Tuesday, June 28, 2011

1861 June 28 Richmond [Virginia]

Head Quarters, Richmond,

Colonel J. W. Ware
Berryville, Clarke Co
Your communication of the 26th has been received. I regret
to learn that there are no unassigned companies with Gen’l Johnston
with which to form the neucleus of your regiment, and I am sorry
that I know no companies which could be assigned to you.
As regards the regiments being raised by Colonels Edmundson &
Mc Donald, I have no knowledge of their character. I would suggest that
you endeavor to raise companies for your own regiments, for which
you had authority in a previous letter, and by reporting these to
Gen’l Johnston, he will cause them to be mustered into service.

Very Resp’ly
Your obd’t serv’t
R E Lee
Gen’l Comd’g

MSS 6136

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