations
always by us & to be ready to start off at any moment.
[page 10]
The reason for these orders I have no means
of knowing, nor have any of us. Indeed
as respects general army intelligence you are
in better position to be au fait than I am,
& I never stop to give it you. The rumours
which are constantly rife here are really
not worth transmitting, and indeed they
scarcely make lodgment enough in my
memory to enable me to communicate them.
On Thursday our cook left us to go to Win-
chester after some clothes we expect him
back to morrow. In his absence we have
had to take it by turns to cook, and
a hard business we have found it. Last
Friday, cold, rainy and gusty as it was, was
my day--with David Barton--to cook. I
never had a more difficult or disgusting
task to perform, and would be compelled
to its repetition by nothing but the direct
necessity. One of the disadvantages in doing
our own cooking is the exposure to which
it subjects one, now more than ever to be
considered. It was very bad, for instance
for me, to have to stand out in the rain
with a cold such as I had Friday, & of
which but for this I might now be rid.
[page 11]
I am much gratified to know that
my great coat is so far under weigh
and will probably be in my possession
before the end of the week. I regret
to learn that it is of light colour
but will not pass judgment till I see it.
I saw Eugene's coat yesterday & tried
it on. It suited me exactly in every
way and I only hope mine will resemble
it. I will acknowledge the receipt
of all the things as soon as I am able.
A great coat is now becoming very es-
sential to comfort, as our chief concern
now is to keep warm at night and early
in the morning. Berkeley Minor & I occupy
the same bunk and by sharing our bed
furniture and the use of a little straw we
manage to be pretty comfortable at night.
I was somewhat alarmed at the price of the
coat, but suppose it could not be helped.
I have little or no temptation to extrav-
agance in camp but must spend money,
when I can command it, in things to keep
warm with. It is essential not less to
health than comfort & well being that
a soldier should be shielded from cold.
[page 12]
Please send me by the first chance to Fair-
fax Station a certain heavy cassimer coat
of mine which is put away either in
my travelling or hand trunk. Mary Isabella
has the keys. It is the only coat not of
cloth among my clothes, and may be known
by a velvet collar and stitched cuffs, thus [diagram]
I have worn it a good deal but there is
yet much service in it. The short jacket I have
is wholly insufficient now in the cold days.
Camp is a good place to wear out old clothes.
I expect to buy no new ones this winter.
Tell mother I wish she would send Berke-
ley a Zouave Cap like the one she made
me. These caps are fine things to sleep
in and contribute much to the comfort of
men whose hair is short as mine & his is.
Please try and send me by mail, unless
you have an early other opportunity,a
pocket Testament of a good quality
as you can command, and a copy of a
little volume called "Pastor's counsel" (A.T. Soc)
which you can get at Paynes'. I want
the Testament for a friend of mine who
has lost his, and wish I could start one
of good quality, with Psalms attached if possible.
[page 13]
I was much gratified to hear what you said
of Lewis and trust he may get an appoint-
ment in the C S service. You will of course
apprise me of the result of his application.
I would like to know his P.O address.
I am happy to learn that the Ladies' Hos-
pital has been recognized by the Government
and do not question that by its former
establishment in this way the interests
of our unhappy wounded soldiers will be
much benefitted. I will send shortly to Mrs.
[?] a little book on Hospital Cookery
which I got by mistake for one of a dif-
ferent sort I hope it may be of some use.
The news papers you send come now very
regularly and are eagerly read by myself
and many others. I generally get them
the nest day but one one after date. We
send to the Station daily as a general thing.
The marriage of Miss Selden and Gen K. Smith
impressed me a good deal. The general must
have less sense than gallantry to marry
any woman under the sun on 3 or 4 weeks
acquaintance. No woman lives I would marry thus.
[page 14]
Tell mother not to be uneasy about the
fate of the box she intends to send me
or will have sent before this reaches you.
I hope and with good reason it will get
to me, as I expect to be able to ferret it
out in person if necessary at Manassas or Fx.
I would be glad if Mother could
send me a pair of yarn gloves. They
will be very comfortable nw the
weather begins to wax cold. You see
my wants are manifold, but just as
I never led such a life as this before
so I find it impossible to anticipate
at once the wants which it entails.
Mr. Randolph only sent me one pr. socks.
These are the only socks except one
pair, very full of holes, that I have at all.
The coat spoken of above is of all
things that I now need most.
We are not satisfied with the man
we have to cook for us and I wish you
would look about and see what you can
do for us in Lynchburg now the servants
have come home from the springs. Mr. R.
L. Owen told me something about a servt.
belonging to Mr. Henry Dunnington that might
[page 15]
possibly be had, but I suppose a free
negro would be the best chance. It
is to cook, and if possible to wash, for
a mess of 10 or 12 gentlemen: we would
pay more of course a good deal for a
man to do both. We would pay, as we
have been paying, a very liberal compensation,
even as high as $25 a month for a good hand
to cook and wash both. Please see what
can be done in Lynchburg for us, of-
fering meanwhile only what is necessary
as wages to secure a servant.
You have heard perhaps that Richard
L. Maury-- Cousin Mat's Dick- is Major
of the 24th Va. Regt. Moreover hi is
going to be married on the 22nd prox
to Sue Crutchfield, daughter of the late Spea-
ker--his cousin and mine. These items
are quite interesting to his friends tho'
it is questionable whether the Governor
knew what he was about when he ap-
pointed so inexperienced a man Major
I have a letter to day from Chas. Minor
of Albemarle inquiring whether he & Jno
Jr. (Dick's Jno) Maury can get into this Co.
They can certainly & will do well to come.
[page 16]
Yesterday I went over to the 11th Va. to hear
Rev. Mr. Granbery preach and saw all our
friends in the Regt. meeting Eugene meanwhile
I hear The Wise Troop is ow encamped
alongside of the 11th. Eugene and I dined
with bro: Charles there. Col. Garland was
with us and we four made up the party,
a very pleasant one. The Colonel seemed
in better spirits than I have yet seen him.
We were all saddened however by the
accident (or rather I hope the enemy's
shot) that occasioned poor Chalmers
so severe a wound--You have of course
heard all about it before this--
After dinner Eugene came over to this
camp and spent a short time with
me here. He & bro: Chas are both very
well, and bro: Charles looking handsomer,
tell his wife, than ever had in his life.
But I must come to a close, though
as usual with plenty more of my
small talk if I had time to write it
I feel much flattered at your & mother's good
opinion of my letters. I have written them
under many interruptions & fear it seems incoherent.
My love to mother, Mary, Sis Sue, and all at W.[?] B.s
Kind regards to the servts especially Peggy
Your affectionate son
L.M. Blackford.
MSS 5088
1st Brigade (Gen. Jackson)
2d Corps Army of the Potomac (Gen Smith)
Camp 1 mile above Fairfax C. H. Va
P.O. Address Fairfax Station
Mr. Wm. M. Blackford--Lynchburg
My Dear Father--
My last letter bore
date on the 20th. It is therefore a longer in-
terval since I wrote last than has yet e-
lapsed between my letters: I design to write
every week and was only accidentally pre-
vented on Thursday and the days following. When
I first joined the army I thought of keeping
a Diary: this idea I abandoned in favour
of writing long and explicit letters home cov-
ering the same ground. On this account
I write my letters in ink, and have the
vanity of asking that they be preserved.
A family budget of letters from home
dating from the 21st to 24th reached me
on the 20th. Mother sent me Mr Conrad's
letter to herself, in response I suppose to a
request I made of Mary Isabelle that she, Mary,
would send Mr C.'s letter to to myself, envelope & all
I have a copy of Mr. C.'s letter to mother & therefore
no occasion for the original. I return it, therefore,
and repeat my former request.
[page 2]
On Saturday 21st, I walked over to the Camp
of the 1st Md. Regt. at Fairfax Station, with
two of my friends of this Co., to spend the day
I met nearly all of my friends and acquain-
tances in the Regt. and dined with Randolph
McKim, whose mess, mother will be pleased
to learn (?) have gotten a cook at last.
While we were at dinner Eugene, whose
camp is not over 1 1/2 miles distant came in
--just in time, by the way, for dessert,
viz preserves and bread. Eugene was in his
dress uniform, and high spirits as usual.
A beard under the chin, such as he now
wears, is singularly becoming to him, and
together with his beaming expression, ruddy
complexion and fine carriage renders him
handsomer than I have ever seen him.
The same characteristics precisely mark Ran
McKim and make him more like Eugene
than ever. They are both the personifica
tion of health, and vigour, nor less of a
noble ardour for the cause. Two handsome
men, at least to my thinking, are not easily
found, albeit that one is constantly struck
with the number of fine looking fellows
to be sure, at least among the better sort, in our army.
[page 3]
We passed the afternoon together very pleasantly
and parted about 5 o'ck. The only drawback
to the enjoyment of camp visiting and it is
a great one where it is intimate friends
or kinsmen we visit, lies in the fact that
in the number of people around there is
generally but little opportunity for intimate
intercourse. You know that meeting one's
near kindred or friends in a crowd is extremely
tantalizing; at any rate I often find it so.
Just as my companions and myself left the
Md Regt. lines it began to rain. We had
permission but for the day, however, and
could not stop on this account. We were
compelled too to take rather a round about
way too to get home--four miles fully--&
so by the time we had walked 1 1/2 hours in
a cold and steady shower we were well drenched.
This is of course a small matter for a sol-
dier, and indeed it occasioned us no in-
convenience after I got on dry clothes, but
the finale of our days pleasure reminded
me somewhat of the "Steam Excursion" in Boz's Sketches.
Sunday proved clear. We had but small
reason to expect this, by the bye, as it was
the Equinox (Sep 22nd) but Saturdays rain was all we had.
[page 4]
Sunday Ran McKim spent the day with me
and other friends, of whom he has not a
few in this co. We had reason to expect
religious services in the forenoon by the
Rev. Dr. Brown, a Presbyn. minister from Richmond.
He did not preach till the evening however
and a dozen or so of us occupied an hour
of the morning in a prayer meeting in my
tent. This was very like the University and
as I sat between Chas. L. C. Minor & Ran McKim
I could almost fancy myself again at one
of those gatherings which will always con-
spire to render the remembrance of our
Sundays at college particularly delightful.
Charles's camp until within a few days
past was not over 3/4 mile distant from
us and so we enjoyed the pleasure of seeing
him almost daily until his departure
for Hanover last Thursday. He expects to
be back in the army some time in Oct.
and then to join the Wise Troop. This
is an arrangement which will be prduc-
tive of much pleasure to two Charles' in
whom we feel interested, as you may imagine.
In speaking of the Md. Regt. I do not know
what I ever told you that there 8 or 9 of the
[page 5]
Howards, five of the number being sons of
Mr -- I would say- the Honourable Charles
Howard of Baltimore, one of the Police Commrs
of that city now in the Yankee Bastile.
Dr. J Hanson Thomas has a son, of the same name
in the Regt too I have met one or two
others, and know of more men, in this band
of exile soldiers whose father or near rela-
tives are immured in Fort LaFayette. There
are others whose property has either been al-
ready confiscated or is liable to early spolia
tion at the hands of the Lincoln Despotism.
I met one young fellow the last time I was
with them--Southard, by name,--from St. Mary's Co
whose fathers' estate has been confiscated, ne-
groes stolen, Etc Mr. S. senr, is now a refugee
in Va., and his wife & daughters, for a time
prisoners in Washn, now released, but in Md,
These, and the hundreds of other outrages of Lincoln
that cry out for vengeance in that devoted State,
have combined to awaken an unparalleled
ardour for the conflict in the Maryland Line.
The gallant fellows find it hard to contain their
impatience at not being permitted to cross the river.
[page 6]
On Monday [?] we enjoyed the pleasure of
a visit from Rev. Dr. Packard, now sojourning
with his family in Fauquier His son Joseph
one of my best mates, had been for weeks,
on the sick list and recently so unwell
that his father came down in a carriage
and was fortunate enough to get a sick-
furlough for him. The Doctor spent the night
he was in camp in our tent. We made
him as comfortable as we could in one of
our bunks and when we retired he seemed
likely to rest tolerably well, at least he
appeared to think he would. This hope was
destined to a melancholy disappointment,
however, as several of our boys who were
stirring during the night surmised, the Dr
himself preserving a courteous silence as to
his discomfort the while, though never
observed to rest very quietly. In the morning
Magruder Maury who had rested well and had
little suspicious of the truth as regarded the
Doctor was unfortunate enough to venture
upon the compliments of the hour--
"Good morning, Dr., I hope you slept well,
sir!"...."Sleep!" replied the unhappy pro-
fessor of divinity, with better sarcasm couched
[page 7]
in courteous language--"Sleep, sir, I don't
believe I closed my eyes during the night."
The truth 'must out,' and so we had it.
After Dr. P. left us we had a hearty laugh
over the effort which he diligently made
to conceal the unmitigated misery
he endured during his sojourn in the Camp
of the Rockbridge Artillery--
On Tuesday I went with Dr. P. to Gen. Johnston's
HdQrs.--between the C. H. & Station--to get the
sick furlough countersigned. On my return I
stopped at the C. H., called to see Capt. Davis,
or rather inquire about him, and to make
some other visits in camp. I saw Mr. Davis &
the Rev. D. C. L., and set some time with them.
You are probably aware that the Captain is
now in a fair way to recover (I was there yesterday)
After my visit to the Davis' I went to the
11th Va--a few hundred yards distant-spent
some time with friends in Co. G. (the Home Guard)
and then went to see Col. Garland, with
whom, by invitation, I dined. Lt Col Johnstons, the Rev.W. Granbery,
the Chaplain, Capt. Otey, the Meems[?] Mr. Kean,
and one or two others mess with the Colonel
I ate the best dinner at the HdQr of the
11th I have seen in camp, so far. Col. G.
[page 8]
seems very sad and now disposed to silence
than I have ever seen him before. He was
and is uniformly, very courteous towards me
but in his manner generally is abstracted
and less cheerful than I ever saw him.
His Lt. Col. Jno[?] Funston of Alexandria, is a
very pleasing gentleman, and struck me
most agreeably. He went out of his way
to be polite to me. In short I lose sight
of the fact that I am a private so when
[?] than at the HdQrs. of the 11th.
The "Home Guard" are trying to turn them
selves into an Artillery Co. This would add
to their comfort in many respects and
yet it seems to me would be almost a
pity. They are so admirably drilled as
Infantry, and have such a reputation in
this time it would be almost a pity to
sacrifice it. Col. Garland views it with
disfavour, though of course he would not if
I suppose they desiring it
he could ^ prevent the change. I have reason
to know from what he said to me that
he would be much concerned to lose his
crack Co. I saw Robin Berkeley--as of course
I always do--and Waltham H.B., on Tuesday & yesterday.
They are both well & stand the service Excellently.
[page 9]
On Wednesday night about 8 o'clock we recd
a sudden order from the HdQrs. of our division
--a circular order extending to about 4 brigades
besides our own--to prepare 3 days rations
and hold ourselves in readiness to march
at a moments notice. We thought an ad-
vance of the enemy or some such occasion
rendered a conflict imminent though we
knew nothing but the orders. The latter
were immediately carried out and the
camp did not become quiet for some time
after the usual time, the men being up
cooking and making ready for a move.
As you may imagine, this being my first
alarm, I did not rest very quietly that
night, expecting every moment to be roused
to go I knew not whither & to meet I knew
not whom. The night and following day
passed without further orders, however, & we
became quiet again. On Friday the special
order of Wednesday was made a general one
and we are now under standing orders,
until further notice, to have 3 days rations
always by us & to be ready to start off at any moment.
[page 10]
The reason for these orders I have no means
of knowing, nor have any of us. Indeed
as respects general army intelligence you are
in better position to be au fait than I am,
& I never stop to give it you. The rumours
which are constantly rife here are really
not worth transmitting, and indeed they
scarcely make lodgment enough in my
memory to enable me to communicate them.
On Thursday our cook left us to go to Win-
chester after some clothes we expect him
back to morrow. In his absence we have
had to take it by turns to cook, and
a hard business we have found it. Last
Friday, cold, rainy and gusty as it was, was
my day--with David Barton--to cook. I
never had a more difficult or disgusting
task to perform, and would be compelled
to its repetition by nothing but the direct
necessity. One of the disadvantages in doing
our own cooking is the exposure to which
it subjects one, now more than ever to be
considered. It was very bad, for instance
for me, to have to stand out in the rain
with a cold such as I had Friday, & of
which but for this I might now be rid.
[page 11]
I am much gratified to know that
my great coat is so far under weigh
and will probably be in my possession
before the end of the week. I regret
to learn that it is of light colour
but will not pass judgment till I see it.
I saw Eugene's coat yesterday & tried
it on. It suited me exactly in every
way and I only hope mine will resemble
it. I will acknowledge the receipt
of all the things as soon as I am able.
