Truly we are on the verge of an
awful crisis--Revolution is upon us. War and
rumors of war is now [?] from every breeze.
The commissioners from the convention
to Lincoln, have returned disheartened, without
hope and at a loss to know what to say or do--
AHH Stewart the strongest Union man
in the state has drifted ashore--He
told me just now that he had no conjecture
what a day might bring forth--He says
Lincoln treated them coldly- He is
evidently mortified. There is a perfect
rush for Summers room. It is thought
he has some information under cover of
confidence. What is to be the result I have
no idea. Lincoln has called for 75,000
troops and is fiting out all the ships that
can be made ready for service. You
will get the information of the adminis-
tration's policy before this reaches you.
This place is composed of mad men
[page 2]
last night they hoisted the confederate
flag over the capital and defied
the Gov. to have it taken down--
They denounced him as a shaking
crouching Gov. and abused the
convention as false to Va because
they would not secede--
Almost every boy here is armed
and equiped ready for war.
and war they say they will
have--Good of M^'e'cklenburgh said
in a speech yesterday in convention
that Eastern Va intended to leave
and so help him God no power
could or should prevent it--
What must the west do. I
begin to think we must secede
or divide the state..what do you
say. there is danger in delay.
We must act soon and act definitely-
what must that action be? Let me
know what Harrison wants--what is
your opinion.
[page 3]
A band of men called at the capital
last night and inquired for Carlile
-They swore they intended to take
him out & hang him. I have
no idea they will do so, but you-
cant tell what is to come-
They say he is encouraging
Sunday as it is There are 3,000 people
in the streets- Last night
they had a grand torch light
procession and the wildest
fanatacism prevailed-indeed
they looked like Lunatics
I wish I could give you
assurance of peace but I cannot
Every day changes the aspect of
affairs. somedays we have
a prospect of adjustment and
in an hour some telegram changes
the calmness into a storm--
Write me-
Yr. fd-
MSS 11540
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