Thursday, June 30, 2011

1861 June 30 Leesburg [Virginia]

Camp Evans

My Dear Creek

I again take the pleasure of writing
you a few lines, you will see by this that we have
changed our quarters, my company was ordered
to this station yesterday, to watch the movements
of the enemy, we are about three and a half miles
from the balance of the regiment, we have 35
Virginians with us and two cannon, we think
ourselves highly flattered by being selected from
the regiment, for this highly important station,
and should the enemy attack us at this point,
we will endeavor to give a good account of ourselves,
we are only about a mile or a little more from the
enemys camp across the river, I am having
Breastworks thrown up to defend the approaches
from the river and planting guns on them as
fast as we can, our Batteries are all concealed from
the view of the enemy and our encampment is in
a thicket in the woods so that you cant see either

[page 2]
till you are right on them we have scouting parties
out to warn us of the aproach of the enemy and
a few minutes work will unmask our Batteries
and be ready to receive them in proper style,
I dont know whether I ought to write you this way
or not--but you know I promised to tell you that
all and hide nothing of my situation from you,
Although we are so close to the enemy our danger
is not much greater than further of, in fact not
so great, as we have a better chance of seeing them
here, and are better prepared to meet them.
I left Dugan and Jim at Camp Carolina yesterday
both well they both wanted to come with me
very bad, they are both well as I getting along
finely, I wrote a long letter to Father yesterday
which he will receive about the same time you
get this I gave him all the general news in camp.
I suppose you think I must be getting better on
the writing question, well whenever I have a hour
to myself and out of the bustle of the campt I cant
think of anything else but home, and I almost

[page 3]
fancy that I am tallking with you all the time
I am writing, But Creek the mail came yesterday
and their was no letter from home in it for me.
I was very much disapointed when I did not hear
from you, it is now nearly 3 weeks since I heard from
you, and although I know that you are among friends
yet that does not satisfy me like without hearing
from you, I have read this morning every letter you
have wrote me since I left home, I often read them
whenm alone in my tent, I wrote you thursday last
and shall continue to write you three times a week
as long as I have an opportunity of mailing them
I would write you every day if we had the mails to send
How is our little darling Maggie, does she ever talk
of me now, have you ever had her amprotype taken
I should like to have it so much, you might find some
of the [?] perhaps coming out here and send it by
some of them, I never see a little girl but I think of
her and you dont know how it makes me sometimes
feel I never knew what it was to be a father till I left
home, I trust I may soon be able to return to you both
Your affectionate husband, William

William Anderson, 4th Regiment Carolina Volunteers (Palmetto sharpshooters)
MSS 10366

1861 June 30 Washington [D. C.]

Dear woman with thank
fulness to Almity God
for the protection of my
life up to the preasent
for the first time have
an oportunaty to write you a few
lines, last monday eavning i arivde
at Camp Morgan and found that
the 28 Rigement was gone 4 hours
sat what to do i did not know, but
i fond the 16 Rigement of N.Y. St
Volonteers in the Camp & under Marching
orders for the neght day & i liked
Colonel Davis wall so i listed in their
Rigement & is well Satisfide the are
larger and hartyer set of man than
i have yet seen in Rigement,
thurs day afternoon we broc [broke?] Camp
to march threw Albany 4 mails to
the Steamboat to take us to New York

[page 2]
We landed at New York Wenesday
at 10 oClock & paraded threw the City arived
at pear [pier?] No. 2 to tace Steamboat for

[inserted above this line]
if you git New York tribune daeley of the 27 of June you [?] see

Elizabeth town than by Cars to Washington
but wee wer delayed untill the negst
day night 10 o Clock when wee started
for Elizabeth town from there via Harris-
bourg & Baltamore ariving at Washington
Saturday the 29 where we now are
i and all of us are vere tired having
not slept sinse wee started on the Cars
& last knite & now i am on garde but
expect to bee realevede soon, for I have
to Write on my blancet on the grond
for a tabel whith is not very good
writing. but convenince is nothing to dute.
and now my dear Woman lat toruble
overcom you trust God for your Strangth
and pray for me that he in his great
wold lat me come bac to you once
more for i Should like to see all
once more and then i am satisfied
to die, Henry Linbough will

[page 3]
see to you and help you untill
i can send you some money, for so
far i have not seen any necssary use
for money excpting for tobaco & writing
matearial & Stamps, & Should i soone
be cald on to face the eneme Whith i dont
think probable yet for a copple of weeks
but shuold the order come for Marching
i gladly go to the field to protact the
contry and my famly for I am more
impreast with the Justes [justice?] of the cuose [cause?]sense
i come here, and should i fall the U.S.
Goverment will provide for you well,
i have not as yet bin outside the
Camp and have kno deesire excepting to
go to Chur Meating and probable shall
if it dont rians to hard, i think i
shall have time to see the Capitol
i have bin in as good healt ever seens
i started and if it continues as it has
i Shall bee verey thankfull an com bac
inproved in healt and strenght

[page 4]
I must close for the Reavelle is beating
tell the Children all to be duetiful
and obedient to you for mee,
kiss them all for mee little
Robert, Henry, & George,
tell Hiram to doe the best hee
can, if hee cant make the
hieast wadges not to despare
Write to mee as soon you git this
My best respect to all my friends
from yours Affectionate
Francis A. Englehart
Write to
Francis A. Englehart
Washington D.C.
in care of Capt. Gibson
16 Regiment N Y Volunteers

Colonel Thomas Davies, 16th New York

Warren Gibson, Captain of Company H., was blinded in the battle of Gaines Mill, 1862, by a bullet that struck through his face horizontally. He survived.

This letter was purchased for the University of Virginia Library by the late Professor Atcheson L. Hench, who studied the development of the English language and was fascinated by Englehart's phonetic spelling.

MSS 8474-u

1861 June 30 Washington [D.C.]

Dear Mother--All of us arrived here & are with the exception of
one Man which was killed on the way by tumbling off the cars What I have
seen of Washington, I like verry well the Regiment passed through Balti
more without any trouble there was not A Man or boy that hissed at us
going through the streets, I went in the Senate Chamber last Friday it is A
splendid Chamber, when we arrived here they did not give us any thing to
eat we had to go & buy what we wanted to eat, we are in Camp Alonong[sic]the first
& the second & third & fourth Regiments of Maine & nineteenth & the twenty first
21st of New York one of the New York guards captured one of the Rebels who was
spying round, I would like to know whether you receivd A picture that I had
taken in Boston & I would like to have William to send me the Portland advertiser
I would like to have the Boston Journal of last wendsday I want to see what
the Boston Folks say About the Regiment, I am yours truly son Joseph Leavitt

Joseph Leavitt was a private in Company G of the 5th Maine

MSS 66

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

1861 June 29

[a continuation of the previous day's letter from John W. Jones]

I was called off yesterday evening to go to Winchester
for the box wh[ich] you wrote me the other day you
h[a]d sent. The pants sent me were too small but
I exchanged them for another pair in the box wh[ich] fit
very well and for wh[ich] accept my thanks. Pen, Ed, & I
were put on guard at seven yesterday evening and
will not be relieved until seven this evening and I
am now writing at the guard house – or rock rather
as our present “guard house’ consists of a rocky
hill pretty well shaded. Pen has just gotten Sister’s
letter and it was a real treat to us as were also
the letters from you, Ma & Lute recd. two or three
days ago. I hope that all of our letters from the C.H.
will come safely now and that ours to you
will also go straight. But it is a sore trial to
me not to be able to get letters from Page –
I have not recd. a line from her since I left home
and fear that she has not gotten one in
ten of my letters. And by some strange careless-
ness Sister’s letter to Page and your’s to
Jimmie (although plainly directed to Kurrill’s shop)
were sent to me the other day with your letters.
We have sent Kit Walthal down for our box
and hope most sincerely that it will come
safely to hand. – We heard yesterday evening a
well authenticated account of a fight near
Romney (9 miles off) in wh[ich] the Ashbys (Dick
& Turner) figured very conspicuously. Dick
Ashby (who has be[The rest of this page on the right side is missing.]
Turner was made
a party of five
were suddenly
U. S. dragoons.
their way throu[gh]
in doing so with
six or seven
self being ver
not dangerously ^‘mortally’
soon after that

[p. 4]
hastily collecting some 15, or 20 of his men
& pursued the enemy, overtook them
(now reinforced to sixty) charged them,
with his men dismounted, put them to
flight, sent back for some more
men and then chased them over the
Potomac and into their lines. He killed
six of them with his own hands and
twenty-seven of them are known to have
been killed while we lost only two men
and several wounded. – You ask about the
Chaplaincy – I am called off on duty now
and must write you about it in my
next. Best love to all. Will write again soon.
Your most aff son
J. Wm. Jones
John has left me this little dirty space in wh.[which] to write –
to some of you. I can scarcely collect my ideas in so short a
space and under the circumstances wh. have been men-
tioned by John. Standing guard rainy nights is different from
sleeping on feather beds and the fact is I had much rather
engage in the last mentioned performance; its all right
however, and I am satisfied. Our boys are getting on tolerably
well. Gum Beadles broke out last night with measles – is not very
sick [Left corner of page is missing.] added to our brigade &
Hill resuming his
have not time to
and dine and get ready
Lute’s letter direct
to her & sister very
Very Affectionately
F. Pendleton Jones

Turner Ashby, 1828-1862, was a relative of the Jones brothers on their mother's side. Turner's brother Richard "Dick" Ashby was mortally wounded in the brief skirmish with a Union patrol described above in Pendleton's letter. In July of 1861 General Joseph E. Johnston appointed Turner Ashby a lieutenant colonel of the 7th Virginia Cavalry. He would play an important role in the upcoming Manassas/Bull Run campaign by screening the movements of the Confederate army.