A great coat is now becoming very es-
sential to comfort, as our chief concern
now is to keep warm at night and early
in the morning. Berkeley Minor & I occupy
the same bunk and by sharing our bed
furniture and the use of a little straw we
manage to be pretty comfortable at night.
I was somewhat alarmed at the price of the
coat, but suppose it could not be helped.
I have little or no temptation to extrav-
agance in camp but must spend money,
when I can command it, in things to keep
warm with. It is essential not less to
health than comfort & well being that
a soldier should be shielded from cold.
[page 12]
Please send me by the first chance to Fair-
fax Station a certain heavy cassimer coat
of mine which is put away either in
my travelling or hand trunk. Mary Isabella
has the keys. It is the only coat not of
cloth among my clothes, and may be known
by a velvet collar and stitched cuffs, thus [diagram]
I have worn it a good deal but there is
yet much service in it. The short jacket I have
is wholly insufficient now in the cold days.
Camp is a good place to wear out old clothes.
I expect to buy no new ones this winter.
Tell mother I wish she would send Berke-
ley a Zouave Cap like the one she made
me. These caps are fine things to sleep
in and contribute much to the comfort of
men whose hair is short as mine & his is.
Please try and send me by mail, unless
you have an early other opportunity,a
pocket Testament of a good quality
as you can command, and a copy of a
little volume called "Pastor's counsel" (A.T. Soc)
which you can get at Paynes'. I want
the Testament for a friend of mine who
has lost his, and wish I could start one
of good quality, with Psalms attached if possible.
[page 13]
I was much gratified to hear what you said
of Lewis and trust he may get an appoint-
ment in the C S service. You will of course
apprise me of the result of his application.
I would like to know his P.O address.
I am happy to learn that the Ladies' Hos-
pital has been recognized by the Government
and do not question that by its former
establishment in this way the interests
of our unhappy wounded soldiers will be
much benefitted. I will send shortly to Mrs.
[?] a little book on Hospital Cookery
which I got by mistake for one of a dif-
ferent sort I hope it may be of some use.
The news papers you send come now very
regularly and are eagerly read by myself
and many others. I generally get them
the nest day but one one after date. We
send to the Station daily as a general thing.
The marriage of Miss Selden and Gen K. Smith
impressed me a good deal. The general must
have less sense than gallantry to marry
any woman under the sun on 3 or 4 weeks
acquaintance. No woman lives I would marry thus.
[page 14]
Tell mother not to be uneasy about the
fate of the box she intends to send me
or will have sent before this reaches you.
I hope and with good reason it will get
to me, as I expect to be able to ferret it
out in person if necessary at Manassas or Fx.
I would be glad if Mother could
send me a pair of yarn gloves. They
will be very comfortable nw the
weather begins to wax cold. You see
my wants are manifold, but just as
I never led such a life as this before
so I find it impossible to anticipate
at once the wants which it entails.
Mr. Randolph only sent me one pr. socks.
These are the only socks except one
pair, very full of holes, that I have at all.
The coat spoken of above is of all
things that I now need most.
We are not satisfied with the man
we have to cook for us and I wish you
would look about and see what you can
do for us in Lynchburg now the servants
have come home from the springs. Mr. R.
L. Owen told me something about a servt.
belonging to Mr. Henry Dunnington that might
[page 15]
possibly be had, but I suppose a free
negro would be the best chance. It
is to cook, and if possible to wash, for
a mess of 10 or 12 gentlemen: we would
pay more of course a good deal for a
man to do both. We would pay, as we
have been paying, a very liberal compensation,
even as high as $25 a month for a good hand
to cook and wash both. Please see what
can be done in Lynchburg for us, of-
fering meanwhile only what is necessary
as wages to secure a servant.
You have heard perhaps that Richard
L. Maury-- Cousin Mat's Dick- is Major
of the 24th Va. Regt. Moreover hi is
going to be married on the 22nd prox
to Sue Crutchfield, daughter of the late Spea-
ker--his cousin and mine. These items
are quite interesting to his friends tho'
it is questionable whether the Governor
knew what he was about when he ap-
pointed so inexperienced a man Major
I have a letter to day from Chas. Minor
of Albemarle inquiring whether he & Jno
Jr. (Dick's Jno) Maury can get into this Co.
They can certainly & will do well to come.
[page 16]
Yesterday I went over to the 11th Va. to hear
Rev. Mr. Granbery preach and saw all our
friends in the Regt. meeting Eugene meanwhile
I hear The Wise Troop is ow encamped
alongside of the 11th. Eugene and I dined
with bro: Charles there. Col. Garland was
with us and we four made up the party,
a very pleasant one. The Colonel seemed
in better spirits than I have yet seen him.
We were all saddened however by the
accident (or rather I hope the enemy's
shot) that occasioned poor Chalmers
so severe a wound--You have of course
heard all about it before this--
After dinner Eugene came over to this
camp and spent a short time with
me here. He & bro: Chas are both very
well, and bro: Charles looking handsomer,
tell his wife, than ever had in his life.
But I must come to a close, though
as usual with plenty more of my
small talk if I had time to write it
I feel much flattered at your & mother's good
opinion of my letters. I have written them
under many interruptions & fear it seems incoherent.
My love to mother, Mary, Sis Sue, and all at W.[?] B.s
Kind regards to the servts especially Peggy
Your affectionate son
L.M. Blackford.
MSS 5088
1861 September 30
[from the diary of Francis G. Hale, Co. F. 34th Ohio Zouaves]
the water is all gon away
of our tents but they
look horrable in deede
there is about 3 inches
of mud in the bottom
of them I never saw
sutch a place as
it is since I went
a soldiering
there is a lot of our
boys Just came back
from a scout they had
a fight they say but
we will not get the
pir ticul ars till the
hold body come
back which will be
to mor row I expect
there was a good many
boys that came in this
even ing theay give
some thrilling a counts
of the war they are
as hu ngry as wolves for
they have not had any
thing to eat for two or
three days but beefe
and pawpaws
MSS 13405
the water is all gon away
of our tents but they
look horrable in deede
there is about 3 inches
of mud in the bottom
of them I never saw
sutch a place as
it is since I went
a soldiering
there is a lot of our
boys Just came back
from a scout they had
a fight they say but
we will not get the
pir ticul ars till the
hold body come
back which will be
to mor row I expect
there was a good many
boys that came in this
even ing theay give
some thrilling a counts
of the war they are
as hu ngry as wolves for
they have not had any
thing to eat for two or
three days but beefe
and pawpaws
MSS 13405
1861 September 30
[from the diary of Eugene M. Cox of the Albemarle Border Guards]
9 P.M. This has been the most beautiful day--the sun in all his brightness and splendor has warned and enlivened us and although in plain view of the encampment of a powerful army of the enemy, we have really enjoyed ourselves--have gotten plenty of provisions and are doing well and in for the fight--Now all go to rest--
MSS 38-221
9 P.M. This has been the most beautiful day--the sun in all his brightness and splendor has warned and enlivened us and although in plain view of the encampment of a powerful army of the enemy, we have really enjoyed ourselves--have gotten plenty of provisions and are doing well and in for the fight--Now all go to rest--
MSS 38-221
Thursday, September 29, 2011
1861 September 29
[from the diary of Eugene M. Cox of the Albemarle Border Guards]
9 A.M. We have just been releived and came to camp completely broken down and almost starved, having been on duty (picquet) in the woods for 72 hours in the cold, chilling rain without our coats and without shelters save such rude ones as we could make of brush and sticks. Provisions here are very short--all having been sent on East in anticipation of a battle here and we can't get them back in consequence of the high water, which has washed away a bridge beyond which all baggage etc. has been carried--the bridge will soon be reconstructed and we will probably get some little provisions some time to-day--9 P.M. Got half rations for dinner and super and consider ourselves well off--Genl. Lowring got here this evening with part of his command, some 7 or 8 regiments--I have the sad part of the death of Col. Spalding to record this evening--While under the influence of liquor he took one of his companies and marched upon the enemy on the mountain and going headlong in advance of the company was shot through by the enemy's picquets.
MSS 38-221
9 A.M. We have just been releived and came to camp completely broken down and almost starved, having been on duty (picquet) in the woods for 72 hours in the cold, chilling rain without our coats and without shelters save such rude ones as we could make of brush and sticks. Provisions here are very short--all having been sent on East in anticipation of a battle here and we can't get them back in consequence of the high water, which has washed away a bridge beyond which all baggage etc. has been carried--the bridge will soon be reconstructed and we will probably get some little provisions some time to-day--9 P.M. Got half rations for dinner and super and consider ourselves well off--Genl. Lowring got here this evening with part of his command, some 7 or 8 regiments--I have the sad part of the death of Col. Spalding to record this evening--While under the influence of liquor he took one of his companies and marched upon the enemy on the mountain and going headlong in advance of the company was shot through by the enemy's picquets.
MSS 38-221
1861 September 29
[from the diary of Wesley Hammond of the Dixie Greys, Co. E of the 42nd Virginia Infantry]
March from Meadow Bluff to
Wise’s Fortifications on the top of Big
Sewel Mountain – Distance 13 miles,
Wade two very wide streams – Cross
two mountains – Scenery from the
top of Little Sewel – Lost one of our
Colonels – read 6 Chapters in bible.
MSS 5526
March from Meadow Bluff to
Wise’s Fortifications on the top of Big
Sewel Mountain – Distance 13 miles,
Wade two very wide streams – Cross
two mountains – Scenery from the
top of Little Sewel – Lost one of our
Colonels – read 6 Chapters in bible.
MSS 5526
1861 September 29 Camp Blair
Dear Pa;
As Mr. Hackett is going home tomorrow, I will
write a letter to send by him, though it is hardly worth while for me
to write as he can give all the news. We were very glad & right
much su^‘r’prised to see Mr. Hackett. Your letter was received last night;
we were glad to hear that the sick ones at our house were getting well. I am
very sorry to hear of Mr. Kennon’s sickness, am afraid he will never
recover; I believe he would have certainly died if he had remained here,
he was very low spirited & could not eat anything at all hardly; Kit
& I used to make tea for him every day, he was in the hospital. We haven't
anybody in the hospital now. They have two large tents a little distance
outside of camp for the hospital….Billy Goodwin expects to get
a discharge, but I think it is very doubtful about his getting it. Charles
Barret got back here last night, I understand he expects a furlough too.
[Edloe changes from ink to pencil for the rest of this letter.]
This paper is so bad that I can’t write hardly with a pen, so I must
finish with my pencil. We expected a few days ago to have been at
Munson’s Hill again before this, but we’ve been agreeably disappoint-
ed for once – I suppose we are done going to Munson’s now for a while,
for all of those Hills have been evacuated except by cavalry pickets,
they were evacuated a few days ago. I believe they were held as
long as they were just to try to bring on an engagement. Col. Stuart
has been made Brigadier General – I think he ought to thank the
13th for his permotion – he was here yesterday-We expected to march
last Wednesday, as orders were given for three days rations to be drawn & one
days cooked –I would not be surprised if we moved very soon – Lieut Wins-
ton went to Gen. Elzee yesterday to get a pass to go to Fairfax CH, Elzie
refused to give it to him, said we were under marching orders & he did n’t
know how soon we might move – Sometimes I don’t think we are
[page 2]
going to move from this place any time soon, & then again I think
we are going to move directly – we can’t tell any thing about it – If we
do move anytime soon, I reckon it will just be to change our campground.
Bro. John, Pen & myself were on guard last Wednesday – I had a fine
time, was sent with an officer & two men to search for whiskey in the quar=
ters of the artilerymen, we found a rantel full & had the pleasure of pouring
it on the ground myself, by order of Col. Hill – Five of the guard, Bro. John & I
with them, were sent to & the officer of the guard, were sent to break up a
Faro bank, which had been in operation for a week or two, in one of the
tents of the Baltimore Co., (in our Regt.) we found them playing, the box
& fixtures were taken & carried to Col. Hill, & the dealer, a second sergeant,
was ar=
rested – I don’t know what disposition Col. Hill has made of the box, but suppose
it will be destroyed – There has been a great deal of gambling & drinking going
on in camp lately – I am sorry to say there was a fight in our Co. last Friday
between the Mappen[?- perhaps “Maupin”] & Trices – I did n’t see it, believe Mr. Hacket saw it --it did not end in anything serious, two of the parties got in the guard house by it.
Pretty sent his in his resignation some time ago & yesterday it was read
out that it had been accepted & he is to serve his twelve months out in the
ranks, by Gov. Letcher’s order. I think that was most too hard…..We had
a good deal of wind here Friday too, & some rain, our tents came very
near being blown over, several were blown down – We have right col
cool mornings now & our fires feel very comfortable – we build fires
in front of our tents at night….We have commenced the skirmish drill,
like it very much – Col. Walker saw us drilling the other day, he told
Cap. Murray that it was the best drilling he had seen since he had been
in service….Bro John has not heard anything from his commission & I
am afraid now he will be disappointed in getting it…Mr. Loy was
here last Monday to see Bro. John, he spent the night & next day with us.
Mr. Hackett went to Centerville this morning – I don’t think camp
life would suit Sam at all.
[page 3]
Henry Chiles is still limping with his boil, says as they would not
give him a furlough he will take holiday & not drill anymore for some
time – his boil is nearly well. I am sorry Henry could not get off..It is
reported now that no more furloughs will be given, I expect it is true.
Some of the boys want furloughs right bad – I would not object to having
one myself for a few weeks. We would like very much to see you over here,
but I know it does not suit you atall to leave home, as you have so many
sick ones & yr business to attend to – Cap. Murray seems an[x]ious for you
to s come over – I believe Kit expects his ^‘Father’ here Tuesday. Garret
does ^‘not’ know
when he will get off, may not go at all – I would miss Garret very
much, if he went away. Tell Joe Brooks I will answer his letter
soon, but he must not wait for me, for his letter was a short one.
Does Joe live at the CH now? If he has nothing particular to do he had
better come over & spend a few weeks with us – I have plenty room
in my tent for him. What has become of Alben? I have not heard
from him for some time. Sister don’t write as often as she used to
but I know she has some good excuse for not writing……I wish
you would have me a good pair of shoes or boots made, I am
not in need of them just now but will need them before very long.
I have written everything I can think of now so I must quit.
all of us are well. Excuse this badly written letter & all mistakes –
Write soon to yr devoted & most aff son
P. E. Jones
I have packed up that trunk with the Jars & bottles wh.
I will send home by Mr. Hackett if I can get it off. I put Mr. Kennon’s
coat in it, a bundle directed to Miss Trice & a box to Mrs. Nuckolls.
We enjoyed the box of potatoes as much as anything else you
ever sent. Tell Lin Kent I am waiting patien[t]ly for an answer
to my letter. Best love to all at home, all friends & accept
[page 4]
a large share of for yr self. I heard of the Belle’s dream about
Gen. Johnston, my love to her. I will write again soon.
Edloe Jones
Philip Edloe Jones, Private, Co. E, 13th Virginia Infantry
MSS 13407
As Mr. Hackett is going home tomorrow, I will
write a letter to send by him, though it is hardly worth while for me
to write as he can give all the news. We were very glad & right
much su^‘r’prised to see Mr. Hackett. Your letter was received last night;
we were glad to hear that the sick ones at our house were getting well. I am
very sorry to hear of Mr. Kennon’s sickness, am afraid he will never
recover; I believe he would have certainly died if he had remained here,
he was very low spirited & could not eat anything at all hardly; Kit
& I used to make tea for him every day, he was in the hospital. We haven't
anybody in the hospital now. They have two large tents a little distance
outside of camp for the hospital….Billy Goodwin expects to get
a discharge, but I think it is very doubtful about his getting it. Charles
Barret got back here last night, I understand he expects a furlough too.
[Edloe changes from ink to pencil for the rest of this letter.]
This paper is so bad that I can’t write hardly with a pen, so I must
finish with my pencil. We expected a few days ago to have been at
Munson’s Hill again before this, but we’ve been agreeably disappoint-
ed for once – I suppose we are done going to Munson’s now for a while,
for all of those Hills have been evacuated except by cavalry pickets,
they were evacuated a few days ago. I believe they were held as
long as they were just to try to bring on an engagement. Col. Stuart
has been made Brigadier General – I think he ought to thank the
13th for his permotion – he was here yesterday-We expected to march
last Wednesday, as orders were given for three days rations to be drawn & one
days cooked –I would not be surprised if we moved very soon – Lieut Wins-
ton went to Gen. Elzee yesterday to get a pass to go to Fairfax CH, Elzie
refused to give it to him, said we were under marching orders & he did n’t
know how soon we might move – Sometimes I don’t think we are
[page 2]
going to move from this place any time soon, & then again I think
we are going to move directly – we can’t tell any thing about it – If we
do move anytime soon, I reckon it will just be to change our campground.
