Thursday night, Feb. 20, 1862.
Faces much brighter to-day. First there was
a telegram from Sheffey stating that our gen-
erals were safe, and that seven Federal regiments
were nearly annihilated. Then came one to Mr. Phil-
lips from Lynchburg, saying that our total loss
was 1000 — that Floyd, Pillow and Johnson
presumed) were at Nashville. It was feared, however,
that as the number was reported in figures, it might
be 10,000 instead of 1000. Upon the arrival of the cars,
we received the Richmond reports, stating our loss as
1500 — Thus the Northern account of yesterday was a 0
too many. A rumor came with the cars, also, that Gen.
A. S. Johnson had re-taken Fort Donelson. This is not
credited. The latter General was reported by the papers to
be at Nashville, entertaining no thought of giving
up the city. Kate goes to Richmond to-morrow. —
[transcription by the Valley of the Shadow]
MSS 38-258
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