MSS 13407

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

1861 June 28 Richmond [Virginia]

Head Quarters, Richmond,

Colonel J. W. Ware
Berryville, Clarke Co
Your communication of the 26th has been received. I regret
to learn that there are no unassigned companies with Gen’l Johnston
with which to form the neucleus of your regiment, and I am sorry
that I know no companies which could be assigned to you.
As regards the regiments being raised by Colonels Edmundson &
Mc Donald, I have no knowledge of their character. I would suggest that
you endeavor to raise companies for your own regiments, for which
you had authority in a previous letter, and by reporting these to
Gen’l Johnston, he will cause them to be mustered into service.

Very Resp’ly
Your obd’t serv’t
R E Lee
Gen’l Comd’g

MSS 6136

1861 June 28 Camp near Winchester


My dear Pa:-
I intended writing you a long letter
on yesterday but was invited out to dinner
and met with such good cheer that I did not
get back until late yesterday evening. And now I’ll
be able to write only a short letter as I’ve been
on the tramp all the morning and feel now pretty
tired and stupid. We recd. on yesterdays orders to
move our quarters and we marched this morning
to this place – a mile and a half from Winchester
and about seven miles from our other encampment
. Our company and one other in the regiment had
had their Knapsacks to carry and as it was our
first experience at the business it went pretty
hard with us for the first mile or two – we
got used to it, however, and most of us made
out pretty well. Soldiering is not so bad after
you get used to it. Our present camp is
nothing like so pleasant as the one we
have just left and Col. Hill was very much
opposed to the move, but I suppose that
Gen. Johnson wishes to concentrate his forces
so that he may be ready for any emergency.
Our forces here are receiving daily acccess
-ions from the East so that it is hardly
possible that we shall be ordered to Manassas
. Of course we can form no correct idea as
to our next move but things look somewhat
as if we are to be Kept here for some days
at least. It may be that the plan is to con-
centrate a very large force here and move
into Maryland at the same time that

[p. 2]
Beauregard advances on Alexandria -, I have found
myself fortunate in being a friend of Ryland’s
as it has secured me some pleasant visits
and some very nice eating. I believe I have
not written home an account of my visit
to one of his churches last Saturday and
Sunday. I had a very nice visit indeed
-the brethren were very Kind & their eating a
decided improvement on camp fare; and then
it was a real treat to me to spend [a] quiet
sabbath away from the bustle of the camp. I
preached twice to large and attentive con-
gregations and a good brother sent us
to camp in his carriage – so that besides
the pleasant visit we rode about 26 miles
wh[ich] the other boys h[a]d to foot. Our last
camp was near one of Ryland’s churches
and he took me out to dine or sup with
the brethren several times. The best time I’ve
had yet, however, was on yesterday. The day
before I met at camp a young Baptist Bro.
whom I Knew well at the University – he gave
me an introduction to his mother and she
went to “Head-Quarters” and got leave for Ryland
and myself to take dinner at her house
yesterday. Col. Hill and several other officers
were there and we h[a]d a real nice time
of it – the dinner was one of the most elegant
ones I ever sat down to – a gr[ea]t variety of
meats, vegitables &c well served up – ice –
cream & cake and cream and peaches for
desert. You may be sure that I did full
justice to the feast and that beef has

[p. 3]
seemed rather insipid ever since.. Our fare
has not been as good or as abundant
since we left H. Ferry as it was there, but
it has been owing our frequent moves and
we will doubtless fare better in future.
Our mess, however, under Kit Walthal’s effi-
cient management has fared sumptuously
on milk, butter, molasses &c albeit it has cost
rather more than we shall be able to afford
in future. –

[letter stops at this point and will pick up on the 29th]

MSS 13407

Monday, June 27, 2011

1861 June 27 Leesburg, Va.

Camp Caroline

My Dear Creek

I again take opportunity of letting
you know how I am getting along, my health has
never been better in my llife than it is at present
and we are all getting along better than we ex-
pected to do, the weather has been very fine since
we have been in camp, and the people of this
place are the kindest in the world, the country
people come to camp every day and bring us
loads of milk, Butter, eggs, chickens and the
like and very few of them will take any pay
for them, they say we have come all the way from
Carolina to fight for themand we shall not
want for any thing they have as long as we stay
among them, the Ladies come among us every day
asking if we have no sewing or washing that
they can do for us, indeed every one here looks
upon us as their deliverers from Yankee tyranny and
are very gratefull, The Carolina Boys occupies

[page 2]
a proud position in Virginia, and I never saw
as large a body of men behave themselves better
every man seems determined to do his duty,
Dear Creek you dont know I am wearying to hear from
you I have not heard from you since Isham was
at Columbia, I know that you cannot help it
but do write me as often as often as possible and
I will certainly write you every time I have an oppor-
tunity, as we have now got a triweekly mail established
now, you may look for a letter from me every other day
if it is only a few lines, I know you will be anxious to
hear from me and I shall not disapoint you any more
about writing but be a faithful correspondant--
I wrote you the day before yesterday, which I hope you
received all right--I am looking for one from you
tomorrow. I hope I may get it, it is night I am
sitting by myself in my tent writing on my knee.
what would I not give to have Dear little Maggie sitting
on it instead and you on the empty camp stool by my side
I could nurse you both all night now if I only had an
opportunity of doing so. Kiss the little darling for me
and take this for yours from you affectionate Husband
P.S. The enemy have been very quiet since our
Regiment came here they wont show themselves

[on top of page 1]
William and James are both well, John Harrison
has just accidently shot himself, in the left side of
the abdomen by his pistol falling out of his pocket and
discharging. Cooly thinks he is
not mortally wounded. I have
not seen him myself

Letter of William Anderson of the 4th Regiment S.C. Volunteers to Lucretia McFall AndersonMSS 10366

1861 June 27 near Winchester [Virginia]

Camp Gibbens’ Thursday

My darling Wife:
I have left the busy din of the
camp and retired to a shady grove for the
purpose of holding sweet communion with
my absent loved one. Wd that I cd use my
living tongue instead of being compelled
to resort to the “tongue of the absent” to
pour forth to you the feelings of my heart.
A large budget of letters came for our
Co. yesterday and their distribution
was assigned me – with eager eye I ran
over the addresses and it gave me
little joy to find several for me
since your well known hand
was missing. I turned with sad heart
to open letters from home and was
delighted to find enclosed two letters from
you to the loved ones at home – I need
not assure you that they were the
first to be read and although not
addressed to me they were a real
treat. They reveal what I had feared
was the secret of your ^ ‘my’ not getting
letters from you – my letters to you
have not reached their destination
and you were in ignorance as to
my whereabouts. This is cruel, and if
I had my way I wd remove every
mail agent between here and Nelson.
I have written you at least a dozen
letters and it seems you have gotten only
two. I directed most of my letters to Rock