Bro. John, Pen & myself were on guard last Wednesday – I had a fine
time, was sent with an officer & two men to search for whiskey in the quar=
ters of the artilerymen, we found a rantel full & had the pleasure of pouring
it on the ground myself, by order of Col. Hill – Five of the guard, Bro. John & I
with them, were sent to & the officer of the guard, were sent to break up a
Faro bank, which had been in operation for a week or two, in one of the
tents of the Baltimore Co., (in our Regt.) we found them playing, the box
& fixtures were taken & carried to Col. Hill, & the dealer, a second sergeant,
was ar=
rested – I don’t know what disposition Col. Hill has made of the box, but suppose
it will be destroyed – There has been a great deal of gambling & drinking going
on in camp lately – I am sorry to say there was a fight in our Co. last Friday
between the Mappen[?- perhaps “Maupin”] & Trices – I did n’t see it, believe Mr. Hacket saw it --it did not end in anything serious, two of the parties got in the guard house by it.
Pretty sent his in his resignation some time ago & yesterday it was read
out that it had been accepted & he is to serve his twelve months out in the
ranks, by Gov. Letcher’s order. I think that was most too hard…..We had
a good deal of wind here Friday too, & some rain, our tents came very
near being blown over, several were blown down – We have right col
cool mornings now & our fires feel very comfortable – we build fires
in front of our tents at night….We have commenced the skirmish drill,
like it very much – Col. Walker saw us drilling the other day, he told
Cap. Murray that it was the best drilling he had seen since he had been
in service….Bro John has not heard anything from his commission & I
am afraid now he will be disappointed in getting it…Mr. Loy was
here last Monday to see Bro. John, he spent the night & next day with us.
Mr. Hackett went to Centerville this morning – I don’t think camp
life would suit Sam at all.
[page 3]
Henry Chiles is still limping with his boil, says as they would not
give him a furlough he will take holiday & not drill anymore for some
time – his boil is nearly well. I am sorry Henry could not get off..It is
reported now that no more furloughs will be given, I expect it is true.
Some of the boys want furloughs right bad – I would not object to having
one myself for a few weeks. We would like very much to see you over here,
but I know it does not suit you atall to leave home, as you have so many
sick ones & yr business to attend to – Cap. Murray seems an[x]ious for you
to s come over – I believe Kit expects his ^‘Father’ here Tuesday. Garret
does ^‘not’ know
when he will get off, may not go at all – I would miss Garret very
much, if he went away. Tell Joe Brooks I will answer his letter
soon, but he must not wait for me, for his letter was a short one.
Does Joe live at the CH now? If he has nothing particular to do he had
better come over & spend a few weeks with us – I have plenty room
in my tent for him. What has become of Alben? I have not heard
from him for some time. Sister don’t write as often as she used to
but I know she has some good excuse for not writing……I wish
you would have me a good pair of shoes or boots made, I am
not in need of them just now but will need them before very long.
I have written everything I can think of now so I must quit.
all of us are well. Excuse this badly written letter & all mistakes –
Write soon to yr devoted & most aff son
P. E. Jones
I have packed up that trunk with the Jars & bottles wh.
I will send home by Mr. Hackett if I can get it off. I put Mr. Kennon’s
coat in it, a bundle directed to Miss Trice & a box to Mrs. Nuckolls.
We enjoyed the box of potatoes as much as anything else you
ever sent. Tell Lin Kent I am waiting patien[t]ly for an answer
to my letter. Best love to all at home, all friends & accept
[page 4]
a large share of for yr self. I heard of the Belle’s dream about
Gen. Johnston, my love to her. I will write again soon.
Edloe Jones
Philip Edloe Jones, Private, Co. E, 13th Virginia Infantry
MSS 13407
1861 September 29
[from the diary of Francis G. Hale of Co. F, 34th Ohio Zouaves]
we are all tolerable well
this morning but have
got bad colds
the watter is falling now
this morning it is fifteen
feete highe than it was
ever knowen to be before
we have got our things
some of them dry
but they will not be
enough for the company
When they come back
yesterday there was a fellow
got shot through the leg by a
mis shot.
[Hale wrote two entries for this day. The following entry was later x-ed over]
we have all got a cold
this morning but feele
tolerable well other
ways for the fix we
are in for we have
no officers over us
Dick Hosier & I are
the officer in com
mand now Dick is
capt & I am orderly
we get a long tolerably
well for greene hands
the water is falling
this morning it is
fifteen feete higher than
it ever was nown to be
MSS 13405
we are all tolerable well
this morning but have
got bad colds
the watter is falling now
this morning it is fifteen
feete highe than it was
ever knowen to be before
we have got our things
some of them dry
but they will not be
enough for the company
When they come back
yesterday there was a fellow
got shot through the leg by a
mis shot.
[Hale wrote two entries for this day. The following entry was later x-ed over]
this morning but feele
tolerable well other
ways for the fix we
are in for we have
no officers over us
Dick Hosier & I are
the officer in com
mand now Dick is
capt & I am orderly
we get a long tolerably
well for greene hands
the water is falling
this morning it is
fifteen feete higher than
it ever was nown to be
MSS 13405
1861 Sept[ember] 29 Camp Vernon Va
Dear Father I received A Letter from you & a Paper dated the 24th the Report here is that the Federalists had taken Munson Hill where the Rebels have been makeing a Battery they had it most done, yesterday the Federal Pickets took some thirteen Rebel Baggage waggons and three Thousand Bushels of Wheat and twenty five barrels of potatoes & two or three hundred wheight of dried fish at the House that Belong to John Washington the one that was shott By one of our Pickets I wrote A Letter to Ellen Last week & you do not say any thing about it in your Letter there was A Letter and a note in my Letter that you wrote to me for McPhearson and He thinks it is kind of strange that his Wife does not get the Letters that he writes to her, I should like to know if you received that four dollars that I sent you or not you do not say any thing about it in your Letter i should have sent more to you But I owed some six dollars to the Sutler which I had taken up at his Place & some Three or Four dollars to the Boys which i owed to them i have Paid all up I was foolish ever so Much and i do not want you to Correct me for it Because i know that i shall want something to Lay My hands on if i ever should come Home we get Paid of 26 more dollars the twenty Fifth of next month and i shall [send] the money Home to you & shall Keep only the six to spend and I shall continue sending it after this to you to keep for me you need not say anything about the first months pay Let that go i shall Send one of the Suttlers bills to you and let you know what kind of bills they have George Brown Told me yesterday that he wrote a Letter to George and he told me the Reason that he wrote to him that was he always Liked him there will be a Chance for Him to be appointed Captain in the Company to which he belongs the captain of that Company has been appointed Major of the Regiment i shall read the sermon that you sent to me to day, From your Son Joseph Leavitt you did not say wether you sent that Box or not Mc Fearson said you was going to send one this week I hope you will.
MSS 66
MSS 66
1861 September 29 Camp Federal Hill Baltimore
My Dear Mother
I recd yours yesterday & I assure you it gives me great pleasure to hear so often from home I received A visit from Mr Henry Jackson & Family yesterday & I tell you I was verry glad to see them I was glad to see & talk with some one that had seen those that are so dear to me at Home; we are getting along verry fast with our fortification & I think we shall soon have them finished when the Fort is finished it will be verry strong so it will be almost impossible to take it from us although I do not think we shall have any occasion to fire A gun it will do no hurt to be prepared in case there should be any trouble this Regiment is more feared than any other in Baltimore, I was over to the Camp of the 7th Maine Regiment A few days ago & met several of my acquaintances & they were surprised to see me, we like our new Col & have confidence in him perhaps you would like to know what we are going to do, that is more than I can tell & I can only guess, from what I hear it is my opinion that we shall be stationed here for the winter Gen Wool & Gen Fremont have been after this Regiment several times but Gen Dix (who is in command here) will not consent to our leaving as he wishes this Regiment here, I think we shall stay here we have just got through our regular Sunday morning inspection & if any think is out of order look out, Company F was on hand & turned out the best lot of muskets in the Regiment we received A compliment from the Manor & we feel quite proud I wish you could see some of the muskets they look like silver I have got my musket in good shape & will have it looking as well as the best in A short time, I shall write you as often as I can & will give you what information I can pick up hopeing you will continue in good health & that I shall have the pleasure of taking you by the hand I remain your affectionate Son George
George Leavitt, 5th New York, from a letter copied in a ledger book by his father after the war
MSS 66
I recd yours yesterday & I assure you it gives me great pleasure to hear so often from home I received A visit from Mr Henry Jackson & Family yesterday & I tell you I was verry glad to see them I was glad to see & talk with some one that had seen those that are so dear to me at Home; we are getting along verry fast with our fortification & I think we shall soon have them finished when the Fort is finished it will be verry strong so it will be almost impossible to take it from us although I do not think we shall have any occasion to fire A gun it will do no hurt to be prepared in case there should be any trouble this Regiment is more feared than any other in Baltimore, I was over to the Camp of the 7th Maine Regiment A few days ago & met several of my acquaintances & they were surprised to see me, we like our new Col & have confidence in him perhaps you would like to know what we are going to do, that is more than I can tell & I can only guess, from what I hear it is my opinion that we shall be stationed here for the winter Gen Wool & Gen Fremont have been after this Regiment several times but Gen Dix (who is in command here) will not consent to our leaving as he wishes this Regiment here, I think we shall stay here we have just got through our regular Sunday morning inspection & if any think is out of order look out, Company F was on hand & turned out the best lot of muskets in the Regiment we received A compliment from the Manor & we feel quite proud I wish you could see some of the muskets they look like silver I have got my musket in good shape & will have it looking as well as the best in A short time, I shall write you as often as I can & will give you what information I can pick up hopeing you will continue in good health & that I shall have the pleasure of taking you by the hand I remain your affectionate Son George
George Leavitt, 5th New York, from a letter copied in a ledger book by his father after the war
MSS 66
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
1861 September 29 Germantown Virginia
My Dear Creek
I received your very welcome letter of the 21st inst-
I am truly happy to hear that you are well and getting along as
with the crop &c. you say you think that you can spare
three of the Hogs, I think you had better feed them first as
corn is very low this year, and Bacon is going to be very high
I have no doubt you will make most of them by doing so.
I have just got home to camp today from another visit to
our Yankee friends in the neighbourhood of Falls Church
where we have been for several days, so you must excuse me
for the letter being a little longer between times, I wrote you
before I started by Sam Langston, who was to have started
for Anderson, but on my return to camp I found him
still here, he having failed to get his Furlough as soon
he expected so I will send you this by him also as he
starts in the morning.
I am very sorry to hear since my return that Billy
Holland is dangerously Sick of Typhoid Phneumonia
he is at a house about three miles from camp where a
number of our sick are, I went to see him the day we left
here for Falls Church he was than very sick but said he was
a great deal better and as soon as Icame got back to camp to write
and let his Father know, but when I got to camp the drums were
Beating to arms and I had to march with the Regiment, so I had
not time to write myself, but told his cousin Elijah (who was
left at Camp) to write to him which he says he did I also left
Sam McCulley behind to nurse him as Billy and him were
always great Friends, But I am very much afraid no earthly help
will now save him, I have not seen him since my return which was
only a few minutes ago, but will go to night if I can get leave from
[page 2]
camp as long as go [?] I have just seen Dr. Cooley and he says he
has no hopes of his recovery whatever, Elijah Holland has come
from their also and says the same thing, and that Sam McCully
has gone to the Station to Telegraph to his Father, had I been
here myself, I would done so sooner, for I know he will be
very anxious to hear from him, I will however do all in my
power for him and see that he has the best attention that
I can furnish him. Our company has been very lucky
so far but I am afraid that death is going to thin our ranks
at last Another of our men John Hawkins is very low but
Dr. C says he thinks he will now recover several more of them
have been very sick but are all recovering and I think will soon
be able to be about again though it will be a long time before
they will be fit for duty, In the midst of all this sickness
I am still enjoying the best of health which is a great
blessing. Should I be taken sick I will let you know at
once so you can come and stay with me, For I know
you could nurse me better than any one else. I hope
however that you will not be required to come here on such an errand.
I feel like I could write you a long letter but I have not the
time to spare at present; I will write you one tomorrow night
should nothing prevent and send by mail.
Kiss our little angel Maggie and tell her not to eat
to many Chinkapins and make Papas baby sick
William is well he says he will write you some of these days
he is going to write Papa tomorrow, he has just geen in my
tent getting a drink of Brandy after the long march
Good Bye Dear Creek May Heaven Bless and protect you
and grant us a long a speedy and happy meeting
Your affectionate Husband
William Anderson, 4th Regiment South Carolina Volunteers (Palmetto Sharpshooters)
MSS 10366
I received your very welcome letter of the 21st inst-
I am truly happy to hear that you are well and getting along as
with the crop &c. you say you think that you can spare
three of the Hogs, I think you had better feed them first as
corn is very low this year, and Bacon is going to be very high
I have no doubt you will make most of them by doing so.
I have just got home to camp today from another visit to
our Yankee friends in the neighbourhood of Falls Church
where we have been for several days, so you must excuse me
for the letter being a little longer between times, I wrote you
before I started by Sam Langston, who was to have started
for Anderson, but on my return to camp I found him
still here, he having failed to get his Furlough as soon
he expected so I will send you this by him also as he
starts in the morning.
I am very sorry to hear since my return that Billy
Holland is dangerously Sick of Typhoid Phneumonia
he is at a house about three miles from camp where a
number of our sick are, I went to see him the day we left
here for Falls Church he was than very sick but said he was
a great deal better and as soon as I
and let his Father know, but when I got to camp the drums were
Beating to arms and I had to march with the Regiment, so I had
not time to write myself, but told his cousin Elijah (who was
left at Camp) to write to him which he says he did I also left
Sam McCulley behind to nurse him as Billy and him were
always great Friends, But I am very much afraid no earthly help
will now save him, I have not seen him since my return which was
only a few minutes ago, but will go to night if I can get leave from
[page 2]
camp as long as go [?] I have just seen Dr. Cooley and he says he
has no hopes of his recovery whatever, Elijah Holland has come
from their also and says the same thing, and that Sam McCully
has gone to the Station to Telegraph to his Father, had I been
here myself, I would done so sooner, for I know he will be
very anxious to hear from him, I will however do all in my
power for him and see that he has the best attention that
I can furnish him. Our company has been very lucky
so far but I am afraid that death is going to thin our ranks
at last Another of our men John Hawkins is very low but
Dr. C says he thinks he will now recover several more of them
have been very sick but are all recovering and I think will soon
be able to be about again though it will be a long time before
they will be fit for duty, In the midst of all this sickness
I am still enjoying the best of health which is a great
blessing. Should I be taken sick I will let you know at
once so you can come and stay with me, For I know
you could nurse me better than any one else. I hope
however that you will not be required to come here on such an errand.
I feel like I could write you a long letter but I have not the
time to spare at present; I will write you one tomorrow night
should nothing prevent and send by mail.
