Tuesday, November 8, 2011

1861 Nov[ember 8] Centerville

To The Honorable General Johnston

Dear Sir it gives me much
pleasure to know that you ar at the head of our Army
But it gives me much sorrow to find my Selfe in my present
Condition with out your Simpathy after all my Faithfulness
to our rights as a Sothren peoples not with Standing all
this I have Sente forth all the Strength of my loines
in the field likewese my handes to its Supporte I had
only Three Sons all was fitted out and Sente to the [? lined through]
junction in the fite at that memorable Battle
and fought like heroes also at the famos Battle at
at Leesburg, but one of my harty detele fell to the diseas
and are no more It is well knone that I fitted
hem out with Ther uniforme and Blankets and Sente
Them to the armey in the 8 Ridgment of Virginia and
have Spente hundres of dollars for ther Comfort by fodd
Foode and Raiment Thoe all this has bin done I have
not the privlidg to Come and See after his well fair
let him be Sick or well it would Seem that you wont
forse me to Stay at home and stoop my neck to the
north for the yoak to be put on or Confine me in
This Cold uncharitable place with out the privaledge of
Seeing my famley or any communication with them
I have laid all proof of this before you it Semes not to
excite your feelings. Will not tel me Sende or convay
any things for ther Comfort You must well know it is
harde for a man of near Seventy years of age with a
family of women to Conduct affaires for them Selves

[page 2]
now Sir if you will go or Sende to the eight Virginia Redeiment
you will find all this true also yo can get all the informtion
about Centerville of my furn[?] to and South
and my State. I doe not wish to Come in to your Infantry
with out my Sone is Sick or wonded or dead I want to
have the privaledge to pass in you Calvry pickets So as to
get thoes things nessary for my famly, and to pass out of the
Enamys hands

Now Sir I Shall have to Stoop to your
power never the less it will not Caus me to Turn Trator
or Stoop to the yoak of the North All this I Shall
have to bair a fortitutde of my Revolotion Farther
I am of the old Stock of Virginia My farther Genarl
Rand or had Thirty Children in this County I had
with my Selfe five Sones in the last war with grate
Britten I have at this time hundres of Conection under
your Cron Controle which will not flinch when the enemy
approaches them all this is not to Rais your Simpathy
for me All I want first to doe your Selfe justice
and then think of my Situation

[page 3]
To be copied to-night

[page 4 in another hand]
Hugh Latham, Esqr.
commander of the Wagon Yard

Letter found in the papers of the Cary family.

MSS 1415

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