[page 2]
Fish – as we agreed wd be best – some to Mrs JWm Jones
and some to Mrs Page Helm Jones, and it is possible
that they may be in the office there. Yesterday’s
mail also brought me a letter from Sister to
you wh[ich] was plainly directed to Kurriee’s shop
and was sent on here by the negligence
of some careless official. – I was deeply pained
to see from your letters that you had allow-
ed yrself to become very uneasy about me –
Now, please, Dearest, for my sake as well
as your own try and bear the separation
better. It is indeed a sore trial for us
thus to be separated from each other,
and especially as our letters go so ir-
regularly, but it is our duty and you know
that when we resolved to go “far hence
to the heathen” we made up our minds
not to count trials when they beset
the path of duty. Let us try and exercise
a strong faith in the God of prayer
that He will watch between us and
preserve us. Remember that if God so
wills it (and He hears prayer) I am as
safe in the camp or on the battle
field as within the quiet shades of
[Oa]kley[?]. Thus far I have stood it about
as well as any of the men and of
course I will be able to stand more
as I become hardened to this mode
of life. – I gave you in my letter from
this place day before yesterday a full
account of our march from Romney,
my visit to one of Ryland’s churches,
&c &c. Since then nothing of special inter-
est has occurred. There are no signs
at present of our being moved from
this camp any time soon and we are
making ourselves as comfortable as we can

[page 3]
besi[des] drilling about four hours every [edge cut off]
an[d] attending strictly to camp duties. [ “ “ “ ]
that I am peculiarly fortunate in fal[ling] [ “ “ “ ]
in with Ryland – we are again in [the] [ “ “ “ ]
neighborhood of one of his churches a[nd] [ “ “ “ ]
he has introduced me to a number
of brethren who have insisted upon
my taking meals at their houses – in-
vitations wh[ich] I have not been slow to
accept. The result is that I escape Camp
fare quite frequently. Yesterday evening
I met with an old college mate of
mine – Robt. K. Carter now an M.D. – who lives only
two miles from here. He introduced me
to his mother and they both insisted
upon my going home with them – as I
cd not go yesterday evening they
insisted upon my going to dinner to-
day and upon my telling them that I
had a da[-] that wd conflict, Mrs.
C. rode off to “Head-quarters” and got a
leave of absence for Ryland and myself
so I am fixing myself for a nice
dinner today and have made up my
mind to eat “several”. By the way I expect
that the Carters are relatives of yours –
shall ask them today. On tomorrow
I shall dine at Col. Glass’ – a very
nice gentleman to whom Ryland
introduced me. So you must not
think of me as a poor soldier – mar-
ching over dusty roads and living
on bread and water – but rather as a fat,
sleek individual lolling on the grass
in a beautiful grove, eating fried chick-
-en, bread & butter, and molasses ^‘drinking butter milk,’ and occasion-
-ally going out to get something extra[.]
My namesake, bro. Jno. Wm. Jones, came out to

[page 4]
[edge cut off] on yesterday and had a very [part torn off]
[ “ “ “ ] from him. He told me a good dea[l] of
[ “ “ “ ] Mary – seems to have a very exalted
[opini]on of them both. Told me that if my
[wife] was anything like Mary she was a
jewel. I told him that she was even more
than a jewel. He said that every thing is
now quiet about Charlestown, - no Federal
troops this side of the Potomac – not even
at H. Ferry – but our troops are advancing
into Maryland. It is nearly time for our
10 ½ O’clock drill and I must therefore close –
- I am not able to write as long
letters as I cd wish but will continue
to write three or four times a week.
Please you do the same and when you
write tell me everything. Continue to direct
to Winchester Care Capt. Murray “Company D.”
13th Va, Regt, I need not say how deeply
I regretted not seeing bro. Wm. Land Kettie[?]
before they left. Never mind I’ll take
you to Kiss. to see them before we leave
for China. Send me Grandma’s address –
I want to write to her – Best love to
all and beg them to write to me.
Yr most devoted

The third of the three Jones brothers serving in the Confederate Army (see Edloe's and Pendleton's letters below) University of Virginia alumnus John William served as chaplain of the 13th Virginia Regiment and was later noted for his book Christ in the Camp. He refers briefly to Dr. Robert K. Carter, a fellow UVA alumnus.
MSS 13407

1861 June 27

Left Salem for Lynchburg

Diary of Wesley Hammond of the Dixie Greys (42nd Virginia, Co. E.)

MSS 5526

1861 June 27

I was prevented from conclu-
ding my letter last night
by taps, and this morning I
hasten to bring it to a close.
The Picket last night
captured five prisoners

[page 8]
three Dutchmen, a Negro man,
and a boy. Their case
has not yet been examined,
and I am not aware of the
Suspicion which caused
their arrest. There is
nothing new to day. The
weather is dry, and sultry,
and we are very much
in need of a refreshing

Continuation of the letter of John Warwick Daniel
MSS 158

Sunday, June 26, 2011

1861 June 26 Martinsburg [Virginia]

My Dear Father:
Your letter of
the 21st directed to the care of Dr.
A.S. Baldwin at Winchester was
handed me by a soldier this evening
saying that it had been given him
by a gentleman on the roadside,
and I immediately reply altho’ I
suppose you have seen letters of
a much more recent date from
me. I am most happy to learn
of the success of the harvest, and
of the satisfactory result of
the crop. The Wheat in this
Section is also unusually
fine, but the corn, and
oats very inferior.

[page 2]
No farther development of
the plans of the Campaign
has transpired since my last
letter, and we have little
indication of what they
will be. We have at
this encampment 4,000
Virginia Troops under Cols.
Allen, Harper, Preston, and
Gordon & Stuart of the
Cavalry. We are assiduously
Engaged in practicing the
drill, and the Commander
Is strict in requiring
attendance at the Camp, and
adherence to Military discip-
line. Very little is generally
known of the position of the
Enemy, or his force. It is
however reported that there
is a Camp of Instruction

[page 3]
at Sheperherdstown, and that
the force there is regularly
Employed in the Construction
of Ferry boats, evidently
intended for the conveyance
of troops across the Potomac,
or to Establish that impression
on our officers.
Occasionally a federal scout
or spy is captured by our
pickets. Two in charge of
an Escort of Cavalry passed
by us yesterday en route to
Winchester, and this evening
a deserter from the Lincoln
Army was arrested and carried
before Col. Jackson for
Examination. I have not
heard what information was
elicited, nor any farther par-
ticular of the transaction.
[page 4]
The health of our regiment is
at present very unsatisfactory,
there being out of some 700
(at most) men the large number
of 120 on the sick list. Our Com-
pany is numerously represented.
Measles is generally the malady,
but there are frequent cases of
cold, and general debility contrac-
ted by the unaccustomed expo-
sure to which we are subjected.
As for myself “I hold my own”, and
few, if any stand better the fatigue
and privations which of course
every soldier must endure.
While at Winchester I
availed myself of a short
respite from duty to visit Dr.
Stuart Baldwin, & family, and
was received with great cordial-
Ity. Uncle S. spoke frequently,
and very affectionately of you, and
expressed a desire to see you if possible.
A visit to him ^ ‘from you’ I have no
doubt would be exceedingly gratifying.

[page 5]
Uncle S. is a very venerable
looking man, with white locks,
but with indication of health,
on his Countenance. He is appar-
ently firm and hearty.
Rumors which continually
occur in the camp, are today
afloat that Beauregard had
stormed, and taken Arlington
heights with the loss of 1300
the enemy. If this be so
I suppose that the Capitol
has been assaulted, and so [?]
this the great, and momen-
tous struggle which has so long
been delayed has ^ ‘been’ decided. the
I am glad to learn
that they are well at
home, and that little Jno.

[page 6]
Is growing, and improving rapidly.
He is a fine promising
child, and unless spoilt will
grow to a useful man.
I am sorry that you
have been unable to
hear of the whereabouts
of Aunt Elvira. I think
it highly probable that
on account of the dangerous
situation of their home,
the whole family have
retired to the residence of
Mr. Eliets’ mother in Penn-
Sylvania. Grandmama was speaking
of sending me a box when
I last heard from her
enclosing some articles which
I needed, and also some

[page 7]
I requested that it should
be sent to Dr. Baldwin’s
at Winchester deeming that
the most certain method
of securing it.
It is expected of me as an officer
to provide my own table, and as
this is very inconvenient
under such circumstances as
I am placed I should like
to get as large a supply of
Eatables – such as bacon, biscuits &c
as can be conveniently

[Daniel's letter stops abruptly here and will continue on the 27th]

1861 June 26 Camp Pickens, Manassas Junction

26th June 1861
My dear little Nannie:
My almost constant engagement
since my last is (my scarcely acceptable excuse) for
not writing for three or four days owing which time
I have duly received yours of 22nd, 23rd & 25th instants
for which I must heartily thank you –
The Hat for which I tender 5000000000000
of thanks came to hand in due time but not soon
enough to prevent my face from becoming perfectly
brown from the effects of the sun – I wear it all
the time & think of my dear little wife every time
I see it – I weighed yesterday only two hundred
& five pounds; ^ ‘showing’ a falling off of above twenty one
pounds from which I feel & no doubt look vastly
better – I have enjoyed perfect health since I left
Richmond & believe that I will be vastly in
better health, when I am at home again, than
I ever before enjoyed –
I have been employed for four or five
days in mounting a part of the 24 thirty two
pounder guns (weighing from 4,500 lbs to 5000 lbs) on
the Batteries being established here & did not go
with my Company yesterday to Centreville (7 miles
nearer Alexandria), because I was detailed to con-
-tinue in that service at this place for sometime