Kiss our little angel Maggie and tell her not to eat
to many Chinkapins and make Papas baby sick
William is well he says he will write you some of these days
he is going to write Papa tomorrow, he has just geen in my
tent getting a drink of Brandy after the long march
Good Bye Dear Creek May Heaven Bless and protect you
and grant us a long a speedy and happy meeting
Your affectionate Husband
William Anderson, 4th Regiment South Carolina Volunteers (Palmetto Sharpshooters)
MSS 10366
1861 September 28
[from the diary of Francis G. Hale, Co. F. 34th Ohio Zouaves]
we was woke up this
morning by the cry of
water water we got
up a bout 2 o clock
and the water was
at the lower part of
our tents and a raising
at day light it was
all over the tents so
that we could not
get to them with out
wadeing we left our
tents you can see
the boys ridind round
on big boards and boats
get ing things out we
left our cooking utensels
in our tent we could
not get them out so
we left them there the
Kanawha is about
40 feete high there is
hay stacks drift an
old boats going down
all the time there
is two boats at the
landing now we will
etheir go to gauly or
to Charleston I do not
know which
the Major went up to
Gauly to see where we
should move to we are we are
hemed in now in about
two akers but the river
is quit raising I gess
now but our tents are
all covered with watter
we can only see the
tops of some of them
we got a flat boat to
take us a crost to
a mountain a crost
a brake it look very
gloomy here to day and
we have a sad pros
pect be fore us for to
night for we have not
got our tents they are
all under watter
we are here yet and it
is dark and the water
is a raising but there
is a way for the boat
is coming back we
got on an land over
a bout 8 o clock I
never felt so bad
as I did at dark
I thought I may
not see any body
of my kindred a gain
for things looked scaly [scary?]
for we had water
on both sides 3 or 4
hundred yards wide
we got a crost and fix
for the night it was
very cold and we
had to get up to
the fire and warm
in the night I do
not care for to be
in sutch afix again
while I am a suldier
MSS 13405
we was woke up this
morning by the cry of
water water we got
up a bout 2 o clock
and the water was
at the lower part of
our tents and a raising
at day light it was
all over the tents so
that we could not
get to them with out
wadeing we left our
tents you can see
the boys ridind round
on big boards and boats
get ing things out we
left our cooking utensels
in our tent we could
not get them out so
we left them there the
Kanawha is about
40 feete high there is
hay stacks drift an
old boats going down
all the time there
is two boats at the
landing now we will
etheir go to gauly or
to Charleston I do not
know which
the Major went up to
Gauly to see where we
should move to we are we are
hemed in now in about
two akers but the river
is quit raising I gess
now but our tents are
all covered with watter
we can only see the
tops of some of them
we got a flat boat to
take us a crost to
a mountain a crost
a brake it look very
gloomy here to day and
we have a sad pros
pect be fore us for to
night for we have not
got our tents they are
all under watter
we are here yet and it
is dark and the water
is a raising but there
is a way for the boat
is coming back we
got on an land over
a bout 8 o clock I
never felt so bad
as I did at dark
I thought I may
not see any body
of my kindred a gain
for things looked scaly [scary?]
for we had water
on both sides 3 or 4
hundred yards wide
we got a crost and fix
for the night it was
very cold and we
had to get up to
the fire and warm
in the night I do
not care for to be
in sutch afix again
while I am a suldier
MSS 13405
1861 September 28
[from the diary of Eugene M. Cox of the Albemarle Border Guards]
We are still on piquet--and must stay on until to-morrow morning--has cleared and we have a promise of fair weather--skirmishing has been kept up for the last few days--9 P.M. Nothing worth noting has occurred to-day--we are cautioned to be very watchful--all very hungry--have not had a good meal since we have been posted here
MSS 38-221
We are still on piquet--and must stay on until to-morrow morning--has cleared and we have a promise of fair weather--skirmishing has been kept up for the last few days--9 P.M. Nothing worth noting has occurred to-day--we are cautioned to be very watchful--all very hungry--have not had a good meal since we have been posted here
MSS 38-221
1861 September 28
[From the diary of Wesley Hammond of the Dixie Greys, Co. E of the 42nd Virginia Infantry]
Come upwith to the Regt. Take break-
fast with two old schoolmates – Regt.
marches 11 miles –Cross little Scratch’
‘mt. and 2 other small mountains Cross
Muddy Creek. Mt. Brushy Mt. and Cheomo[?]
Mt. Road muddy – wade Meadows River
come up with a part of Floyd’s Brigade
Camp at Meadow Bluff – Day cold
Read 3 chapters in Bible.
MSS 5526
Come up
fast with two old schoolmates – Regt.
marches 11 miles –
‘mt. and 2 other small mountains
Muddy Creek. Mt. Brushy Mt. and Cheomo[?]
Mt. Road muddy – wade Meadows River
come up with a part of Floyd’s Brigade
Camp at Meadow Bluff – Day cold
Read 3 chapters in Bible.
MSS 5526
1861 September 28 Camp near Germantown
My Dear Wife
Your kind and affectionate letter
was received to day and as Billy Boggs leaves to –
-morrow for home I will write you a few lines.
You will have received letters by Mr. Sloan and Rosboro.
Nothing of interest has occurred since I last
wrote only that of our having been out since
last Tuesday. An attack was expected and our
Brigade with several others were called upon to
sustain our Pickets. The enemy showed himself
in some force and engaged one of our Regt.
Col Kershaw, killing one man and wounding
one or more. You must overlook bad writing
etc as I have [been] on the march nearly all
of last night. Some thing of interest may
be looked for soon, as we infer from many
incidents and movements now taking place.
On Thursday and Friday while out (bivouacking
as before) we had a blow approaching the gales
prevalent during the season, and today is
quite cool. We cannot think for a moment
what we can or do pass through, but as
you remarked we could not at home think
of subjecting ourselves to such exposure. This
will no doubt (should we live) tell on us in
after years. With sadness we note the death of
another of our boys Mr. F.C. Nelson. Billy
Boggs carries his remains home. He (Mr. Nelson)
was kind and affable and our Company loses
one of its first and best members. This will
be a severe shock upon his mother as she is
not aware probably of his being sick. He
was a warm friend to me and I felt quite
sad [‘at’ lined out] ^ ‘over’ his loss. He was a cousin of Mr. Robin-
son whose remains were sent home some
time ago. How dearly would I like to see the
loved ones and the little jewels. My imagination
often leads me home, but [-] I find I am
not there. If should get an opportunity send
me yours with the childrens pictures. I feel
gratified as you do that “Abram” is not
on hand. I hope your winter may be a pleasant
one, and that I may not be far from you.
When I get home then we will talk of our
home. Say to Mr. Creamer that for as
much as I know he will be able to
get the bake loner [?]. He certainly should give
$4 per month mention this as coming from
me, and if $ 4 is not to be had, we will take
$3, write me in your next, you may make
the bargain try to get $4. You did not say
anything of your funds Wm. Creight is [to]
leave $90 with you. I will probably send
you $50 soon again. I must close as I
feel quite wearied. Give much love to all
and accept the purest affection of
Your husband
J.M. Phinney
Write soon direct to Fairfax C.H.
excuse the scrawl
Say to Will I will write soon
James M. Phinney, 1st Lieutenant from Winnsboro, S C., in the Boyce Guards Militia and the 6th South Carolina Infantry.
MSS 12661
Your kind and affectionate letter
was received to day and as Billy Boggs leaves to –
-morrow for home I will write you a few lines.
You will have received letters by Mr. Sloan and Rosboro.
Nothing of interest has occurred since I last
wrote only that of our having been out since
last Tuesday. An attack was expected and our
Brigade with several others were called upon to
sustain our Pickets. The enemy showed himself
in some force and engaged one of our Regt.
Col Kershaw, killing one man and wounding
one or more. You must overlook bad writing
etc as I have [been] on the march nearly all
of last night. Some thing of interest may
be looked for soon, as we infer from many
incidents and movements now taking place.
On Thursday and Friday while out (bivouacking
as before) we had a blow approaching the gales
prevalent during the season, and today is
quite cool. We cannot think for a moment
what we can or do pass through, but as
you remarked we could not at home think
of subjecting ourselves to such exposure. This
will no doubt (should we live) tell on us in
after years. With sadness we note the death of
another of our boys Mr. F.C. Nelson. Billy
Boggs carries his remains home. He (Mr. Nelson)
was kind and affable and our Company loses
one of its first and best members. This will
be a severe shock upon his mother as she is
not aware probably of his being sick. He
was a warm friend to me and I felt quite
sad [‘at’ lined out] ^ ‘over’ his loss. He was a cousin of Mr. Robin-
son whose remains were sent home some
time ago. How dearly would I like to see the
loved ones and the little jewels. My imagination
often leads me home, but [-] I find I am
not there. If should get an opportunity send
me yours with the childrens pictures. I feel
gratified as you do that “Abram” is not
on hand. I hope your winter may be a pleasant
one, and that I may not be far from you.
When I get home then we will talk of our
home. Say to Mr. Creamer that for as
much as I know he will be able to
get the bake loner [?]. He certainly should give
$4 per month mention this as coming from
me, and if $ 4 is not to be had, we will take
$3, write me in your next, you may make
the bargain try to get $4. You did not say
anything of your funds Wm. Creight is [to]
leave $90 with you. I will probably send
you $50 soon again. I must close as I
feel quite wearied. Give much love to all
and accept the purest affection of
Your husband
J.M. Phinney
Write soon direct to Fairfax C.H.
excuse the scrawl
Say to Will I will write soon
James M. Phinney, 1st Lieutenant from Winnsboro, S C., in the Boyce Guards Militia and the 6th South Carolina Infantry.
MSS 12661
1861 September 28 Camp near Fairfax Co: House
My dear little Nannie:
I did not carry out my purpose
of writing to you yesterday and the evening of the day
before because of the rain and wind that have ren-
-dered our Camp so disagreeable – This morning we have
no rain but the equinoctial storm still rages while
I am writing in my hut of leaves ^ ‘on’ and a rustic table
^ ‘and’ while my sixteen year old companion from Mississippi
puts fuel in the rusty old parlor stove, that Church
Chinault [Churchwell Chenault]found in a deserted house down about Munson’s Hill & brought to me – We had retired to bed
and slept very comfortably night before last until a-
-bout 1 o’clock when the rain found its way through
our roof of leaves and we had to “pick up our beds &
walk” at double quick time to the tents of our friends
who laughed loudly at our discomfiture and application
for shelter from the storm –
It is reported here that the Yankees are advan-
-cing to day; and although our horses are harnessed & we
are ready to move I do not expect to leave here for some
time –
These unfounded reports are of too frequent occurrence –
[page 2]
I have had your nice letter of the 23rd for three days
and have not replied to it for the reasons aforementioned
in this – Of course we will have a one horse Carriage &
Oh! what a nice time when Choctaw gets home again –
You were misinformed as to my having the command of
the Battery in the absence of all our Officers except
Clark - Clark was the legal & very acceptable next in
command until the return of Lieut [William J.] Folkes who superseded
him – I have not heard of the whiskey frolic among the
Officers to which you allude – If such an one came
off, & I should not be surprised if it did Clark was
not present at all – I delivered your Ma’s (my Mothers)
message about the Coat to Clark – He sends none in
reply – He is very anxious to raise an Artillery Company
from materials at Lynchburg & in Mr Dillard’s neighbor-
-borhood & speaks of going home with that view in a
few days – Citizens sometimes experience trouble in get-
-ting passes at Manassas when they are not able to
identify themselves satisfactorily but I presume that Mr.
Dillard could get here very easily – If he will write
to Clark or me in advance one or the other of us could
meet him at the Junction – We are supplied with dishes
& plates – I am much obliged to you for your kind
offer to send us more –
If possible I would take it as a very great favor
if my Nannie will have one pair of my old Boots
mended in heavy style and send them to me by
some person who will promise & execute the promise
to deliver them to me in person – If I shall want
other winter apparel I can get them ^ ‘it’ when I am
at home in November –
John Williams called to see me
a day or two since – He seems to be unfixed in
his employment and purposes – If he is going to serve
the Country he ought to attach himself to some corps
permanently –
Grey Latham has not yet returned but is
looked for this evening – I saw Tom Claiborne a day
or two since – No new command has yet been assigned
him – He is employed at the Head Quarters of General
Johnston in connexion with the Muster Rolls –
Woodie Latham has left the Junction & is
lukewarm about the Company Command to which
he has been elected.
Nannie always fills her letter sheets but the
want of items to communicate renders it impossible to
be done by her own Choctaw
My love to all at home
William A. King, Captain of the Saltville Light Artillery
MSS 6682
I did not carry out my purpose
of writing to you yesterday and the evening of the day
before because of the rain and wind that have ren-
-dered our Camp so disagreeable – This morning we have
no rain but the equinoctial storm still rages while
I am writing in my hut of leaves ^ ‘on’ and a rustic table
^ ‘and’ while my sixteen year old companion from Mississippi
puts fuel in the rusty old parlor stove, that Church
Chinault [Churchwell Chenault]found in a deserted house down about Munson’s Hill & brought to me – We had retired to bed
and slept very comfortably night before last until a-
-bout 1 o’clock when the rain found its way through
our roof of leaves and we had to “pick up our beds &
walk” at double quick time to the tents of our friends
who laughed loudly at our discomfiture and application
for shelter from the storm –
It is reported here that the Yankees are advan-
-cing to day; and although our horses are harnessed & we
are ready to move I do not expect to leave here for some
time –
These unfounded reports are of too frequent occurrence –
[page 2]
I have had your nice letter of the 23rd for three days
and have not replied to it for the reasons aforementioned
in this – Of course we will have a one horse Carriage &
Oh! what a nice time when Choctaw gets home again –
You were misinformed as to my having the command of
the Battery in the absence of all our Officers except
Clark - Clark was the legal & very acceptable next in
command until the return of Lieut [William J.] Folkes who superseded
him – I have not heard of the whiskey frolic among the
Officers to which you allude – If such an one came
off, & I should not be surprised if it did Clark was
not present at all – I delivered your Ma’s (my Mothers)
message about the Coat to Clark – He sends none in
reply – He is very anxious to raise an Artillery Company
from materials at Lynchburg & in Mr Dillard’s neighbor-
-borhood & speaks of going home with that view in a
few days – Citizens sometimes experience trouble in get-
-ting passes at Manassas when they are not able to
identify themselves satisfactorily but I presume that Mr.
Dillard could get here very easily – If he will write
to Clark or me in advance one or the other of us could
meet him at the Junction – We are supplied with dishes
& plates – I am much obliged to you for your kind
offer to send us more –
If possible I would take it as a very great favor
if my Nannie will have one pair of my old Boots
mended in heavy style and send them to me by
some person who will promise & execute the promise
to deliver them to me in person – If I shall want
other winter apparel I can get them ^ ‘it’ when I am
at home in November –
John Williams called to see me
a day or two since – He seems to be unfixed in
his employment and purposes – If he is going to serve
the Country he ought to attach himself to some corps
permanently –
Grey Latham has not yet returned but is
looked for this evening – I saw Tom Claiborne a day
or two since – No new command has yet been assigned
him – He is employed at the Head Quarters of General
Johnston in connexion with the Muster Rolls –
Woodie Latham has left the Junction & is
lukewarm about the Company Command to which
he has been elected.
Nannie always fills her letter sheets but the
want of items to communicate renders it impossible to
be done by her own Choctaw
My love to all at home
William A. King, Captain of the Saltville Light Artillery
MSS 6682
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
1861 September 27
[from the diary of Harrison B. Jones, 4th Sergeant, Co. H, 33rd Virginia]
quite a rain last night
& to day, accompanied
by high wind. our tents
haveing been blowing
MSS 13407
quite a rain last night
& to day, accompanied
by high wind. our tents
MSS 13407
1861 September 27
[from the diary of Wesley Hammond of the Dixie Greys, Co. E of the 42nd Virignia]
Read 2 Chapters in bible
Day tremendous rainy – Marched 6
miles – Pass through Lewisburg – Take
up lodging in a Blacksmith shop
Regt. goes 2 miles further – have our
supper given us – [-] fine load of ap-
ples. and a comfortable bed of straw
MSS 5526
Read 2 Chapters in bible
Day tremendous rainy – Marched 6
miles – Pass through Lewisburg – Take
up lodging in a Blacksmith shop
Regt. goes 2 miles further – have our
supper given us – [-] fine load of ap-
ples. and a comfortable bed of straw
MSS 5526
1861 September 27
[from the diary of Eugene M. Cox of the Albemarle Border Guards]
9 A. M. We are still on picquet--it still rains--have had a dreadful time--have to stay on duty another night and day at least--9 P.M. Took some prisoners to-day--
MSS 38-221
9 A. M. We are still on picquet--it still rains--have had a dreadful time--have to stay on duty another night and day at least--9 P.M. Took some prisoners to-day--
MSS 38-221
1861 September 27
[from the diary of Francis G. Hale, Co. F, 34th Ohio Zouaves]
it is still raining
this morning and is
pretty cold we can not
fin any place for
to make a fire for
to get Breakfast
there is some body steeles
our wood every morning
if we do not put it
in our tent
we had for breakfast
butter & sweete potato
& beefe & corn bread
and it a raining like
every thing our tent
is gettin pretty well
filled we will have
to go to ditching
soon if it dose not
quit raining soon
it did not quit raining
till late at night but
we slept very well for
2 of us had 5 blankets
to sleep under and on[e]
had 3 which mad 8
for three of us we
slept warm enough
MSS 13405
it is still raining
this morning and is
pretty cold we can not
fin any place for
to make a fire for
to get Breakfast
there is some body steeles
our wood every morning
if we do not put it
in our tent
we had for breakfast
butter & sweete potato
& beefe & corn bread
and it a raining like
every thing our tent
is gettin pretty well
filled we will have
to go to ditching
soon if it dose not
quit raining soon
it did not quit raining
till late at night but
we slept very well for
2 of us had 5 blankets
to sleep under and on[e]
had 3 which mad 8
for three of us we
slept warm enough
MSS 13405
1861 Sept[ember] 27 Camp of the fifth M[ain]e Regt
Dear parents
I have just recieved your
letter and also one from James Strout
and I was very glad to hear that you
had recieved that money for I was
afraid you would not get it. I have
sent some clothes to Mechanick falls
directed to Jason Hall and I
want you to go up there as soon as
you can and get them I sent 2 pr.
pants one thick one thin & one coat
and Gangee frock it is done up in
a paper with a tared rope tied arround
it and farthers name is on it with
two envelops you will have to pay
the freight there was about 20 of us
sent together I do not know how
much it will be but Jason Hall can
tell you for he will have to pay for
[page 2]
it before it can be taken out
I want some of you to be sure and
go up there and get it as soon as you
can Sam D has got some there too You
spoke in your letter about John
Stinckfields writing to me about
Washingtons farm I should like
to save the land but I am not
able to buy it and I cannot do any
thing about it and if Washington
cannot save it we must let it go
I expect there will be trouble with
Henry Jordan but I hope it is fixed
so he cannot trouble our place at
home I should like to know how
the Varney writ comes and when
you hear from it I want to hear
how they settled the Daniel Small
estate and all such news. I have
received all the letters you have
written but some of them is
a great while getting here
[page 3]
28 of our company is on picket
to day our pickets sometimes come
so near as to talk to each other they
are not allowed to fire on pickets and
so they can come near enough to
talk together from where we are
now we can see the enemy fort
with a spy glass I do not know
why they are allowed to build forts
so near our forts could blow them
to pieces at any time if they wanted
to do it I believe there is no other
news to writ I shall write to Mr.
