Dear Pa:-
Your most welcome letter of a few days since duly received and appreciated and as Mr. Thomas leaves in a few moments for Front Royal and has kindly consented to be the bearer of a little note to you I drop you a few lines.
Mr. Thomas takes his final leave of us this morning as the near approach of the meeting of the Legislature compels him to be making some preparations for it. I do not know what we will do without him. Our Company will miss him very much. He has been so attentive to the sick. When a man is taken sick in our company he will work and continue to work until he gets him off home. He goes to the Colonel, Generals and all and begs them for a furlough for the sick. He got Charley off yesterday. I never knew Mr. Thomas until since I have been in the army.
Pa I will have to send my boots up and have them half soled. Mr. Coff ought to do it free of charge. The soles he put on them were made of perfectly raw hide. So soon as they got wet they extend out on either side. It was the worst job I have ever seen, the uppers are very good. That man up near Capt. Roys has been making the boys a little boot for five and a half.
I was very sorry to hear of our defeat at Port Royal but our victory in Kentucky will serve to keep the men in good spirits.
How did the election go in Warren. When you write let me know what majority Smith got. I am very sorry Mr. Scott could not have been elected.
I wish you could be here of evenings to see the artillery practice firing at target, they are very expert.
Where is Walter's company and what are they doing? How did he lose his horse?
All well in the happy Family, in fine spirits, got a new tent. I must close, Mr. Thomas is waiting. Write soon, Love to all.
Ever your affec. son, R[ichard]. B[ayly]. B[uck].
P.S. Please send me a tooth brush. I send by Mr. Thomas thirty dollars please take care of it for me.
Richard Bayly Buck, of the Warren Rifles, Co. B of the 17th Virginia
MSS 3064
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