[page 2]
what length of time I cannot say – I suppose how-
-ever that I will be here until the completion
of the work & it may be that I will be tendered
the command of one battery of three guns – I
feel quite lonely since my separation from the
Artillery Co although all the other Lynchburg
Companies are still here – The Batteries here are
under the “supervision of gentlemanly Navy Officers
one of whom gave me a tent near his own
which I occupy exclusively – If I find that I
am to be here for some time & I can possibly find
a nice place for her to stay in a mile or two
of the encampment I will write to my little Nan-
-nie authorizing her to come here if she wants
to – I very much fear that she will be more
lonely at Lynchburg than at Richmond but if
she wants to return to Richmond ^ ‘Lynchburg’ of course she
will do so – In the event you do go I hope
Mr. A & your Aunty will yield to your im-
-portunities & go with you –
I hope that “Jim” has called to see
you & that your opinion of him is not less
favorable than before – When you write
again please inform me as to where he may
be ordered –
“We are more quiet in this region
than we have been since our arrival & the
than we have been since our arrival & the
prospect now is that we will not have
another chance at the Lincolnites this side

[page 3]
of Alexandria – We must have it & in this
region from 35 000 to 40 000 troops against
whom it would be silly on the part of
Scott to march even with an hundred thou-
-sand of such cowardly hirelings as his men
have already shown themselves to be –
It is thought by some that
a blow, from us, to free Maryland, will soon
be made – I think it ought & will be made
at the earliest possible time –
Remember me kindly to all en-
-quiring friends at Richmond & Lynchburg
& believe me to be as I am.
Your worshiping

MSS 6682

1861 June 26 Camp Woodward (near Summerville, S.C.)

My Dear Wife
Your welcome
letter is at hand, and I propose
to drop a few lines that you
may know of our good health
and sperits. There is nothing
of importance now going on
but we expect to be moved
from this point in ten days
or two weeks; to what point
we know not, probably to
Missouri or Virginia. I have
misplaced the memorandum
some where. Do send me
another one immediately and
add as many things as you
need. Put down soap as I
may forget it when I go to
buy. I expect to go to the city

soon. Tell Miss Jemima Tom is
quite hearty, and nothing but
laziness prevents him from
writing. Johnny is still well
satisfied, and performs his
duty as well as any man
in the Regiment.
Things are so
quiet here that there is hardly
anything to write of. Hoping
soon to hear from you and
to receive the memorandum
I remain
Your affte. Husband
J. M. Phinney
P.S. The day the boys left
here (those that came up the
day I left) the boys here were
in mourning with newspaper
on the left arm.

MSS 12661

Saturday, June 25, 2011

1861 June 25 Norfolk, Virginia

My Dear Mother

I received your affectionate letter
yesterday and I hasten to reply to it as I know dear
Mother how lonely and desolate you must sometimes feel,
but cheer up, and always look on the bright side of life,
for I am sure you have reason to do so, as you must
be proud
that the only two males of your immediate
family, besides your brother, and numerous nephews, are
at this moment boldly facing the cowardly set of
Northern Vandals who are seekiing to subgugate this
beautiful land of the South, and we will without doubt,
(protected as we are by the kind hand of Providence)
drive back and overwhelm this base and dastardly
set. What else could a patriotic Mother desire! What
would she have? Surely not, that while other noble and
chivalrous men are manfully battling for their firesides
and homes, that she could be contented to see her rela-
tiions staying at home, not as men, but as base and
cowardly wretches. no my mother such cannot be the wish
of any Virginia Mother. And Mother, I fully comprehend

[page 2]
what must be the feelings of sorrow, that agitate a
Mother's bosom,when she sends forth to the battle her hus-
band and son, when she, proudly conscious of the noble
and patriotic example she displays, says to them, "Go--Your
Country needs you" "and I cannot say to you--stay"! I be-
lieve Mother that Angels hover arouind such a scene
as this, and will watch over and protect such a
family, though they be separated however far from
each other. Again I say, how proud and contented should
such a Mother be! protected by Angels, loved and admired
by all as an example worthy of emulation!--and my dear
and beloved Mother, I have but described your situation
and that of Aunt Mary, together with all the noble Vir-
ginia Mothers
who have, like you both, sent forth their
husbands and sons, to protect all that is dear and
near to them So henceforth, from the day that Mr Page
left, you (although you must of course have moments of
anxiety, and perhaps, painful suspense, and now and then
a pleasant sorrow, when you do not hear from them as
often as you wish,) must always recollect that "no news
is good news" and that you must never look on the dark
side of life. Always think for the best, hope for the best and
the best will happen.

In regard to money matters, and my health dear

[page 3]
mother do not give your self any uneasiness what ever.
I had the plesure of receivign a "sight" note of $50 the
other day from Uncle Ben, for which I am truly grateful
so you see dear Mother that I am by no means in want
of money, and hope you will give yourself no uneasiness
about me; I wrote to him a few days ago thanking him kind-
ly for the interest which he and Aunt Sallie have always
shown in me, and for which I am truly grateful, and I
hope that time will show that his kindness was not mispla-
ced. As regards my health I have never been more healthy
in all my life, (and you know I have never been any
way delicate,) although poor and lean as "old moon" I
am nevertheless as healthy and hard as a rock.
Give my love to all of Aunt Mary's family and kiss the
children for me, Kiss May Annie for me, and ask
her why she dont answer my letter, also to tell Kirk
he must protect you all very well as he is the only
boy left, and I suppose, he like every body else is crazy
to go to the wars too, but that he must remain and take
care of you all. what in the world has become of Sallie
May and all of Aunt Eliza's family & I hope some of
them will "drop" me a line--And now dear Mother, always
look on the sunny side, and trusting that God may shield
and protect you from danger, I remain Your devoted Son
R. A. Camm
I will write as often as possible.

Robert A. Camm, 1842-1892, was a midshipman in the U.S. Navy before resigning his postion to become a midshipman on the CSS Ellis. He lost his left arm in action at Roanoke Island in February 1862, but returned to service. He resided in Lynchburg, Virginia, after the war.
MSS 8937

1861 June 24 Loudoun County, Virginia

Camp Caroline

Dear Creek

As I have an opportunity of sending
this to the office I avail myself of writing you,
as I wrote you before we left Richmond. we started
from there on Thursday evening last and reached
this place last night after having rode about
120 miles on R R and Marched thirty on foot.
I often wished I had old Charly when I was on the
March, but I stood it first rate, and most of the
men did. we are camped in a beautiful grove of
oaks and Hickorys near a small town called
Leesburgh about 30 miles from Manassas
Junction and within two miles of the Yankees
Camp on the Maryland side of the Potomac
river. now dont get scared because I am so
near the enemy they are too great cowards

[page 2]
to fight us and General Beauregard will not
let us cross the river to fight them so there is not
much chance of a fight yet a while. This is a beautiful
country and the finest water I ever tasted it is close
on the edge of the mountain and is very cool and
pleasant, the only draw back is there is no
regular mail as yet and it is only a chance to
get a letter off. we will soon have one established
and then there will be no further difficulty.

I should like to write you a long letter but I have not
time as the man who is to mail it is only a passer by
and cannot wait for it long. Capt. Brown and
myself have agreed to send our letters in one envelope
to Belton after this so if you get one there will be one
inside of it to Mrs Brown and if she get on there
will be one it it for you we will try and write you
every day if we can get them mailed and as often as
possible if not, Jim and Dugan are both well and like
it first rate, give my regards to all of our neighbors
and Kiss Little Maggie for me tell her I will bring
a pret[t]y when I get home, write me as often as possible
and believe me your ever affectionate

William Anderson was an officer in the 4th Regiment, South Carolina Volunteers (Palmetto Sharpshooters)

MSS 10366

1861 June 24 Centreville, Virginia

Genl Beauregard,


Having exhausted my other
means to procure tents for my company I have con-
cluded to write to you asking you for the sake of
humanity to do what you can for us. We have
been in service now for two months, and have made
requisition after requisition, and there is no more prob-
ability of getting them now than when we first entered
the service. It is true that while at Manassas
Junction and at Richmond we had a plank shelter
which was not much better than the open air.