Strout tomorrow we are all well
and we enjoy ourselves first rate
better than you think for
yours in haste
Hiram M. Cash
[private, Co. K, 5th Maine]
MSS 12916
I have just recieved your
letter and also one from James Strout
and I was very glad to hear that you
had recieved that money for I was
afraid you would not get it. I have
sent some clothes to Mechanick falls
directed to Jason Hall and I
want you to go up there as soon as
you can and get them I sent 2 pr.
pants one thick one thin & one coat
and Gangee frock it is done up in
a paper with a tared rope tied arround
it and farthers name is on it with
two envelops you will have to pay
the freight there was about 20 of us
sent together I do not know how
much it will be but Jason Hall can
tell you for he will have to pay for
[page 2]
it before it can be taken out
I want some of you to be sure and
go up there and get it as soon as you
can Sam D has got some there too You
spoke in your letter about John
Stinckfields writing to me about
Washingtons farm I should like
to save the land but I am not
able to buy it and I cannot do any
thing about it and if Washington
cannot save it we must let it go
I expect there will be trouble with
Henry Jordan but I hope it is fixed
so he cannot trouble our place at
home I should like to know how
the Varney writ comes and when
you hear from it I want to hear
how they settled the Daniel Small
estate and all such news. I have
received all the letters you have
written but some of them is
a great while getting here
[page 3]
28 of our company is on picket
to day our pickets sometimes come
so near as to talk to each other they
are not allowed to fire on pickets and
so they can come near enough to
talk together from where we are
now we can see the enemy fort
with a spy glass I do not know
why they are allowed to build forts
so near our forts could blow them
to pieces at any time if they wanted
to do it I believe there is no other
news to writ I shall write to Mr.
Strout tomorrow we are all well
and we enjoy ourselves first rate
better than you think for
yours in haste
Hiram M. Cash
[private, Co. K, 5th Maine]
MSS 12916
Monday, September 26, 2011
1861 September 26
[from the diary of Harrison B. Jones, 4th Sergeant of Co. H, 33rd Virginia Infantry]
there was a fight
to day between about
6 thousand of the enemy
and 2 thousand of ours. we
had one man killed & one
wounded. the enemy were
driven back with consid
erable loss it is supposed
Perhaps Jones is referring to the Federal reconnaisance to Lewinsville on September 25.
MSS 14169
there was a fight
to day between about
6 thousand of the enemy
and 2 thousand of ours. we
had one man killed & one
wounded. the enemy were
driven back with consid
erable loss it is supposed
Perhaps Jones is referring to the Federal reconnaisance to Lewinsville on September 25.
MSS 14169
1861 September 26
[from the diary of Wesley Hammond of the Dixie Greys, Co. E of the 42nd Virignia Infantry]
March from Camp ____________
to a Camp near Lewisburg. Dis
tance 19 miles – March through
some beautiful country. Cross 2
mountains and through 2 little
villages Frankfort & ___________
Read 2 Chapters in bible – Regt.
very - near broken down when
it arrived in Camp -
MSS 5526
March from Camp ____________
to a Camp near Lewisburg. Dis
tance 19 miles – March through
some beautiful country. Cross 2
mountains and through 2 little
villages Frankfort & ___________
Read 2 Chapters in bible – Regt.
very - near broken down when
it arrived in Camp -
MSS 5526
1861 September 26
[from the diary of Eugene M. Cox, Albemarle Border Guards]
9 P. M. Rain t0-day--our company was with several others detailed for picquet--took two prisoners--nothing more of importance occurred today---
MSS 38-221
9 P. M. Rain t0-day--our company was with several others detailed for picquet--took two prisoners--nothing more of importance occurred today---
MSS 38-221
1861 September 26
[From the diary of Francis G. Hale, Company F, 34th Ohio Zouaves]
very unwell this morning
could not eat my
breakfast felt little
Better went fishing
bout ten o clock did not
catch any broke my
line and quit went
down to the boat
sat there a while to
see them load up the
teams for Gauly felt
wors and went to my
tent and went to sleepe
woke up a little better
the boys got some fresh beef to day
from some place
we got a peise of it
it is first rate for
this country we have
not hear from our
boys yet whether they
are fighting or not
it rained to day for
about 3 hours it is
all mudy now a round
campnow but it has
quit raining but
looks like it would
rain a gain soon
it commenced raining
in the evening and
rained on til we
went to sleepe and
the prospect is it will
rain tomorrow and
all night to night
if it dose the boys
will have a hard
time of it that is
gon out on a scout
MSS 13405
very unwell this morning
could not eat my
breakfast felt little
Better went fishing
bout ten o clock did not
catch any broke my
line and quit went
down to the boat
sat there a while to
see them load up the
teams for Gauly felt
wors and went to my
tent and went to sleepe
woke up a little better
the boys got some fresh beef to day
from some place
we got a peise of it
it is first rate for
this country we have
not hear from our
boys yet whether they
are fighting or not
it rained to day for
about 3 hours it is
all mudy now a round
quit raining but
looks like it would
rain a gain soon
it commenced raining
in the evening and
rained on til we
went to sleepe and
the prospect is it will
rain tomorrow and
all night to night
if it dose the boys
will have a hard
time of it that is
gon out on a scout
MSS 13405
Sunday, September 25, 2011
1861 September 26
Abraham Lincoln proclaimed September 26 as a “day of humiliation, fasting and prayer.” The following excerpts are from a sermon preached in Baltimore:
A Sermon
September 26, 1861
The day of National Fasting, Humiliation and Prayer,
"BLESSED are the peacemakers:: for they shall be called
the children of God!" Let it be ours, my dear congregation,
to merit the title and receive the blessing. More particularly
should I, a minister of the peaceful Jesus, with the solemn
vows of ordination resting on me to set forth "quietness,
peace, and love," among mankind, exert all my powers in
the ways of peace. And, as we have the past hour engaged
in the worship of Him whom the gentle St. John wrote of
thus "God is love," praying those "special" prayers com-
posed for this sacred occasion, I trust you are prepared to
listen to the words of your pastor, who labors for peace. If
my remarks shall refer to topics of a political nature rather
than to those duties which are usually the theme of a reli-
gous discourse, be pleased to remember we are called together
'by the exigency of the country, and that consequently a ref-
ference to matter of State is natural, if not opportune. And
here let it be said, as in things spiritual we are taught to
say "OUR FATHER"--thus giving us to understand that man
possesses a common parentage and universal brotherhood--
so, with respect to the teachings of patriotism, let it be
known, aaccustomed in boyhood to hail the flag of my country
with the rising, and to bless it with the setting sun, this heart,
ignoring all geographical lines, by which the States are divided,
embraces every American as a brother! Hence, I am here, in
the presence of omniscience, to plead for my bleeding coun-
[the Rev. Fugitt continues on with analogies to ancient Greece, presumably understood by members of the congregation and concludes:]
I now come to the question, "what is peace on the basis of
common sense and of justice to all parties?" Is it the cruel
subjugation of one of the contending parties into an unnatu-
ral Union?--beggar Southerners into submission and keep the
South as a lair of wild beasts. To do this, you must make
the country a "PURGATORY" and pass through more than
purgatorial fires. To avert a calamity so awful, let us pray
to Him "who stilleth the raging of the sea; and the noise
of his waves, and the madness of the people." What is
peace on the basis of common sense and of justice? Is it
the recognition of the "independence of the Confederate
States of America?" Hear the Unionist: "That supreme
allegiance is due the General Government is to my mind
as legal, as strong, and obligatory, as the laws of the State,
and laws of the nation, could possibly make it; and our
Church has made this allegiance a religious duty. So, it is
perceived, as matters now stand, the honor of my nature,
the patriotism of my hear, and the religion of my soul,
forbid the recognition of Southern independence."
Now, when one party looks on its compulsory adherence
to the Union as something more than a cruel capitulation,
and the other believes its acquiescence in the demand of its
antagonist would be an unrighteous surrender,
what is to be done? Fight out the quarrel? GOD FORBID! I fear that
this civil war, if prolonged, will be as violent as steam, as
destructive as fire, as uncertain as the wind,and as uncon-
trollable as the wave. The alternate successes and defeats
will be as variable as color, as swift as light, and as empty
as shade. The eventual quiet of the country will be like that
which the Roman legions left in ancient Britain, the still-
ness of death. Already, we breathe the sultry atmosphere
of war. And as extreme heat indurates clay, so the heart
is hardened by the fires of those passions aroused by heated
contests. Already, a wave of blood is moving over the land.
Already, the crack of the rifle and the booming of cannon
on many battle fields proclaim that Americans are engaged
in deadly struggle with Americans. Already, the play-
mates of our youth and the friends of our manhood are bay-
oneting one another in the valleys of yon neighboring State.
Already, your brothers and my brothers on yonder plain
receive the fatal shot. On the cold ground they are left to
languish and to die. There no eye pities them. No sister
is there to weep over them. There, no gentle hand is pres-
ent to ease the dying posture,or bind up the ghastly
wounds. Oh! do you not hear the groans and shrieks of
agony! And then, O my God! the very air is
"Wet with orphans' tears,
And shaken by the groans of widowed wives."
Say, my countrymen, Oh, say, shall these things continue?
The voices of murdered American from the grave cry out--
"Have you not learned wisdom from bitter experience; are we
not the victims of your follies and your passions? Cease this
infernal strife and bow before your God for mercy and for peace.
Oh for a Moses to guide us through the Red Sea of blood!
Oh, for a Moses, with rod in hand to smite the rock out of
which shall gush the waters of peace! Patriots shall greet
him as SAVIOUR OF AMERICA! "A name illustrious and revered
by nations, and rich in blessings for our country's good."
Americans, call a NATIONAL CONVENTION for the settlement of
the sectional contest.
Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the
children of God.
[The Rev. Fugitt saw all too clearly the intractability of both sides, and the resulting devastation that would follow the resort to war, but his solution for another national convention was far beyond the ability of either side]
A Sermon
September 26, 1861
The day of National Fasting, Humiliation and Prayer,
"BLESSED are the peacemakers:: for they shall be called
the children of God!" Let it be ours, my dear congregation,
to merit the title and receive the blessing. More particularly
should I, a minister of the peaceful Jesus, with the solemn
vows of ordination resting on me to set forth "quietness,
peace, and love," among mankind, exert all my powers in
the ways of peace. And, as we have the past hour engaged
in the worship of Him whom the gentle St. John wrote of
thus "God is love," praying those "special" prayers com-
posed for this sacred occasion, I trust you are prepared to
listen to the words of your pastor, who labors for peace. If
my remarks shall refer to topics of a political nature rather
than to those duties which are usually the theme of a reli-
gous discourse, be pleased to remember we are called together
'by the exigency of the country, and that consequently a ref-
ference to matter of State is natural, if not opportune. And
here let it be said, as in things spiritual we are taught to
say "OUR FATHER"--thus giving us to understand that man
possesses a common parentage and universal brotherhood--
so, with respect to the teachings of patriotism, let it be
known, aaccustomed in boyhood to hail the flag of my country
with the rising, and to bless it with the setting sun, this heart,
ignoring all geographical lines, by which the States are divided,
embraces every American as a brother! Hence, I am here, in
the presence of omniscience, to plead for my bleeding coun-
[the Rev. Fugitt continues on with analogies to ancient Greece, presumably understood by members of the congregation and concludes:]
I now come to the question, "what is peace on the basis of
common sense and of justice to all parties?" Is it the cruel
subjugation of one of the contending parties into an unnatu-
ral Union?--beggar Southerners into submission and keep the
South as a lair of wild beasts. To do this, you must make
the country a "PURGATORY" and pass through more than
purgatorial fires. To avert a calamity so awful, let us pray
to Him "who stilleth the raging of the sea; and the noise
of his waves, and the madness of the people." What is
peace on the basis of common sense and of justice? Is it
the recognition of the "independence of the Confederate
States of America?" Hear the Unionist: "That supreme
allegiance is due the General Government is to my mind
as legal, as strong, and obligatory, as the laws of the State,
and laws of the nation, could possibly make it; and our
Church has made this allegiance a religious duty. So, it is
perceived, as matters now stand, the honor of my nature,
the patriotism of my hear, and the religion of my soul,
forbid the recognition of Southern independence."
Now, when one party looks on its compulsory adherence
to the Union as something more than a cruel capitulation,
and the other believes its acquiescence in the demand of its
antagonist would be an unrighteous surrender,
what is to be done? Fight out the quarrel? GOD FORBID! I fear that
this civil war, if prolonged, will be as violent as steam, as
destructive as fire, as uncertain as the wind,and as uncon-
trollable as the wave. The alternate successes and defeats
will be as variable as color, as swift as light, and as empty
as shade. The eventual quiet of the country will be like that
which the Roman legions left in ancient Britain, the still-
ness of death. Already, we breathe the sultry atmosphere
of war. And as extreme heat indurates clay, so the heart
is hardened by the fires of those passions aroused by heated
contests. Already, a wave of blood is moving over the land.
Already, the crack of the rifle and the booming of cannon
on many battle fields proclaim that Americans are engaged
in deadly struggle with Americans. Already, the play-
mates of our youth and the friends of our manhood are bay-
oneting one another in the valleys of yon neighboring State.
Already, your brothers and my brothers on yonder plain
receive the fatal shot. On the cold ground they are left to
languish and to die. There no eye pities them. No sister
is there to weep over them. There, no gentle hand is pres-
ent to ease the dying posture,or bind up the ghastly
wounds. Oh! do you not hear the groans and shrieks of
agony! And then, O my God! the very air is
"Wet with orphans' tears,
And shaken by the groans of widowed wives."
Say, my countrymen, Oh, say, shall these things continue?
The voices of murdered American from the grave cry out--
"Have you not learned wisdom from bitter experience; are we
not the victims of your follies and your passions? Cease this
infernal strife and bow before your God for mercy and for peace.
Oh for a Moses to guide us through the Red Sea of blood!
Oh, for a Moses, with rod in hand to smite the rock out of
which shall gush the waters of peace! Patriots shall greet
him as SAVIOUR OF AMERICA! "A name illustrious and revered
by nations, and rich in blessings for our country's good."
Americans, call a NATIONAL CONVENTION for the settlement of
the sectional contest.
Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the
children of God.
[The Rev. Fugitt saw all too clearly the intractability of both sides, and the resulting devastation that would follow the resort to war, but his solution for another national convention was far beyond the ability of either side]
1861 September 25
[from the diary of Wesley Hammond of the Dixie Greys, Co. E. of the 42nd Virginia Infantry]
March from Greenbrier Bridge – Poca
hontas Co. to a Camp near County line
distance 19 miles – March through
some nice country – almost
broken down at night.
MSS 5526
March from Greenbrier Bridge – Poca
hontas Co. to a Camp near County line
distance 19 miles – March through
some nice country – almost
broken down at night.
MSS 5526
1861 Sept[ember] 25 Head Quarters 5th Brigade Camp near Fairfax Co. H
My dearest Wife
Yesterday was by our every-other-day rule
my day for writing, but I rode down to Munson's Hill
with the General & did not get back until night, very
tired. I therefore deferred writing until this morning
when I hoped to hear from you by mail. No letter has
come however which makes me somewhat sad, but
I know how irregular the mails are & console
myself with the thought that I will see you soon.
I wrote you confidentially in my last letter that
Uncle P[hillip St. George Cocke] had sent in his resignation. He at once
received a letter from Genl. Beauregard urging him
to allow his resignation to be withheld for a few days
when until he could receive a reply to a letter
addressed the day before to the War Dept in Richd
in reference to his promotion. So he consented
at once to that arrangement & so the matter stands.
At any rate I shall go home about Monday
next. I hope you will be then by that time
to meet me if Dick is well enough to travel.
As I presume you will have gone up home
[page 2]
before this reaches Ridhd I direct it to Boll'g I.
I got a good fat letter from home yesterday
which said all were well except Father who had
been attacked with fresh boils on his hands
& knees & thought his dyspepsia was also
returning. His spirits seem very low too, so we
must make haste & go to comfort them all.
They all seem very anxious for your return home
& mother is especially anxious that she was
be able to help you nurse our dear Richard
into complete health.
