Thursday, November 17, 2011

1861 November 17 Head Quarters, Army of the Peninsula, Bethel

(contemporary copy by a member of the Noland family)


I received with great regret, you letter of yester
day, stating your intention to leave on Wednesday next-
asking permission to turn over the battery and the stores &c.
to the Senior Officer on duty at the Fort which you have
commanded so beneficial to the service & so satisfactory
to myself.

I am gratified to learn that you desire to return
to this Department. I assure you that I consider the pub-
lic interest will be promoted by it.

I do not know how I can serve you better than to state my
opinion, which I now do, that you former rank in the
U.S. Navy, justified you in the expectation that you ought
to have received the rank of Major in the Provisional Army
C.S. & to add from my own knowledge that your services
on the Peninsula, constitute a just ground upon which, that
rank could be bestowed upon you independently of former
rank elsewhere.

You are at liberty to make such use of this
letter as you may think proper.

I am Captain,
Very truly, Your Obt. servant
J. Bankhead Magruder
Major Genl. Comdn.

Capt. C. St. George Noland
Comdt of Battery
at Mulberry Island Point

Callendar St. George Noland, 1816-1879

MSS 2718-d

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