Here we are lying upon the ground in the woods
with no shelter at all and with five or six men
just recovering from the measles. I dislike very
much to trouble you about this matter, but when I
know the fact that several companies have gotten tents
that have entered the service since we did, I can
not refrain from complaining to you of the injustice
done us. We have applied to the quarter-master of the
Regiment and he says he has applied to the general qua-
termaster but so far without success. It sees to me
that there is something strange in the fact that other

[page 2]
companies have procured tents that entered the service three
of [sic] four weeks ago while we who have been in the service two
months cannont get any now, although we have made almost
incessant application for them. If you find it im-
possible to get tents please make the quartermaster
send me plank to shelter us from the rain.

If you can get tents fifteen would be sufficient for
us. By doing anything to alleviate our sufferings
(for we will be suffering should it rain) you will
confer a great favor on us which we can never forget.

You can send tents or plank to Co. I. 18th Regt. V.V.
care of Col. Withers at Centreville.

Very Respectfully
your obedient Servt.
Felix H. Luck 2nd Lieut.
Co. I. 18the Regt. Va. Vols.

Felix A. Luck, 1842-1915, of Pittsylvania County, lived in Virginia and North Carolina after the war. University of Virginia alumnus, Colonel Robert Enoch Withers, 1821-1907, was disable by wounds and retired from the service. He was later editor of the Lynchburg Daily News, a Lt. Governor of Virginia, a U.S. Senator, and U. S. Consul at Hong Kong. In the last year of his life he published Autobiography of an Octogenarian. The 18th Virginia in which he served briefly as Colonel, was in many of the major engagements of the Civil War. Only 2 officers and 32 men were present to surrender at Appomattox.

MSS 640

Friday, June 24, 2011

1861 June 23 Centreville [Virginia]

Hd Qrs 5th Brigade

Lieut Col Jordan
A Adj Genl
I would report to the Genl
Commanding in Chief [?] Department that my
own Regiment and that of Col Withers reached this
place in good time yesterday afternoon and have gone
into camp--occupying very near the same ground
occupied by the two regiments under Col Gregg
which proceeded us; the Battalion of Col Prestons
Regiment has also encamped in advance of this in
the Fairfax C Ho road three miles and almost
two & half or three miles in rear of Gen Bonham
at Germantown. Capt.Harris and myself went
forward of this battalion & [?] the ground for its
encampment. I go to-day to examine the [?] poor
position. I learn that the whole staff have moved off
from this post without making any communication
with myself or staff
vry rspty yr mst obt
Philip St Geo Cocke
Col. cpomg 5th Brig

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

1861 June 22 Manassas Junction

Head Quarters Army of the Potomac

Special Orders
No 59


The following assignments are announced.

Capt. Bennett
Taylors company heretofore unattached is
assigned to Col Cocke's command, the 19th
Regiment Virginia Volunteers, to whom
he will report with his command, without

By order of Brig Genl Beauregard
(signed) Thomas Jordan
A A Adjt Genl

For Colonel Cocke

Bennett Taylor, 1836-1898, was a great great grandson of Thomas Jefferson. He was eventually Lt. Colonel of the 19th Virginia

MSS 640

1861 June 22 Camp Pickens, Virginia

Lieut J B Cocke

My dear John

If you can get at the tavern
accounts of Mrs. Payne do so and hand them to Mrs
Beckham & tell Mrs. B as accurately as you know or can
recollect how many days each of us was at the Hotel --
so that upon that datum the accounts can be examined
& settled--

Wm Otey & yourself and the two Companies will
come on up directly to Centreville to night--there being
fine moonlight--The Capts will make requisition on

[page 2]
the Qr Master for the necessary transportation--

You will put two of our horses to the wagon & bring
on our baggage tent &c I shall be at Centreville

Yr affc father

[Philip St. George Cocke's name has been carefully cut out, perhaps for a post war autograph seeker]

MSS 640

[1861] June 21 Camp Garnett Rich Mountain

My Dear Mother
I have just this
minute got & read yours & brother
Henry's & Bessie's letters--I never
was more delighted than when
our company returned from Head-
quarters & handed me the letter.
It is just two weeks since I
left Staunton & I had not
heard a word from home. Neither
of the letters written before the
one of the 18th have come to
hand. Dr Atkinson's company is
at Laurel Hill near Phillippi
where the enemy are in greater
numbers-- The roads to this place
& to Phillippi separate about
8 miles from here & I suppose
the number of Dr A's company
has neglected to send my letters--
I don't know what has become of
the one that was sent from
Staunton--I heard from there the
other day, but the letter had been

[page 2]
nearly a week on the road--&
came by private hands--I got
from the same source a box
filled with, cakes, pies, pickles
ham biscuit &c--it was really
a treat & is not all gone yet--
Our mess has been making use
of it--"In the first place & foremostly"
the news paper article which I
return is all a lie--We have
never retreated a step & never
will--Old Porterfield who caused
the stampede of our forces from
Phillippi two or three weeks ago is
has been Courtmarshalled & is
now undergoing his trial--it was
all his fault--but that is the
only instance of our men retreating
& they cd do nothing else then--
We are now in Tyggarts Valley
22 miles from Buckhannon where
the enemy was when we reached
this place--They have since re-
treated back towards Grafton or
else have sent their whole force
to Phillippi--We have here only
one regiment--900 men--At

[page 3]
Phillippi we have about 4000
troops & more are coming on
daily--A Georgia Regiment arrived
at Beverly today--Our men are
on Laurel Hill (near Phillippi) which
they have strongly fortified. the
Yankees are very good at theories
but can't stand the sight of
bayonets--They are expecting a
battle daily at Phillippi--but if
they do have one the enemy will
have to be fooled into it--our men
are trying this ruse[?]--The enemy
tried it too the other day, but failed--
a Cavalry picket over there night
before last shot a picket of the
enemy across a fence, captured
his horse & presented it to Gen.
Garnett--all the officers and about
20 men from our company were
detailed night before last to go
with part of a Cavalry Company
to within about 10 miles of where
the enemy was supposed to be, to
try to capture some pickets &
spies who had been seen there--
We "pressed" horses & all the

[page 4]
saddles we could & reached
the appointed place about 11 o'clock--
We dismounted on this side of a
river, where we left the cavalry
& marching a mile thro' the densest
forrest I ever saw, concealed our-
selves on the lower side of the
road--we had not been there very
long when we heard horses galloping
& our pickets passed at a full gallop.
This was the signal of the approach
of the enemy--We had orders not
to fire unless the enemy came in
large numbers--The men were consid-
erably disappointed when they saw
only 2 horsemen riding past--We
have our guns cocked & cd have
thrown into confusion & utterly routed
a thousand men--We let the two
pass & the cavalry stopped them--They
proved to be friends with a letter
informing us were we cd capture
a spy--We sent some cavalry-
men who took him & he is now
a prisoner at Beverly--We got
back about 4 o clock--went to sleep
on our horses several times--They
are fortifying this place as if they
certainly expected an attack, but
I dont think so--it is well enough
however to be prepared--We may
be here some weeks & we may
be ordered off at any time

[letter of Charles Daniel McCoy ends abruptly at this point]
McCoy was a member of the 25th Virginia Regiment. He refers in this letter to a skirmish June 3 1861 in which Col. George A. Porterfield's sleeping raw recruits were surprised by two columns of Union soldiers and quickly fled. There were only a few casualties on both sides. This minor incident was played up in the Northern papers and helped establish a reputation for McClellan who had not even been with this troops in the action. Porterfield was relieved from command. Robert S. Garnett took command of the Confederate troops on the 15th. Porterfield lived until 1919, one of the last Mexican war veterans. Garnett, also a Mexican War veteran, was killed on July 13 in the retreat from the battle of Rich Mountain, the first general officer killed in the Civil War.

MSS 6830-a

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

1861 June 21 Manassas Junction, Va.

J. B.Cocke
Asst ordnance officer
will deliver all cartridge boxes
& belts now on hand to Captain
Ellis to be brought forward for
the use of this regiment. You
will also send by the same
person Col Strange's books & the
muster roll of the Piedmont

By order
PSt Geo Cocke
Col Comdg
19th Regt Va Vol

J. B. Cocke
Capts Ellis & Taliaferro
will proceed with their
companies to this place
as soon as transportation
can be procured. Waggons
will be furnished here.
Report to your regiment
at Centreville immediately
at which place they will
arrive at twelve (12)
M tomorrow
(By order)
Col Comdg
19th Regt Va Vols.