Sister is still in Lynchburg & Wm over the mountain
The latter only had the jaundice--
The health & strength of the army is rapidly im-
proving tho' I look for no forward movement
unless the enemy makes it. I caught a sight
of Genl Beauregard yesterday he looks like McEvoy
a little enlarged soldierized.
Good bye my darling--May the Lord take you
in his Holy Keeping--
Your devoted Husband
P[hilip] B[arraud] Cabell
I am in perfect health. Love to all the children & [?]
& Richard--
MSS 38-111
Yesterday was by our every-other-day rule
my day for writing, but I rode down to Munson's Hill
with the General & did not get back until night, very
tired. I therefore deferred writing until this morning
when I hoped to hear from you by mail. No letter has
come however which makes me somewhat sad, but
I know how irregular the mails are & console
myself with the thought that I will see you soon.
I wrote you confidentially in my last letter that
Uncle P[hillip St. George Cocke] had sent in his resignation. He at once
received a letter from Genl. Beauregard urging him
to allow his resignation to be withheld for a few days
addressed the day before to the War Dept in Richd
in reference to his promotion. So he consented
at once to that arrangement & so the matter stands.
At any rate I shall go home about Monday
next. I hope you will be then by that time
to meet me if Dick is well enough to travel.
As I presume you will have gone up home
[page 2]
before this reaches Ridhd I direct it to Boll'g I.
I got a good fat letter from home yesterday
which said all were well except Father who had
been attacked with fresh boils on his hands
& knees & thought his dyspepsia was also
returning. His spirits seem very low too, so we
must make haste & go to comfort them all.
They all seem very anxious for your return home
& mother is especially anxious that she was
be able to help you nurse our dear Richard
into complete health.
Sister is still in Lynchburg & Wm over the mountain
The latter only had the jaundice--
The health & strength of the army is rapidly im-
proving tho' I look for no forward movement
unless the enemy makes it. I caught a sight
of Genl Beauregard yesterday he looks like McEvoy
a little enlarged soldierized.
Good bye my darling--May the Lord take you
in his Holy Keeping--
Your devoted Husband
P[hilip] B[arraud] Cabell
I am in perfect health. Love to all the children & [?]
& Richard--
MSS 38-111
1861 September 25
[from the diary of Francis G. Hale, 34th Ohio Zouaves]
we had a good break
feast this morning
it consist of beef
sweete potatoes and
coffee and crackers/
and butter which I
thin for one is very
good to a hungry
man there was fifteen men
went out last night
on a scout they went
after three men but
only got one for they
got the word and
started to run and
they shot one a
running they carried
him in the house
and broke for the
camp they got in
this morning very
tiard they did not
like the tramp
very mutch for they
went about forty
mile they sayed
we have not hear
from our boys yet that
went out a fiew
days ago
we are to have meeteing
on the boat that is
at the landing this
evening at 7 oclock
I went to meeteing
stayd a while but
was taking ill and
had to leave I do
not know what the
matter is with me/
a guess I got the flux
MSS 13405
we had a good break
feast this morning
it consist of beef
sweete potatoes and
coffee and crackers/
and butter which I
thin for one is very
good to a hungry
man there was fifteen men
went out last night
on a scout they went
after three men but
only got one for they
got the word and
started to run and
they shot one a
running they carried
him in the house
and broke for the
camp they got in
this morning very
tiard they did not
like the tramp
very mutch for they
went about forty
mile they sayed
we have not hear
from our boys yet that
went out a fiew
days ago
we are to have meeteing
on the boat that is
at the landing this
evening at 7 oclock
I went to meeteing
stayd a while but
was taking ill and
had to leave I do
not know what the
matter is with me/
a guess I got the flux
MSS 13405
1861 Sep[tember] 25 Head Quarters 5 Brig[ade] Fairfax C. H.
My dear John
I have just received your
letter of the 21st inst. also one from your mother
of the same date by which I am glad to hear so
fully and satisfactorily from same of the continued
health of all--and many other particulars--
Say to your mother I wrote to her a day or two
since enclosing a letter to Mr. Wm H Harrison
and a check for $250 to pay the boy's
board & tuition--Tell your mother if she
requires money to buy clothes for the boys
or other expenses to check for it herself
as I authorized her to do some time since--
In regard to your military position I feel
that it[sic] very important for you to act with
promptness & decision--You will have to serve
in some capacity-- and by this time you know
the importance of finding a proper position.
As volunteer aid you would remain out
of commission--and should you love that place
would have to get a commission there or go
[page 2]
in the ranks--and the longer you remain out
of commission the greater will be the difficulty
of getting commissioned--I would therefore advise
you in case I do not myself resign (of which I am
now thinking) to remain as the A A Adjt of the
Brigade & apply for the Commission due thereto
and then if at any time you give up the staff
appointment or lose it by my death or resigna-
tion--you can better retain your Commission
and go in the line or[?] resign--
I am sure you will never be content to be
out of active efficient service whilst
this war continues--which threatens our
very hearths honor liberties and all that
is dear to men--I think too you had
best return here until all this matter
shall be agreed upon and settled--because
if you are to remain A A Adjt I would have
no right to grant leave of absence--and you
might lose all claim to holding that place
by remaining away---already there is some
irregularity to Clarke's acting in both capacities
only to be justified by you both having been
thrown out of Commission.
[page 3]
and on the report of the Brigade staff made
to day in accordance to orders--you are reported
absent of course-- You will therefore see the ne-
cessity of prompt decision & action--and return
to settle these various points--
We may have another battle any day
indeed I do not see how matters can
remain inactive much longer--May
God give us the victory again whenever
Phill[ip] [Barraud] Cabell is here but will probably
return again soon to remain some time--
Tell my dear Charley I have not forgotten
his letter--& my baby too & often I think
of the little letters she sent me--I hope
to be able to write to Charley before long---
Tell him how glad I was to hear from his
grand pa he was so good a boy w[?]
he stayed at L[ower] Bremo & such a comfort
to the old gentleman [ i.e. General John Hartwell Cocke]--
With love to the boys to the dear girls
and all the house---particularly to Aunt
Mary & cousin N I remain my dear John
Yr affec father--Philip St Geo Cocke
MSS 640
we have another battle!
I have just received your
letter of the 21st inst. also one from your mother
of the same date by which I am glad to hear so
fully and satisfactorily from same of the continued
health of all--and many other particulars--
Say to your mother I wrote to her a day or two
since enclosing a letter to Mr. Wm H Harrison
and a check for $250 to pay the boy's
board & tuition--Tell your mother if she
requires money to buy clothes for the boys
or other expenses to check for it herself
as I authorized her to do some time since--
In regard to your military position I feel
that it[sic] very important for you to act with
promptness & decision--You will have to serve
in some capacity-- and by this time you know
the importance of finding a proper position.
As volunteer aid you would remain out
of commission--and should you love that place
would have to get a commission there or go
[page 2]
in the ranks--and the longer you remain out
of commission the greater will be the difficulty
of getting commissioned--I would therefore advise
you in case I do not myself resign (of which I am
now thinking) to remain as the A A Adjt of the
Brigade & apply for the Commission due thereto
and then if at any time you give up the staff
appointment or lose it by my death or resigna-
tion--you can better retain your Commission
and go in the line or[?] resign--
I am sure you will never be content to be
out of active efficient service whilst
this war continues--which threatens our
very hearths honor liberties and all that
is dear to men--I think too you had
best return here until all this matter
shall be agreed upon and settled--because
if you are to remain A A Adjt I would have
no right to grant leave of absence--and you
might lose all claim to holding that place
by remaining away---already there is some
irregularity to Clarke's acting in both capacities
only to be justified by you both having been
thrown out of Commission.
[page 3]
and on the report of the Brigade staff made
to day in accordance to orders--you are reported
absent of course-- You will therefore see the ne-
cessity of prompt decision & action--and return
to settle these various points--
We may have another battle any day
indeed I do not see how matters can
remain inactive much longer--May
God give us the victory again whenever
Phill[ip] [Barraud] Cabell is here but will probably
return again soon to remain some time--
Tell my dear Charley I have not forgotten
his letter--& my baby too & often I think
of the little letters she sent me--I hope
to be able to write to Charley before long---
Tell him how glad I was to hear from his
grand pa he was so good a boy w[?]
he stayed at L[ower] Bremo & such a comfort
to the old gentleman [ i.e. General John Hartwell Cocke]--
With love to the boys to the dear girls
and all the house---particularly to Aunt
Mary & cousin N I remain my dear John
Yr affec father--Philip St Geo Cocke
MSS 640
we have another battle!
1861 September 25
[from the diary of Eugene M. Cox, of the Albemarle Border Guard]
Skirmishing was renewed this morning and continued all day--enemy are closing in upon us--must be a great [unidentified word heavily lined through]
MSS 38-211
Skirmishing was renewed this morning and continued all day--enemy are closing in upon us--must be a great [unidentified word heavily lined through]
MSS 38-211
Saturday, September 24, 2011
[1861 September 24]
[from the diary of Harrison B. Jones of the 33rd Virginia Infantry]
to day Mr Cullers came
down a[nd] brought several
boxes for the company
Perhaps the father of Joseph Cullers, a private in Company H
to day Mr Cullers came
down a[nd] brought several
boxes for the company
Perhaps the father of Joseph Cullers, a private in Company H
1861 September 24
[from the diary of Eugene M. Cox, Albemarle Border Guards]
10 1/2 A.M. Up at daybreak this morning and got early breakfast--at 8 got orders to pack up baggage, strike tents and put the same on wagons to be sent east of "Little Sewell"--enemy is approaching and we shall meet him soon. We have already fired four cannons at him--and are still firing--our advance have been engaged with the enemy all the morning--9 P.M. Enemy retired to the top of the mountain before noon--he has made no other forward movement up to this hour--is understood to be trying to flank us and has evidently secured re-inforcements to-day--all quiet here now--Genl. Lee arrived here this evening with four or five regiment to assist the Legion--in the womb of a short future important events now slumber--
MSS 38-211
10 1/2 A.M. Up at daybreak this morning and got early breakfast--at 8 got orders to pack up baggage, strike tents and put the same on wagons to be sent east of "Little Sewell"--enemy is approaching and we shall meet him soon. We have already fired four cannons at him--and are still firing--our advance have been engaged with the enemy all the morning--9 P.M. Enemy retired to the top of the mountain before noon--he has made no other forward movement up to this hour--is understood to be trying to flank us and has evidently secured re-inforcements to-day--all quiet here now--Genl. Lee arrived here this evening with four or five regiment to assist the Legion--in the womb of a short future important events now slumber--
MSS 38-211
1861 Sept[ember] 24th Fairfax C. House
Dear Ma,
As this is the last opportunity I will have to write
to you for some time and as a good opportunity is afforded
to Front Royal this morning I drop you a line. We will leave
in a few minutes with the entire regiment to go on Pickett
some ten or eleven miles below here near a little place called
Annandale. We received orders at 3 o'clock this morning to
prepare five days provisions to go on Pickett.
I am very sorry I could not get my overcoat before I
left. I do not know what I will do at nights without it.
Ma please send me down a pair of drawers by the very
first opportunity as I have the only pair on now that I
have with me and have been wearing them for a week and torn
in the bargain.
Mr. Steel will give you the news generally. I suppose
you received my little note with the box and boots by Mr.
Boone yesterday. My time is up I must bundle up my bed
clothes and fill my haversack ready to start. Love to all.
Write soon. Your affec. son
R[ichard] B[ayly] B[uck]
Richard Bayly Buck, 1844-1888, sergeant in the Warren Rifles, Co. B of the 17th Virginia Infantry
MSS 3064
As this is the last opportunity I will have to write
to you for some time and as a good opportunity is afforded
to Front Royal this morning I drop you a line. We will leave
in a few minutes with the entire regiment to go on Pickett
some ten or eleven miles below here near a little place called
Annandale. We received orders at 3 o'clock this morning to
prepare five days provisions to go on Pickett.
I am very sorry I could not get my overcoat before I
left. I do not know what I will do at nights without it.
Ma please send me down a pair of drawers by the very
first opportunity as I have the only pair on now that I
have with me and have been wearing them for a week and torn
in the bargain.
Mr. Steel will give you the news generally. I suppose
you received my little note with the box and boots by Mr.
Boone yesterday. My time is up I must bundle up my bed
clothes and fill my haversack ready to start. Love to all.
Write soon. Your affec. son
R[ichard] B[ayly] B[uck]
Richard Bayly Buck, 1844-1888, sergeant in the Warren Rifles, Co. B of the 17th Virginia Infantry
MSS 3064
1861 September 24
[from the diary of Francis G. Hale, 34th Ohio Zouaves]
I feel a good deal
better this morning
but not quite well
I went up to the
hospital this morning
they have a good many
sick there 3 are wounded
they have 12 prisnors
in the guard house
two are secesh one
is a young man he looks
pale the other is an
old man he looks
sour an ruff an like
we had beef for
supper that the
boys shot the other
day and butter
cabbageto one of
our boys went
out for thing and
got a good many
sweete potatoes and
Irish potatoes corn
bread and is going
out a gain soon
I guess I drew
a dollars worth
of checks to day
MSS 13465
I feel a good deal
better this morning
but not quite well
I went up to the
hospital this morning
they have a good many
sick there 3 are wounded
they have 12 prisnors
in the guard house
two are secesh one
is a young man he looks
pale the other is an
old man he looks
sour an ruff an like
we had beef for
supper that the
boys shot the other
day and butter
our boys went
out for thing and
got a good many
sweete potatoes and
Irish potatoes corn
bread and is going
out a gain soon
I guess I drew
a dollars worth
of checks to day
MSS 13465
1861 September 24
[from the diary of Wesley Hammond of the Dixie Greys. Co. E of the 42nd Virginia]
wrote to bro. Peter. read 4 chap
ters in bible – Done but little else
MSS 5526
wrote to bro. Peter. read 4 chap
ters in bible – Done but little else
MSS 5526
Friday, September 23, 2011
1861 Sept[ember] 23 Camp near Germantown, Va.
My Dear Wife
As Mr. Rosboro leaves to-
morrow morning for home I will again
write a few lines, although I sent a letter by
Mr. R. B. Sloan a few days since. In your note
sent by Mr. Whitier you stated that you had
not received a letter in two weeks. I can
only account for it in this way. We were
absent on Picket duty for one week and
when about to start I had written a letter
but would not send it, until my return.
Wm Creight has probably delivered the letter
some days since. I sometimes think that I
write so often, their certainly must be
some very uninteresting and nonsensical
letters. If this is the case take the will for
the deed. I received the haversack and
am very much pleased with it. I have
written a note to Wm Creight directing
him to leave with you $90, ninety dollars.
As I before wrote you do let me
Direct your letters to
Fairfax C.H.
know from time to time the state of your funds.
Do write me soon, and let me know if
the clothes etc came to hand. Within the past few
days, the weather has been quite cool and I have
felt the need of another pr. of blankets. Last
night I slept with 3 Shirts on and part of
the time with my breeches on. This however is
only a cool spell as we some times have
at home. Matters are still quiet, something
is however brewing an there is considerable
activity among the troops. We expect soon ^ ‘again’ to
go on Picket duty at Munsen’s Hill or
some call it Munson’s Hill. In this event
I will again write you. Say to Nett that McGin-
-niss is said to be the ugliest man in
the Legion. Gen Jones has his wife with
him. It makes me feel that I would like
to have mine with me. When I get to be
a Genl (now don’t) Probably somebody else’s
wife wont be with them. You see what
kind of paper I have to write on. Send
me three or four packs of good yellow
envelopes with the paper. The sick are getting
well and the health of the Company much
better. Give much love to all, Your ^ ‘husband’ in purest
Affection JM Phinney
James M. Phinney, 1st Lieutenant in the 6th South Carolina Infantry
MSS 12661
As Mr. Rosboro leaves to-
morrow morning for home I will again
write a few lines, although I sent a letter by
Mr. R. B. Sloan a few days since. In your note
sent by Mr. Whitier you stated that you had
not received a letter in two weeks. I can
only account for it in this way. We were
absent on Picket duty for one week and
when about to start I had written a letter
but would not send it, until my return.
Wm Creight has probably delivered the letter
some days since. I sometimes think that I
write so often, their certainly must be
some very uninteresting and nonsensical
letters. If this is the case take the will for
the deed. I received the haversack and
am very much pleased with it. I have
written a note to Wm Creight directing
him to leave with you $90, ninety dollars.
As I before wrote you do let me
Direct your letters to
Fairfax C.H.
know from time to time the state of your funds.
