Thursday, June 9, 2011

1861 June 9 Culpeper C[ourt] H[ouse] Virignia

Lt Col. Jordan
A. Asst Adjt Genl

I am greatly morti-
fied to have to report that the troop of Cavalry from
Page county commanded by Capt Jordan--and which
I reported by telegram of yesterday would march for
Manassas to day by 12 M for when called upon
refused to a man of the rank & file to be mustered
into service except upon condition that they shall
first be provided with additional arms--

The Capt tells me they have sixty sabres--

As soon as I received intimation, for the first time
this morning of this state of feeling amongst the
men I immediately caused them to be assembled
or as many as could be gotten together viz 40 out
of the 65 rank & file--appealed to them in the
most correct manner instantly to come forward
& be mustered into service for the defence of
their liberties- their country & their homes--

I represented to them that the sabre was the only proper
arm for cavalry--that with that & brave hearts they
could achieve all that was expected of cavalry--
that the State now had no other arms with which to
provide them--That there was cavalry already in
the field in presence of the enemy no better armed

[page 2]
than they--that a number of infantry companies
had gone forward, and without a murmer, infinitely
worse armed as infantry than they were as cavalry.
But all proved to be unavailing and the mustering
of the reports the results as stated above--Every
man of the 40 passed the inspection of the Surgeon--

I have dismissed the troops and permitted them to
return to their homes--

In justice to Capt Jordan I state that he was
greatly mortified at this result as I doubt not
was every Commissioned officer of the Troop--

I am
Vy resty
Philip S Geo Cocke
Col Va Vol Cmdg

The original of the above letter was sent of in
haste by the morning train for Manassas there being no
time to copy it--& I have rewritten by memory as
accurately as I could the substance of it, as above--


12 M stands for 12 Meridian or noon

Lt. Col. Jorday was asst. adj. genl. to General P.G.T. Beauregard

MSS 640

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