Duplicate copy

12 M stands for 12 meridian or noon, a term still in use 150 years ago

Lt. J B Cocke
Carry out Col Cocke's
orders about the movements
of troops from Culpeper C.H.
to their head Quarters
(By order) Gen'l Beauregard
Thos Jordan
a a adjt Gen'l

Duplicate copy
J B Cocke
Tell Ellis & Taliaferro
to being five (5) days
provisions with them
(By order)
PSt Gdo Cocke

G F Jones
act asst
19th V rgt


1861 June 21 Belmead

My Dear Father

Your messenger with
letters arrived while we were at dinner
and we were greatly cheered and
gratified to secure so many kind
letters & also hear all were well at Bremo.
As Brother returns in the morning
I shall devote the afternoon to replying
to the letters received by him. And as
yours is the most highly valued and
appreciated coming as it does from the
oldest & most honored Head of the
family the first replied to must be
yours--And I must begin by saying
the family reading of the Bible has
been regularly kept up by all of us
& the morning after you left in compliance
with your wishes as well as from a
sense of duty I commenced reading
Family Prayers which I have found a
pleasant duty & I trust the example as well as
the [work?] may be blessed to us all for I really

[page 2]
feel better satisfied & happier now
that we have a Religious observance in
our Family. We all assemble precisely
at 7, the girls rising at 6 & I myself at
5 reciting first in my chamber
We then read two chapters alternately
as you suggested. And then I read
a Psalm or some other portion of
scripture when we have prayers
I thought it best & most convenient
to have the family gathering all at one
time not for the girls to assemble
& read at an earlier hour & then
have a second assembling. I find
the present plan acts well & we are
all very punctual & systematic &
conscientious in the discharge of this
duty the performance of which I
trust God will bless. If you would
prefer any other course or rather the
girls reading should be separate &
distinct from mine you have
only to indicate your wishes on the
subject & our present arrangement
can be altered. We breakfast at 7 1/2 & then
the girls take a walk when not too
warm & then they devote the balance of the

[page 3]
day to reading & working. They spend
but little of any in lolling or idling
And I never hear them complain
of having nothing to do. Home
seems to be the centre of attraction
for them all they never desire to leave
& if could be only cheered by
the presence of their Father & Brother
all would be well. But the war movements
keep us of course anxious all the
time & the breaking up of social
ties & associations is indeed a sad
thing to us all. Yet our country
demands the service of its gallant
sons & I must cheerfully make every
sacrifice that our rights & justice may
be redressed & vindicated.

Sally & Lucy spent last friday & Sat
with the Misses Harrison in Amelia
Mrs Harrison had gone to Manassas
on a visit to her son & did not
return until last Tuesday I hear
he was highly delighted with her visit
& all the arrangements at Manassas
Genl Beauregard has made the Powhatan
Troop of which Hartwell Harrison is
a member his

[page 4]
Body Guard, this great General
we hear is dong all he can to promote
the comfort of his Forces as well as to
urge them on in the Defence and
protection of their country. I had a
short letter from Mr Cocke from Ric[hmond]
but he did not enter into a details of
his plans or movements. But said
he thought we might go up to Cul
peper after Harvest & that he was hastening
back expecting a visit from you
this week.

We commenced our wheat Harvest
yesterday. It is a very heavy one we
have had four Machines running
to day. We shall be greatly pressed
to secure it in proper crates[?] as our
crop unfortunately ripens all at
once. Our corn is very forward & has
been laid by. It is excessively warm
to day. Ther. 94 on Northern Porch at
dinner. A good rain would be very
acceptable. Willie has replied by mail
to your letter. He will probably go up to
your house by next Tuesday mornings
packet. He is deeply interested in the
Harvest as well as his water melon crop
which is very promising.

[on top of page 1]
As I have several other letters to write
with love to
Cousin Judy & Sally I remain yrs very truly

[Sally Elizabeth] Courtney Bowdoin Cocke had been the ward of General John Hartwell Cocke and married his son General Philip St. George Cocke. Her "Brother" was Lieut. Col. Charles Cary Cocke and the girls' Brother was John Bowdoin Cocke.]

MSS 640

1861 June 21 Camp Davis

Dear Pa

I am now on the road, where I am going I do n’t
know. We received marching orders at Romney last Thursday even=
ing to leave the next morning at four oclock, we left at five, reached
this place about eleven. This place is called the hanging rock,
near Blue’s Tavern, sixteen miles from Romney. We will leave at four
oclock this evening and expect to camp at the Capron Bridge, about
ten miles from here and I hear Col. Hill will wait there for further orders
from General Johnson. Some of the boys think we are going to
Winchester first & some ot others think we are going to Strasburg
& from there to Manassa[s], but none of us know, I don’t reckon
Col. Hill knows himself. We all hated to leave Romney right
bad, we were very pleasantly situated. The last week we’ve
spent has n’t been like it was at Harper’s Ferry in that
Lutheran Church, we have been seeing right hard times.

While we were at Winchester we were camped in the fairgrou^‘nds’
and were not allowed to go out at all except to wash and
we have been right short of provisions several times, we get
enough now, such as it is. We suffered from heat very
warm and dusty, a great many broke down, Bro. John
had to get in the wagon. Pen walked all the way as well
as my self, Garret said that was n’t like riding on the
cars, he stands the marching very well, but has to get
in the wagon sometimes. When we got within

[page 2]
four miles of this place yesterday Col. Hill told us we cd
take our time about it ^‘just’ so we got here last night, we all broke
ranks and took it very leisur^’e’ly. Jesse Porter & myself went
to a house on the road & got a very nice sn^’a’ck & then took a
long nap before we got here. After we got yr here yesterday
evening I I went out in the country with Payne & got a very
nice supper, I went again this morning before breakfast & got a
bucket of nice milk, & went again a little while ago & got a buck-
et of buttermilk & a dozen of eggs, so you see we wo n’t
starve. We had a storm last night which came very near
upset[t]ing our tent, we had to get up and hold the tent down
to keep it from blowing away, had to hold it for two hours
& could ^ ‘hardly keep’ hardly hold it down. Bro. John intended writing
but he has gone away with Mr. Ryland to preach for him
tomorrow, about ten miles from here. We’ve just had
orders to be ready to start at half past three this evening,
we will not go more than eight or ten miles to night, start
again tomorrow and camp within five or six miles
of Winchester for several days I expect. I wrote al letter
to Miss Lute Payne while I was at Romney but coul^‘d’
n’t get it mailed before I left. We got yr letter direct=
ed to Winchest[er] while we were at Romney, did n’t get the pap=
er, you need n’t send any more papers as we hardly eve^‘e’
get them. Direct letters to Winchester. We are very well.
Yr devoted & most aff son P. Edloe Jones
Winchester. Louisa Blues. Cap Murray.
13th Virginia Regiment

MSS 13407

Monday, June 20, 2011

1861 June 20 Bremo [Fluvanna County, Va.]

To his Excellency
John Letcher
Governor of Virginia

I recieved on the 18th of June inst a communication from
Genl Lee commanding the Va Forces, informing me I had been
appointed Lieut Col of Va Volunteers accompanied by orders in
event of my acceptance, to report without delay to Genl Beauregard
at Manassas for duty with the 8th Regt Va Volunteers--on the day
following I addressed a letter to Genl Lee respectfully declining
the commission of Lieut Col Va Volunteers from your Excellency
dated the 17 of May, under which as named above a post was
assigned me by Genl Lee--I cannot account for the delay there
has been in the forwarding this commission, but as it is entire-
ly to your excellency I am indebted for the high & honorable
appointment, it is now proper I should make known the reason
which induces me to decline so desirable a position-- At the
time of the tender of my services to your excellency in April
(which with my means I state hold subject to the conditions there
in named), we were just upon the eve of hostilities with the
Federal Government, which at that time had on its army list

[page 2]
many true and loyal sons of Virginia, educated to
the army & practically skilled in military affairs, all
of whom since the opening of this iniquitous war upon the
South, have withdrawn themselves from the Federal Service
to come within the limits of their native state--and I feel
these officers are entitled by education & experience to
meet in the best manner the present emergency in their
line of the public service & possess superior claims to
fill the important posts of field officers over our forces, and
also, before I had the honour of receiving the appointment
from Genl Lee, I had been elected by a portion of the
citizens of my county Captain of a Company of volun-
teers which was organized on the 6th inst and which I know will
soon be ready to enter the service.