Do write me soon, and let me know if
the clothes etc came to hand. Within the past few
days, the weather has been quite cool and I have
felt the need of another pr. of blankets. Last
night I slept with 3 Shirts on and part of
the time with my breeches on. This however is
only a cool spell as we some times have
at home. Matters are still quiet, something
is however brewing an there is considerable
activity among the troops. We expect soon ^ ‘again’ to
go on Picket duty at Munsen’s Hill or
some call it Munson’s Hill. In this event
I will again write you. Say to Nett that McGin-
-niss is said to be the ugliest man in
the Legion. Gen Jones has his wife with
him. It makes me feel that I would like
to have mine with me. When I get to be
a Genl (now don’t) Probably somebody else’s
wife wont be with them. You see what
kind of paper I have to write on. Send
me three or four packs of good yellow
envelopes with the paper. The sick are getting
well and the health of the Company much
better. Give much love to all, Your ^ ‘husband’ in purest
Affection JM Phinney
James M. Phinney, 1st Lieutenant in the 6th South Carolina Infantry
MSS 12661
1861 September 23
[from the diary of Wesley Hammond of the Dixie Greys, Co. E of the 42nd Virginia Infantry]
March from Edrey to Greenbrier
bridge – distance 4 miles
read 3 chapters in bible –
receive a letter from bro.
Peter – dress parade –
MSS 5526
March from Edrey to Greenbrier
bridge – distance 4 miles
read 3 chapters in bible –
receive a letter from bro.
Peter – dress parade –
MSS 5526
1861 September 23
[from the diary of William M. Cox of the Albemarle Border Guards]
9 A. M. Slept well last night--have a very fine day--p P. M. It was rumored to-day about noon that this command is to be taken to the East--We were ordered (for some purpose not known by us) to fall in promptly at two o'clock upon the firing of a signal--this we did---but to our great surprise the news came that the enemy had driven our picquets in and were on the top of the mountain and coming down upon us--at about 5 o'clock. Their advance guard and ours met and commenced a brisk fight--the enemy retired immediately--our loss nothng more than four wounded--Capt. Lewis (cavalry) and three of his men --loss of the enemy-----Expect hot work to-morrow---ordered to sleep with our eyes open and our arms close at hand--
MSS 38-211
9 A. M. Slept well last night--have a very fine day--p P. M. It was rumored to-day about noon that this command is to be taken to the East--We were ordered (for some purpose not known by us) to fall in promptly at two o'clock upon the firing of a signal--this we did---but to our great surprise the news came that the enemy had driven our picquets in and were on the top of the mountain and coming down upon us--at about 5 o'clock. Their advance guard and ours met and commenced a brisk fight--the enemy retired immediately--our loss nothng more than four wounded--Capt. Lewis (cavalry) and three of his men --loss of the enemy-----Expect hot work to-morrow---ordered to sleep with our eyes open and our arms close at hand--
MSS 38-211
1861 Sept[ember] 23 University of Virginia
Dear Genl [John H. Cocke]
Sir yours of the 13th inst.
which was recd a few days since you speak
of going to Richmond before you come up
here I am going down to Rd tomorrow
on business & hope I shall find you there
but if not, I wish you would inform
me of your movements, & if it is in
my power after getting thro' with my busi-
ness in Rd. I may run up & make you
a little visit, if you will be at home
My mission to R is to find out the chances
for employment in some of the departments
of the government. I find I can do nothing
by writing. Whether I succeed or not, I
supose I shall be there a week[?] [hole in paper] within that
time & hope to hear from you, or see you, if
you can make your arrangements to go down
[page 2]
Richmond College is now used as a
hospital for soldiers, & we will not open
in Rd: as usual. I suppose you will
spend this Winter as usual in the south
What time do you go?
Mother writes with me in kindest
regards to yourself & our friends at Bremo &
Your friend sincerely
Wm G. Strange
William G. Strange [d. 1900?], a University of Virginia alumnus, was a professor at [Richmond College?]. Strange refers to Cocke's regular journeys to Alabama to see his plantations there
MSS 640
Sir yours of the 13th inst.
which was recd a few days since you speak
of going to Richmond before you come up
here I am going down to Rd tomorrow
on business & hope I shall find you there
but if not, I wish you would inform
me of your movements, & if it is in
my power after getting thro' with my busi-
ness in Rd. I may run up & make you
a little visit, if you will be at home
My mission to R is to find out the chances
for employment in some of the departments
of the government. I find I can do nothing
by writing. Whether I succeed or not, I
supose I shall be there a week[?] [hole in paper] within that
time & hope to hear from you, or see you, if
you can make your arrangements to go down
[page 2]
Richmond College is now used as a
hospital for soldiers, & we will not open
in Rd: as usual. I suppose you will
spend this Winter as usual in the south
What time do you go?
Mother writes with me in kindest
regards to yourself & our friends at Bremo &
Your friend sincerely
Wm G. Strange
William G. Strange [d. 1900?], a University of Virginia alumnus, was a professor at [Richmond College?]. Strange refers to Cocke's regular journeys to Alabama to see his plantations there
MSS 640
1861 September 23
[from the diary of Francis G. Hale, Co. F, 34th Ohio Zouaves]
there is no small stir in
camp this morning
a bout going to war
I will not get to go for
being sick and weak
to weak to walk far
at a time
the boys are gon now
some of them are scared
all most to death one
fellow of our men he
gave up his gun and
equipments so he
would not get to go
there was about six
hundred men of our
Regiment went
we have a young lady
in our regiment for
to atend to the sick
and wounded she is
a nice looking young
lady she is drest in
Zouave uniform a
good ele like our own
and has her hair cut
of short and has a
nice hat she is a nice
looking lady
MSS 13405
there is no small stir in
camp this morning
a bout going to war
I will not get to go for
being sick and weak
to weak to walk far
at a time
the boys are gon now
some of them are scared
all most to death one
fellow of our men he
gave up his gun and
equipments so he
would not get to go
there was about six
hundred men of our
Regiment went
we have a young lady
in our regiment for
to atend to the sick
and wounded she is
a nice looking young
lady she is drest in
Zouave uniform a
good ele like our own
and has her hair cut
of short and has a
nice hat she is a nice
looking lady
MSS 13405
1861 September 23 Fairfax C. House [Virginia]
Dear Pa
As Mr Boone leaves for Front
Royal this morning I will drop you a line to
let you know that I am well it will be but
a line as I am on guard and will have to return
in a few moments. I was Sergeant of the Guard
last night at the ammunition train and
had a very rough time as no one was
allowed to come within a hundred yards
with fire they were not even allowed to
I received the box of Peaches by Scott
on Saturday very much oblige to you, I
tell you they were acceptable. I received my
uniform also, it is very nicely made indeed
the coat is rather small. I have not had
the pants yet but I think they will fit nicely.
Ma only put two chevrons on the sleeves ^'of my coat'
three is the number required by a Sargeant
Please ask Ma to send me a half yard
more of braid and I will get Mr Williams
to fix it.
Billy Walter request me to ask you to see
Cousin T Ashby and ask him if he can get
an overcoat out of that committee goods and
if so at what price. Please let me know the
next time you write.
As Mr Brown has a great many things
to carry up this morning I will defer sending
up the box and Boots untill Mr Triplett goes
If you can get any Envelopes I wish you would
send me some I must close write soon
Love to Ma and all the children You aff son
R[ichard] B[ayly] B[uck]
Richard Bayly Buck, 1844-1888, sergeant in the Warren Rifles, Co. B of the 17th Virginia Infantry
MSS 3064
As Mr Boone leaves for Front
Royal this morning I will drop you a line to
let you know that I am well it will be but
a line as I am on guard and will have to return
in a few moments. I was Sergeant of the Guard
last night at the ammunition train and
had a very rough time as no one was
allowed to come within a hundred yards
with fire they were not even allowed to
I received the box of Peaches by Scott
on Saturday very much oblige to you, I
tell you they were acceptable. I received my
uniform also, it is very nicely made indeed
the coat is rather small. I have not had
the pants yet but I think they will fit nicely.
Ma only put two chevrons on the sleeves ^'of my coat'
three is the number required by a Sargeant
Please ask Ma to send me a half yard
more of braid and I will get Mr Williams
to fix it.
Billy Walter request me to ask you to see
Cousin T Ashby and ask him if he can get
an overcoat out of that committee goods and
if so at what price. Please let me know the
next time you write.
As Mr Brown has a great many things
to carry up this morning I will defer sending
up the box and Boots untill Mr Triplett goes
If you can get any Envelopes I wish you would
send me some I must close write soon
Love to Ma and all the children You aff son
R[ichard] B[ayly] B[uck]
Richard Bayly Buck, 1844-1888, sergeant in the Warren Rifles, Co. B of the 17th Virginia Infantry
MSS 3064
1861 Sept[ember] 23 Germantown, Virginia
My Dear Creek
I returned late last night from Manassas
hill and forgot all of my troubles (caused by the long march)
by finding a letter here from you and also a box with my
shirts &c with a letter enclosed, you dont know how much
it revived me, after a march of twelve miles in the dark.
I recieved the letter you sent by Emerson on tuesday last, just
a few minutes before we were ordered to march to march[sic] to
Munson's hill, or Falls Church, which is close to manassas,
where we have been ever since, we have been doing picket
duty, but I dont suppose you know what that is, so I will
tell you, we were sent in advance of the whole army to watch
the movements of the enemy, we were than sent out by compinies[sic]
for that purpose, some of the posts had to be defended by two
compinies, Col Sloan kindly gave me the privilege of choosing
my own post. So I chose the one where two compinies were
required and asked him to let me have the Pelmetto[sic] Riflemen
with me, which he did, and we had a very pleasant time
of it. The Pelmettoes and my company being great friends.
We had no difficulties with the enemy during our stay none
of them ever came within range of our Rifles, although we
could see them very plainly all the time, and they could
also see us, but no shots were exchanged between us
[page 2]
and after a stay of six days a Georgia Regiment came and
Relieved us of the duty and we marched back to our old Camp
which was all left standing as we took no tents with us, but trusted
in providence for good weather to make us comfortable, we
also found houses at Falls Church for the men who were not on
duty to sleep in, my company slept in a new church (which
has just been built) when they were off duty, when on duty
we slept--or rather watched under the blue Canopy of
Heaven, with the silvery moon for a candle, you will
think this was very hard fare, but the boys enjoyed it
finely after being cooped up in camp so long.
I send you this by Sam Langston he is going home on
sick Furlough, whether he is sick or not I dont know,
but he is the fattest sick man I have seen lately.
You will find two pieces of Evergreen enclosed, one of them
arbourvitiae and the other Silver Fir. I send them as relics
from Munson's hill. I plucked them both with my own
hand from the top of it, and in sight of Washington City
and within six Hundred yards of the enemy's pickets.
I have no doubt but you have heard a great deal about
Falls Church and Munson's hill as they have become
celebrated places lately, so you can show the little sprays
as having come from their[sic], if I had any means of
sending you one of the silver firs without its dieing
I would send you on or two of them to plant in our
yard, it is a very pretty tree and grows about the same
size as the cedars in our co[u]ntry, but is very hard to grow
after transplanting if I can secure any of the seed I will
[page 3]
bring some with me. You ask do I want any
undershirts. I have still the two red ones you made me last
winter, which are still good, and are all I need, the new
Flannel shirts you sent me are the very thing I wanted
and I had the finest dinner of dried Beef to day that
have had in some time Dugan came and had some of
it with me, he eat his raw, me and billy Major had
ours boilled, when I got here last night I was teasing
Billy Major about having no wife to write to him and
send him shirts &c when he got the dried Beef today
he said he believed he would get married when he
got home and told me to send his kindest Regards
(through you) to Jullia Webb and for you to do all you
could for him, I think Julia is a great deal to good
for him, (which I told him). When you make my pants
fix them as Evans told you I expect it will be much
better than lining them. I do not need any of the money
I sent you here, as soon as we are paid off again I will
send you some more home as it is to much for me to be
carying loose about me, and you make any use of it
you think proper, do nt want for any Comfort--it
you can get it for money. I would like to write you
more but Sam is hurying me, as he wants to start. Dugan
says he is going to send a few lines inside of this, give
my Kindest Regards to all Kiss our Little Darling
for me and tell her Papa will bring her something
nice when he comes home. Good Bye Dear Creek
would that I were with you
[page 4]
P. S. You say you dont get many letters from me
I make it a rule to write you every sunday and Wednesday
and sometimes I write you oftener but never less than
twice a week they are lost in the mail somewhere like
a great \many now, I hear every one complaining of the
Same thing here.
Did you pay Jink the money I Borrowed from him
Dear Sister
You will please Send me the
foloing list of Clothing one
Pair of Homade Pants
the Same of Bills one Vest
to button all the way up
one heavy flanel or wolen
hunting Shirt for winter
one pair heavy drawers one
heavy overShirt tell Ma
that is all I want at present
I kned the pants right off
as the Cloth Mike McGee bot
for our uniform is too light
for winter if you trim the
Pants or Shirts trim them
with green obliged yours
W. C. McFall
William Anderson, Captain of Company J of the 4th Regiment South Carolina Volunteers (Palmetto Sharpshooters). His brother-in-law, W. C. McFall was a private in Company B
MSS 10366
I returned late last night from Manassas
hill and forgot all of my troubles (caused by the long march)
by finding a letter here from you and also a box with my
shirts &c with a letter enclosed, you dont know how much
it revived me, after a march of twelve miles in the dark.
I recieved the letter you sent by Emerson on tuesday last, just
a few minutes before we were ordered to march to march[sic] to
Munson's hill, or Falls Church, which is close to manassas,
where we have been ever since, we have been doing picket
duty, but I dont suppose you know what that is, so I will
tell you, we were sent in advance of the whole army to watch
the movements of the enemy, we were than sent out by compinies[sic]
for that purpose, some of the posts had to be defended by two
compinies, Col Sloan kindly gave me the privilege of choosing
my own post. So I chose the one where two compinies were
required and asked him to let me have the Pelmetto[sic] Riflemen
with me, which he did, and we had a very pleasant time
of it. The Pelmettoes and my company being great friends.
We had no difficulties with the enemy during our stay none
of them ever came within range of our Rifles, although we
could see them very plainly all the time, and they could
also see us, but no shots were exchanged between us
[page 2]
and after a stay of six days a Georgia Regiment came and
Relieved us of the duty and we marched back to our old Camp
which was all left standing as we took no tents with us, but trusted
in providence for good weather to make us comfortable, we
also found houses at Falls Church for the men who were not on
duty to sleep in, my company slept in a new church (which
has just been built) when they were off duty, when on duty
we slept--or rather watched under the blue Canopy of
Heaven, with the silvery moon for a candle, you will
think this was very hard fare, but the boys enjoyed it
finely after being cooped up in camp so long.
I send you this by Sam Langston he is going home on
sick Furlough, whether he is sick or not I dont know,
but he is the fattest sick man I have seen lately.
You will find two pieces of Evergreen enclosed, one of them
arbourvitiae and the other Silver Fir. I send them as relics
from Munson's hill. I plucked them both with my own
hand from the top of it, and in sight of Washington City
and within six Hundred yards of the enemy's pickets.
I have no doubt but you have heard a great deal about
Falls Church and Munson's hill as they have become
celebrated places lately, so you can show the little sprays
as having come from their[sic], if I had any means of
sending you one of the silver firs without its dieing
I would send you on or two of them to plant in our
yard, it is a very pretty tree and grows about the same
size as the cedars in our co[u]ntry, but is very hard to grow
after transplanting if I can secure any of the seed I will
[page 3]
bring some with me. You ask do I want any
undershirts. I have still the two red ones you made me last
winter, which are still good, and are all I need, the new
Flannel shirts you sent me are the very thing I wanted
and I had the finest dinner of dried Beef to day that
have had in some time Dugan came and had some of
it with me, he eat his raw, me and billy Major had
ours boilled, when I got here last night I was teasing
Billy Major about having no wife to write to him and
send him shirts &c when he got the dried Beef today
he said he believed he would get married when he
got home and told me to send his kindest Regards
(through you) to Jullia Webb and for you to do all you
could for him, I think Julia is a great deal to good
for him, (which I told him). When you make my pants
fix them as Evans told you I expect it will be much
better than lining them. I do not need any of the money
I sent you here, as soon as we are paid off again I will
send you some more home as it is to much for me to be
carying loose about me, and you make any use of it
you think proper, do nt want for any Comfort--it
you can get it for money. I would like to write you
more but Sam is hurying me, as he wants to start. Dugan
says he is going to send a few lines inside of this, give
my Kindest Regards to all Kiss our Little Darling
for me and tell her Papa will bring her something
nice when he comes home. Good Bye Dear Creek
would that I were with you
[page 4]
P. S. You say you dont get many letters from me
I make it a rule to write you every sunday and Wednesday
and sometimes I write you oftener but never less than
twice a week they are lost in the mail somewhere like
a great \many now, I hear every one complaining of the
Same thing here.
