Thursday, April 28, 2011

1861April 28 Harper's Ferry

   Harpers Ferry  April 28th  61
                        Dear Ma
                                      As I have another opportu-
nity to write, I will do so, though I’ve Just written
to Sister a day or two ago, but was disappointed
in get[t]ing it off, as soon as I expected, as Tip
Johnson, who expected to have started home last Friday
was left.  I will never let another opportunity pass
without writing if I can possibly find the time to
write.  It is a real undertaking to commence a
letter here, as I’m interupted so often & there
is so much confusion.  The letters were received
Friday, & you can well imagine how glad I was
to hear from you all at home.  The papers were
also gladly received, they were a great treat to
me, as they were the first Richmond papers I’ve
seen since I left, we see the Baltimore sun right often
The little testament was also received, which I prize
very highly, I will read it every day if I can,
and hope it will be a benefit to me.  It makes me
think of you all very much this morning at home
as It is Sunday, & I know you are all having a quiet
time of it at home this morning.  It does not look
anything like Sunday to me, but I’m my
qu rather more quietor than I was last Sunday, as
it is raining too hard to be out to day on drill

[page 2]
If it stops raining to day, we will move our quarters
up in Bolivar, a little place adjoining this, I do n’t
know how good the quarters are, am afraid they are not
as good as our present,  I do n’t know why we are
to be moved.  A good many of the other Companies are to be
moved to the same place, Cousine Will Ashby’s company amongst
them.  I saw a letter to Will Ashby the other day
from Aunt Kate, they were all well.  Cousine Jack
Pendleton was pointed out to me yesterday, while we
were parading on the field, I do n’t know what he
is doing here, or where he is staying,  I think he is
a right handsome old Gentleman.
Garret Gooch was here this morning to see us, he came
on business & will return this evening.  He laughed at us
very much, & asked us if we ever washed our faces,
said they did n’t look as if they were washed lately.
I’ve Just dined, & a fine dinner we had, beef & potatoes
I do n’t think the beef was quite as tough a usual
to day.  Ma, I wish you could see us dining once,
I reckon you would laugh to see me march up
& get my tin cup & plate.  Some of the men complain
very much of the fare, but I know there is no use
of complain[in]g, & therefore keep very silent.  I thought
while I was eating to day, that I would enjoy a
cold dinner very much at home.  Joe & I laugh at
one each another very much about our eating, sleeping &C _
   Our Company has increased very much since we left,
some of our recruits were not very much pleased with our
way of living, & therefore left the next day.

[page 3]
     Tell Mr. Thompson & Henry Chiles, that I would like
very much to see them here, but if they are as
smart as I am now, they will stay home, as
long as they can.  I want to be with you
all at home very much, but know it is impos-
sible at present, & therefore I try to be satisfied as
well as I can, & hope you will do the same, & not
make yr self uneasy about me.  I reckon
we will remain here until all of the machinery
is removed, they are moving it now very fast, I
reckon it will take at least a month yet to finish.
It is very probable that we will have to go to
Richmond or someother place before we come Home.
I would like very much to hear from Penny,
let me hear something about  him when you write
Joe & Mr Bickers are well, both send best love –
If you have an opportunity, please send me
one or two shirts, a few collars & two or three coarse
towels.  I’m very well & have been the whole
time with the exception of a cold, which is
nearly well now.  I’m afraid you ca n’t read
this as it is written so badly, I can’t get
a pen & ink at all.  My best love to all at
home, Aunt Cynthia’s, & all inquiring friends –
                            I remain as ever yr devoted
                            & most Aff son
Write whenever you can.

[transcription by Mary Roy Dawson Edwards]

Philip Edloe Jones and his brothers John William Jones, and Francis Pendleton Jones all served in the Louisa Blues, 13th Virginia Infantry. John W. was later famous as the author of Christ in the Camp.

MSS 13407

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