[page 3]
I can in conclusion but express to you excellency
my deep & grateful sense of the honour you have conferred
upon me in the flattering appointment postion
you assigned me which was more than I had any
right to expect & in respectfully asking your acceptance of
the validity of my reasons for declining that appointment

I am most truly your obedient servant

[Charles Cary Cocke]

one of two drafts of Cocke's letter to Letcher
MSS 640

1861 June 20 Culpeper Co. Ho.

Head Qrs, Camp Henry

My dear Uncle;

I write a few hurried
lines to night on the eve of starting
to Manassas in the morning with Papa
who has finally gotten his Regiment formed,
and will I expect be restored to his
Brigadiership, soon after he gets to the
Manassas Junction. Sterling starts
in the morning for the purpose of
carry your horse Tally Ho back to you,
and for buying a fine young horse
from home up--Pa would write
himself, but the thousand things he
has had to think of, since his orders
to go forward, has had him on
the rush all day, to get every thing
in readiness to start.

He finds the horse too clumsy & is not
clean footed at all

[page 2]
He has been doing little or nothing
since we have had him here.
I hope he may reach you in time
to use him, if you should desire
to do so, in your company, which
I hear you are raising in your

With much love to Aunt Lucy
and all your household.

I remain yr affect nephew
John B. Cocke

MSS 640

1861 June 20

My dear Ma;
We are all well in camp at this
time and continue to be well satisfied.
I have become fully initiated into camp life
and am really well pleased with it;
hope I may continue to like it as well.
There is little news with us and this life begins
to assume with me a monotonous appearance
always accompanying a system of regula-
tion and order. To vary the routine there was
a false alarm in camp last night & every
fellow thought that the Yankees were ap-
proaching. The rumor was started by a fright-
ened sentinel and in a few moments all hands
were ready, equipped, and anxious for a fight –
The orders were to get ready and sleep on arms;
our family was ready in the shortest notice
and Ed like an old & experienced soldier was
fast asleep in five minutes saying beforehand
that he had seen something of the sort before.

[page 2]
The novelty was exciting to me and it was some
time before I slumbered; I was not the least fright=
ened and would have gone out cheerfully if
necessary. All the men sent to take the bridge
I spoke of in my last returned safely yesterday
with one exception, a wounded fellow; the wound
was very slight and he is fast recovering.
Our company was not ordered out on the expedi-
tion but two members of it, Virgil Carroll and
Fendol Chiles, went with the other men independ-
ently. We have become very well fixed in our
quarters at this place and are very much
pleased with the situation. Only one of our
men have been sick and he with a subject
disease, rheumatism. Henry Chiles left
the Hospital at Winchester when we came from
that place and has nearly if not quite recov-
ered from his spell.
We will march from this place early tomorrow
towards Winchester; rec.d [received] the notice this after-
noon; expect to reach Winchester by Sun-
day at dinner time. I conjecture that we

[page 3]
will join Genl. Johnson’s forces in the direct-
ion of Martinsburg; our regiment is under
his command. It seems really discour-
aging & senseless for us to have marched
way up here, remained three days, and now
to go directly back without having accom-
plished more. The men are all anxious
to push forward towards Wheeling or
some point farther north; for my part
I am as well satisfied stationed or march-
ing anywhere or in any direction as I cd.
be under any circumstances. We are
all ready and waiting for a fight
whenever the fanatics on the other side
may see fit to approach us; our men
are in fine health and good spirits,
feel confident of the justice of the cause
we are here to maintain by force of
arms. Be not uneasy about your
soldier sons, dear ma; but trust to Prov-
idence for our protection and wel-
fare. It is dark now and I must

[page 4]
close quickly to get this in the
mail. Inform Garrett’s friends
of our removal as also other friends
of our boys – With much love to
you and hopes of a speedy term-
ination of our difficulties and a
happy reunion with you all,
I remain
Your Aff. Son
F. Pendleton Jones.

We will write again in a day or two Henry C & the others are very well.

MSS 13407

1861 June 20 Yorktown, Va

My Dear Parents
I again seat myself
to write you a few lines. We are all in good
health at this time. Sunday we were ordered
to March down to Bethel. Which was a long
and hot walk. We expected to have a fight
immediately. we then got orders to March
back yesterday. We all shouldered our Muskets
and set out to Meet the invading foe at this place
and have a fight, but not a single yankee was here
We had to sleep without a single blanket. Nothing
but the canopy of heaven for our covering. We had
nothing to cook in, but long handled shovels. The
Waggons came in this Morning and brought some of
our baggage, but no cooking utencils. 7 waggons
Started this morning to bring the balance. I tell
you a soldier has a hard life, especially where
we have such rascally Commanders. every one in
the regiment are very much dissatisfied with Colonel
Magruder. Several of them gave him a curseing
but that only made the matter worse. He says the 3rd
Regiment is entirely to proud, wants to many things
He says he will learn us to cook ^ ‘meat’ on shovel & bread
on the ashes, like the Zouaves. He tried to proh-
-ibit the boys from going back after our cooking Utencils
this morning, but he could,nt do it. Captain Anderson

[page 2]
will sacrifice the last thing he has got in the
world before he will let his men suffer, About 600
Soldiers are now encamped here. all that were
at [word lined through] Bethel came with us here yesterday. A
regiment of N.Orleans zouaves are now in camp
with us. They are the filthiest set of I ever saw,
but they are the the ones to do the fighting. We are
now ready to Meet the enemy, I don’t care how soon
they come, this place is tolerable well fortified. 500
soldiers has just landed from Lousiana, 1500
more are on the way to this place.

George has not been mustered in service yet, but
expects to remain until the war is over,
Nothing of Much interest has occurred since
I wrote to you before, this is [2 letters lined out] makes the third
letter that I have written ^ ‘to you’ since I came here
but I have not received a single one yet,
Please write. tell John to write also, I will
Send this by Lieutenant Mims to fort vally-
he will then mail it there. As he will soon
start I am oblidst to start come to a close
excuse Mistakes as I am very [word lined out] tired
and about half asleep. direct your letters
to Yorktown Va In care of Captain C. D. An-
derson of the Bu Beaureguard Volunters 6th Rgt
of Geo, Give My best respects to all
So good bye to all
L H Bedingfield

Lewis H. Bedington was a private in the 6th Regiment, Georgia Infantry (Beauregard Volunteers), mortally wounded at Gaines Mill, June 1862; He was one of three Bedington brothers to march off to war. His brother Robert E. Bedingfield was in the 4th Georgia Battalion and later a sergeant in Company G, 6th Georgia Infantry, wounded and permanently disabled at Second Manasses, August 1862. Lt. John Y. Bedingfield was with the 4th Georgia Battalion and later a captain in the 60th Regiment, Georgia Infantry, Killed at Fort Steadman, March 1865.

MSS 13119

1861 June 19 Richmond [Virginia]

My Dear Creek

According to promise I write you
as soon as possible on arriving here; we are all encamped
about 2 1/2 miles from the city of Richmond on a very
pleasant place, we have fine shade trees and very fine water
and the weather has been very pleasant since we arrived.
I will not pretend to give you a history of our journey
to this place, it makes me mad every time i think
of it, we had to ride most of the way on open cars and it
rained very heavy on us one night, and you may depend
their was a good deal of grumbling done, but the Boys
soon forgot it all as soon as we got here, and got comfortably
fixed, their is not a man that I know of in the Regiment
but what is satisfied at present; only all are anxious to meet
the enemy, as soon as possible and have it all over with and get
back home to you all again, we have just Recieved orders this
moment to march to Manassas junction tomorrow
so if we can get cars we will leave here. the Railroad agent
however says we will not get of[f] in three or four days as the
road is filled up with volunteers for that time and we will
have to wait till they are all passed over the road

[page 2]
Their is over ten thousand soldiers quartered in the neighborhood
of this place at present, but the South Carolina volunteers
are more thought of than any of them. We have all the Ladies
to visit our encampment and beg us just to give them a
Palmetto or a Palmetto button or anything else that has
come from South Carolina. When we got here it was about
nine O Clock at night but the Ladies all turned out on
the streets as we passed through them, and I have no doubt
but what I shook the hands of one hundred of them
as we passed and every one had the prayer of God Bless
the South Carolians on their lips, it is truly encouraging
to us to be looked up to and respected as we are, and all of our
boys seem to appreciate it for they are behaving like gentleman.