Did you pay Jink the money I Borrowed from him
Dear Sister
You will please Send me the
foloing list of Clothing one
Pair of Homade Pants
the Same of Bills one Vest
to button all the way up
one heavy flanel or wolen
hunting Shirt for winter
one pair heavy drawers one
heavy overShirt tell Ma
that is all I want at present
I kned the pants right off
as the Cloth Mike McGee bot
for our uniform is too light
for winter if you trim the
Pants or Shirts trim them
with green obliged yours
W. C. McFall
William Anderson, Captain of Company J of the 4th Regiment South Carolina Volunteers (Palmetto Sharpshooters). His brother-in-law, W. C. McFall was a private in Company B
MSS 10366
Thursday, September 22, 2011
1861 September 22
[from the diary of Wesley Hammond of the Dixie Greys, Co. E of the 42nd Virginia]
Wrote to Father – Read 2
chapters in bible – march
from Brake down – to Edrey
Cross the Elk Mountain
View of nature’s scenery
MSS 5526
Wrote to Father – Read 2
chapters in bible – march
from Brake down – to Edrey
Cross the Elk Mountain
View of nature’s scenery
MSS 5526
1861 September 22
[from the diary of Francis G. Hale, Co. F, 34th Ohio Zouaves]
sick this morning
yet feele like I was
called for a could not
the boys are going out
a scirmishing to day
I will not get to go
being un well
this evening news came
that we would have
to go to fight the enemy
we was to get ready
against 3 oclock
in the morning.
MSS 13405
sick this morning
yet feele like I was
called for a could not
the boys are going out
a scirmishing to day
I will not get to go
being un well
this evening news came
that we would have
to go to fight the enemy
we was to get ready
against 3 oclock
in the morning.
MSS 13405
1861 Sept[ember] 22 [Camp Vernon]
Dear Sister I thought i would write you a few lines but i cannot think of think of much to write without it is something i have written before to night it is raining Hard we had some Indiarubber Blanketts sent to us by the State of Maine & such a Night as this we need them Whe are gone to have some Hats they are gone to be Like the New york regiments that are in this Brigade & whe are gone to have some new Guns Soon i had two pieces of the Flag that Elsworth took of the Marchal House I was gone to send a piece of it to you & the other for Mother but i lost both peaces, the Enemy is Building another Fort about a quarter of a mile from where whe are encamp i think they are Building them so that they can Fall Back into if they have to retreat Before they get it done, Because some Morning they will Be surprised by having some shells Poured in to them whe have beans two or three times a week & the way whe Bake them is this We Dig a hole about three feet square & two deep & then build A fire in it, in the Morning & keep it so untill it burns up the coals & then take the pots of beans & place them on the coles & cover the dirt over them and i tell you they are worth having Ben spying this Afternoon at the Rebels & see them Build their Forts i can see them Plaine from Camp they have got some of the teams that went to Bulls Run with us and they are useing them to haul dirt with you Must excuse this letter Because i cannot write any thing that is new I Hope that you are well and the Children From your Brother
Joseph Leavitt
Soldier in the 5th Maine. After his death in 1864 his father copied all his letters into a copybook for preservation.
Leavitt was not the only member of the 5th Maine to cut himself some souvenirs from the Marshall House to send the folks back home. See the letter of Hiram Cash of August 15, and the thanks from "Ella" on September 8.
MSS 66
Joseph Leavitt
Soldier in the 5th Maine. After his death in 1864 his father copied all his letters into a copybook for preservation.
Leavitt was not the only member of the 5th Maine to cut himself some souvenirs from the Marshall House to send the folks back home. See the letter of Hiram Cash of August 15, and the thanks from "Ella" on September 8.
MSS 66
1861 September 22 Camp Blair Fairfax Station, [Virginia]
My dear Pa;
We were very glad to hear from all of
you yesterday through Dick Johnson, & as there is no preaching this morn=
ing I will occupy a part of my time in writing to you, though I’ve just
written a few days ago, & news is very scarce in camp. We try to let you
hear from us as often as three times a week, but very often it is impos=
sible for us to write even as often as three times a week. Bro. John
has to write to Sister Page so often he can’t write home often. I believe
he writes to Sister Page every day, & quarrels very much sometimes
at not hearing from her, abuses the Post Master at Murrel’s shop for
misplacing his letters, says he knows his wife does write to him often=
er than he hears; he got a letter from Sister Page yesterday, dated the
18th, she was well. We were on picket at Burke’s station, four miles
below here, Friday night & yesterday; we had a very nice time, took
supper, breakfast, & dinner at Mr. Marshal’s, a very nice place, a we enjoy=
the eating very much of course – I had to wait at supper, as there
was not room for all of us, & when I ate I had a nice lady to wait
upon me – you just ought to have seen me eat battercakes, a plate
full was placed right by me, & you know I did eat. I left one in
the plate for politeness. It made me think of home very much
to eat in at a nice table in a house; the battercakes reminded me
as much of home as anything else; I thought of Sister, how she
used to talk to me about eating so many, & tell Rich not to
hand me anymore, for I would certainly eat as long as he would
bring them in. I had almost forgotten how to eat like white folks,
found my self several times eating with my hands. I took a long
walk ing the country with some of the boys, to a very nice house where
we got as much watermelon & mus[k]melon as we could eat, the
[page 2]
first I’ve had this season; I also found two very sweet little children,
one baby. We were relieved yesterday evening; it commenced raining
hard soon after we started home & rained all the evening, we got very
wet, & but for that part of it, the whole trip would have been a very
pleasant one…..It has been a very qu^‘i’et morning, no preaching
or anything of the sort. Bro. John had an appointment, & went to the
church to preach, but found it occupied by a Co. of Stewart’s cavalry
& some sick men & it was too damp to preach out doors, so there
was no preaching at all. We had inspection of arms this morn-
ing, will have dress parade this evening. We have not heard anythin^‘g’
from Munson’s lately; - the Tenesee Regt. started down there early
this morning – would not be surprised if we relieved them,
as we did before – if we do have to relieve the Tenesseans, I sup=
pose we will go in about four days - .. Bick Johnson is trying
to get Tip home, but I don’t think he will succeed. Tip is not
sick much. Ira Kennon is right much complaining, is
better to day – Jimmie Pettus is good deal better – Henry’s boil
is get[t]ing nearly well – Jarman [Pvt. James Jarmin]Gooch is going home in
a few days, we will write by him. I must now bring my
letter to a close, so as to have it mailed in time to go tomorrow.
Our best love to all at home, all of our friends & accept a large
share for yr self. We are very well – write soon to us.
yr devoted & most
aff son
P. S. P. E. Jones
Bro. John wrote ^‘this morning’ to Edward Joyner, who his [is] in the
war department, to attend to his business; he thinks he will
get [-] the appointment in a week or two.
MSS 13407
We were very glad to hear from all of
you yesterday through Dick Johnson, & as there is no preaching this morn=
ing I will occupy a part of my time in writing to you, though I’ve just
written a few days ago, & news is very scarce in camp. We try to let you
hear from us as often as three times a week, but very often it is impos=
sible for us to write even as often as three times a week. Bro. John
has to write to Sister Page so often he can’t write home often. I believe
he writes to Sister Page every day, & quarrels very much sometimes
at not hearing from her, abuses the Post Master at Murrel’s shop for
misplacing his letters, says he knows his wife does write to him often=
er than he hears; he got a letter from Sister Page yesterday, dated the
18th, she was well. We were on picket at Burke’s station, four miles
below here, Friday night & yesterday; we had a very nice time, took
supper, breakfast, & dinner at Mr. Marshal’s, a very nice place, a we enjoy=
the eating very much of course – I had to wait at supper, as there
was not room for all of us, & when I ate I had a nice lady to wait
upon me – you just ought to have seen me eat battercakes, a plate
full was placed right by me, & you know I did eat. I left one in
the plate for politeness. It made me think of home very much
to eat in at a nice table in a house; the battercakes reminded me
as much of home as anything else; I thought of Sister, how she
used to talk to me about eating so many, & tell Rich not to
hand me anymore, for I would certainly eat as long as he would
bring them in. I had almost forgotten how to eat like white folks,
found my self several times eating with my hands. I took a long
walk ing the country with some of the boys, to a very nice house where
we got as much watermelon & mus[k]melon as we could eat, the
[page 2]
first I’ve had this season; I also found two very sweet little children,
one baby. We were relieved yesterday evening; it commenced raining
hard soon after we started home & rained all the evening, we got very
wet, & but for that part of it, the whole trip would have been a very
pleasant one…..It has been a very qu^‘i’et morning, no preaching
or anything of the sort. Bro. John had an appointment, & went to the
church to preach, but found it occupied by a Co. of Stewart’s cavalry
& some sick men & it was too damp to preach out doors, so there
was no preaching at all. We had inspection of arms this morn-
ing, will have dress parade this evening. We have not heard anythin^‘g’
from Munson’s lately; - the Tenesee Regt. started down there early
this morning – would not be surprised if we relieved them,
as we did before – if we do have to relieve the Tenesseans, I sup=
pose we will go in about four days - .. Bick Johnson is trying
to get Tip home, but I don’t think he will succeed. Tip is not
sick much. Ira Kennon is right much complaining, is
better to day – Jimmie Pettus is good deal better – Henry’s boil
is get[t]ing nearly well – Jarman [Pvt. James Jarmin]Gooch is going home in
a few days, we will write by him. I must now bring my
letter to a close, so as to have it mailed in time to go tomorrow.
Our best love to all at home, all of our friends & accept a large
share for yr self. We are very well – write soon to us.
yr devoted & most
aff son
P. S. P. E. Jones
Bro. John wrote ^‘this morning’ to Edward Joyner, who his [is] in the
war department, to attend to his business; he thinks he will
get [-] the appointment in a week or two.
MSS 13407
1861 Septemb[er] 22 Camp near Fairfax C. H.
My dearest Wife:
Your letter of Friday has just been handed
me & gave me much pleasure by the intelligence con-
tained in it so favorable to yourself & Richard. I trust
that you[r] neuralgia may not return & that our dear
brother may soon be quite well again. Tell Dick
I gave Lieut. Fleming his paper & he promised
to attend to the business for him. The paymaster
had not visited the troop & at this time has gone
to Richmond to replenish his empty pockets--Mr. F.
promised to send me Richard's money as soon as he
got it if the paymaster came before I left for home
If otherwise, he will send it by the first opportunity.
I have gotten as much money now as I shall want
from Joseph who seems to have his pockets full--you
can get what you want from Dick & I will pay him
when I see him--
Uncle P. this morning sent in resignation to the
war department & for his sake I am glad of it. He
has served his country faithfully & disinterestedly,
has submitted to indignities & neglect which no other
[page 2]
military man would stand and I think is per-
fectly justifiable in going home & serving her in a
private Capacity--His resignation may be answered
by a Brigadiers Commission, but I doubt it. Don't
say anything about this until the thing is made public
which may never be. Uncle P. seems to be in rather
low spirits & I think I had better remain with
him until his resignation takes effect if it is not
many days after the time I appointed to meet
you at home--It shall not detain me many days
however & may perhaps let me off sooner--
This cool cloudy weather makes fire quite comfort-
able here & reminds us that the cold cheerless win-
=ter will soon be upon us. How much suffering is
in store for these two America peoples, especially
for our vile & malignant enemies. Perhaps the
Lord by permitting weeping & wailing among them
may turn their "gnashing of teeth" upon themselves.
But we must all suffer to make us look to Him
for aid & whenever we stand in the way of His Providen-
=ces. There is nothing now can prevent this from
being a long & bloody war but some miraculous
interposition of Providence. And I believe it will
come sooner than is generally believed if it is for good.
[page 3]
I am happy to tell you that my valued little friend
Tafel is almosat well having cured himself by his
own treatment--I rode all the way to Manassas
yesterday to see him not having seen him the day
I came down--It is really beautiful to see how
he preserves unspotted, among the wretches he
is obliged to associate with, the purity of his heart
& of the New Church truths with which his mind
is well stored--He has fully & from principle
cast his lot with us & so long as I live Tafel
shall never want a friend. By the way one of
the men in the same company who was taken
sick since Tafel is now nearly dead under the
treatment of the regular physician. He, Tafel, was
pronounced to have strong symptoms of typhoid
fever by the medical director, but has never lost
his strength at all having taken as he said in
his peculiar accent "only a little pulsatilla and
a few grains of rhubarb after he was nearly well
already". The latter was by my advice when I
saw him, tho' he wouldn't touch it until he was almost
Every thing is perfectly quiet at the seat of war
I do not much like the news from the west tho'
[page 4]
I am sure all will be right there too--by the
end of the Campaign.
I have heard nothing from home since I left
there though that has been nearly two weeks. I
suppose they do not write being under the im-
pression that their letters would not get through--
I am going to write home to day--Sister went
with William on his way to the Springs as far
as Lynchburg where she now is with Mrs. Brown
The school there opened on the 15th. I have not
heard with what success--
Dr. Harrison's school opened with 3 scholars!
goodbye now Dinner is nearly ready. I shall
direct my next letter to Bolling Island--
May God our Lord Jesus protect & keep you
Prays your Own loving Husband
P[hilip] B[arraud] C[abell]
refers to the resignation of Philip St. George Cocke.
Cabell refers to the New Church or the New Jerusalem Church, a church following the principles of Swedish theologian Emanuel Swedenborg (1668-1772), to which many of the Cabell family belonged.
MSS 38-111
Your letter of Friday has just been handed
me & gave me much pleasure by the intelligence con-
tained in it so favorable to yourself & Richard. I trust
that you[r] neuralgia may not return & that our dear
brother may soon be quite well again. Tell Dick
I gave Lieut. Fleming his paper & he promised
to attend to the business for him. The paymaster
had not visited the troop & at this time has gone
to Richmond to replenish his empty pockets--Mr. F.
promised to send me Richard's money as soon as he
got it if the paymaster came before I left for home
If otherwise, he will send it by the first opportunity.
I have gotten as much money now as I shall want
from Joseph who seems to have his pockets full--you
can get what you want from Dick & I will pay him
when I see him--
Uncle P. this morning sent in resignation to the
war department & for his sake I am glad of it. He
has served his country faithfully & disinterestedly,
has submitted to indignities & neglect which no other
[page 2]
military man would stand and I think is per-
fectly justifiable in going home & serving her in a
private Capacity--His resignation may be answered
by a Brigadiers Commission, but I doubt it. Don't
say anything about this until the thing is made public
which may never be. Uncle P. seems to be in rather
low spirits & I think I had better remain with
him until his resignation takes effect if it is not
many days after the time I appointed to meet
you at home--It shall not detain me many days
however & may perhaps let me off sooner--
This cool cloudy weather makes fire quite comfort-
able here & reminds us that the cold cheerless win-
=ter will soon be upon us. How much suffering is
in store for these two America peoples, especially
for our vile & malignant enemies. Perhaps the
Lord by permitting weeping & wailing among them
may turn their "gnashing of teeth" upon themselves.
But we must all suffer to make us look to Him
for aid & whenever we stand in the way of His Providen-
=ces. There is nothing now can prevent this from
being a long & bloody war but some miraculous
interposition of Providence. And I believe it will
come sooner than is generally believed if it is for good.
[page 3]
I am happy to tell you that my valued little friend
Tafel is almosat well having cured himself by his
own treatment--I rode all the way to Manassas
yesterday to see him not having seen him the day
I came down--It is really beautiful to see how
he preserves unspotted, among the wretches he
is obliged to associate with, the purity of his heart
& of the New Church truths with which his mind
is well stored--He has fully & from principle
cast his lot with us & so long as I live Tafel
shall never want a friend. By the way one of
the men in the same company who was taken
sick since Tafel is now nearly dead under the
treatment of the regular physician. He, Tafel, was
pronounced to have strong symptoms of typhoid
fever by the medical director, but has never lost
his strength at all having taken as he said in
his peculiar accent "only a little pulsatilla and
a few grains of rhubarb after he was nearly well
already". The latter was by my advice when I
saw him, tho' he wouldn't touch it until he was almost
Every thing is perfectly quiet at the seat of war
I do not much like the news from the west tho'
[page 4]
I am sure all will be right there too--by the
end of the Campaign.
I have heard nothing from home since I left
there though that has been nearly two weeks. I
suppose they do not write being under the im-
pression that their letters would not get through--
I am going to write home to day--Sister went
with William on his way to the Springs as far
as Lynchburg where she now is with Mrs. Brown
The school there opened on the 15th. I have not
heard with what success--
Dr. Harrison's school opened with 3 scholars!
goodbye now Dinner is nearly ready. I shall
direct my next letter to Bolling Island--
May God our Lord Jesus protect & keep you
Prays your Own loving Husband
P[hilip] B[arraud] C[abell]
refers to the resignation of Philip St. George Cocke.
Cabell refers to the New Church or the New Jerusalem Church, a church following the principles of Swedish theologian Emanuel Swedenborg (1668-1772), to which many of the Cabell family belonged.
MSS 38-111
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