James and Dugan are both well and highly pleased. bill
comes to my tent sometimes to get a drink of Whiskey he says
it is hard that officers can keep it and not the men, But he
is doing finely and their is not a finer soldier in
the Regiment than him, James is also learning his
duty very fast and will soon be up with the best of them

Now Creek you must excuse me for that short letter I wrote
you before leaving Columbia their was a whole lot of extra
duty throwed on me just at that time and I did not
even sleep for three nights--only an hour or so at a time
I never saw Johhan to speak to only twice all the time he
was down here, and I left the place nearly broke down

[page 3]
But you may depend on hearing from me often now
for I have never felt that I have been away from
home till now when I was in Columbia I could hear from
you every day by someone or other but now it is different
and you dont know how I weary to hear from you I looked
for a letter from you before I left Columbia but did not get
it, do write it soon as you get this, tell me all the news
and tell me how Dear little Maggie is getting on has she
forgot me yet Oh Creek what would I not give to have you
both with me you dont Know how lonesome I feell without
you, true there is a great deal of excitement in camp life
and it has many pleasures, But it wants the softening
influences of Wife and Child to make it feel like home
But I trust that Providence will permit me to pass
through the dangers of war, and return to you both again
when we will again live happily together as we have
always done.

I will write you again in a day or two and as soon as we
leave this place I will write you every day or nearly as I know
you will be anxious to hear what had become of us and
how we are all getting on. Tel Josh. Holland billy is well
and doing finely Andy Wardlaw and Gambrell Smith are also
with the company are all able to be on duty not a sick
man in it.

Has John Alexander sent you Maggies dog yet--I could

[page 4]
not see the man that had it before I left and he said
he would get it and send it up by Andrew Norris
I will close this scrawl for the present I dont know
whether you can read it or not I have wrote it all in my
tent on a piece of plank lying on my knee and my attention
has been called of twenty times or more since I gegan

May God Bless and protect you and Little Maggie
is the ernest prayer of your
Devoted Husband

Address Capt. W. Anderson
4th Regt S.C.V.
Richmond Va

if we should leave here before it comes
it will be forwarded to me

Sunday, June 19, 2011

1861 June 19 Richmond [Virginia]

Head Quarters, Richmond

Col J. W. Ware
34th Reg’t Va Vols


In reply to your letter of the 15th, I have to state that,
when you were ordered to report to Gen’l Johnston, it was sup=
posed that there were with him several unassigned companies
which might form the basis of your regiment. As it appears
that there are none, it will be necessary for you to wait until
a nucleus for your regiment can be formed. Anything which
you can do to expedite its formation, you are authorized to do.

The regiment, when formed, will be known as the 34th Reg’t
of Va Volunteers. Lt Colonel L. T. Moore and Major Lawson Botts
will be attached to it. These officers were ordered to report to Gen’l
Johnston like yourself, and made be used to aid in raising and
organizing the Regiment.

Very Resp’ly
Your ob’d’t serv-t
R E Lee
Gen’l Comd’g

MSS 6136

1861 June 19 Louisa Blues No. 7

Dear Pa:
I wrote home from camp a few days since
directing you to write us at Winchester; we have reach-
ed Romney, a small mountain town in Hampshire
Co. and within a few miles to the Maryland line
and as we seem to be quartered for a week or two
at this place, please write to us here. There is no cer-
tainty, however, that yr. letters will reach us as our
letters movements are so uncertain. Direct to our
Captain’s care 13th Regt. Va. Vols. and it will then be
forwarded to us no doubt. There was a skirmish
last night between our forces sent out on guard
and some 150 federal troops. We took two pieces
of cannon from them, both small, killed two
of their men and took possession of & burnt the
Baltimore & Ohio R. R. Bridge at New Creek; one of our
men a Tennesseean was slightly wounded.
I have just been released from guard; stood last
night and all to day, at intervals of four hours,
remaining on duty two hours at a time. John
and Ed[loe] stood during same days hours with
me. All our fellows are well and getting on
finely except a few who were left in the hospital

[page 2]
at Winchester. Ed[loe] is really in fine health and spirits
and his merry peals of laughter daily echo throu out the
camp ground. The bathing is fine here and the cli-
mate remarkably healthy; you need have no fears
for us then on the score of health. All our regiment
is eager for an open fight with the enemy and
sanguine that we can whip twice our num-
ber. We have possession of a pass, and the only ^‘one’ in
this region, between us and Maryland, of the range
just in front of us; we can there whip out five or
six to one. Please write to us soon as we are
all anxious to hear from you whenever
you can. We w.d all three write more but have
just been on guard and feel very tired.
With much love to home folks & all friends
& hoping to hear from you soon, I am
Yr. aff. Son
F. P. Jones

[The following postscript is from the third brother, John William Jones.]

I’ll write a long letter by Satur-
day’s mail, Fendol Chiles shot
four times in the skirmish this
morning & thinks he struck a
Yankee. The Yankees ran like
troopers & our men h[a]d to shoot
them running. J.W.J.

MSS 13407

Friday, June 17, 2011

1861 June 17 Romney, [Virginia]

Dear Pa,
We reached this place safely
this morning safely, though very much fatigued and worn
down. We’ve been on the tramp for the last three days, left Harp=
ers Ferry last Thursday at eleven oclock very unexpectedly in
a freight car, arrived at Winchester at four, where we remained
until Saturday morning, when we started for this place.

We camped the first night on deep water creek about twelve water
miles from Winchester, started the next day at four, traveled fif=
teen and a half miles when we camped again at two oclock
for the night at a large flour mill, started again at four this morn=
ing and arrived here at eleven, a distance of fifteen & half miles.

Bro. John and Pen stood the march better than I expected,
Pen walked all the way the first day, Bro. John rode some
in the wagon, the second day both of them rode some, to day
Bro. John rode to day again. Pen did not ride at all. I was
right much amused at Pen, he disliked so much to give
up before me, he was walking right by me, and he would
ask me if I was not most broke down, I wd tell him
not to wa^‘i’t for me, for I had no idea of giving up. I did not
ride at all, but felt right tired when I got here, A though
I feel very well now. I’ve not time to write any more.
Direct yr next to this place. Don’t be uneasy about us,
we are very well. Our best love to all.
Yr devoted an[d] most
aff son.
P. E. Jones

[page 2]

This place is beautifully situated
in the mountains & is [-] to be
very healthy - F. P. Jones

We are well & satisfied.
Be not uneasy about us –
We will write when we can
Yrs. &c.
F. P. Jones

MSS 13407

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

1861 June 14 Bremo Bluff [Fluvanna County, Virginia]

Genl. J.H. Cocke

Dear Sir

I send you the rates of Postage
as adopted by the Confederate Congress Feby 9th 1861
on single letters weighing 1/2 an Oz. under 500 miles 5cts
on single letters weighing over 1/2 an Oz under 500 miles 10cts
on single letters weighing 1/2 an Oz over 500 miles 10cts
on single letters weighing over 1/2 an Oz over 500 miles 15 cts
on all Pamphlets or Papers or Periodicals published in the Confederate states 2 cts each
the pamphlet not to weigh over 3 Oz if so 2 cts for every fraction of an Oz
on all periodicals, pamphlets & books as above
published beyond the limits of the Confederated states, double--postage
Books can be mailed @2 cents an Oz in the Confederate
states up as high as 4 pounds

Very Resp[ectfu]lly
Jno. N. Snead

John Hartwell Cocke, 1780-1866, was a noted reformer and member of various temperance, foreign mission, African colonization, Bible, tract, Sunday school and anti-tobacco societies. As such he would have been keenly interested in the cost of postage for pamphlets promoting his causes as well as corresponding with fellow reformers, almost all of whom lived in the northern states.

MSS 640

1861 June 14 Rand[olph] M[acon] College Virginia

Dear Sir,
The state of the Country renders
it, to a great extent, inexpedient, if not wholly imprac-
ticable, to secure the usual Commencement exercises on the
26th& 27th of this month; but the same cause makes
it, to a very great degree, indispensable that there should
be a full meeting of the Board of Trustees at that
time. I hope therefore that you will make it con-
venient to attend promptly on Tuesday the 25th at 9
o'clock A.M.

Wm. A. Smith Pres

Dr. William Andrew Smith, 1802-1870,a Methodist minister, was elected president of Randolph Macon College in 1846. He was one of the state's foremost defenders of the institution of slavery and in 1856 gave a series of popular lectures on "The Philosophy and Practice of Slavery as exhibited in the Institution of Domestic Slavery in the United Staes, with the Duties of Masters to Slaves." In these lectures he sought to prove that slavery was grounded in scripture and destined to exist forever.

Randolph Macon College was temporarily suspended from February 1863 to 1866, and Smith himself served in the Confederate Army.

MSS 13101-b

1861 June 14 Carrs Hill [University of Virginia]

[from the autograph album of Randolph Harrison McKim]

My dear Ran,

I never could by word or
deed express the friendship for those I
really loved. I will not attempt it in
your case; but my parting with you
& the university awakens in me the deepest
regret. May the war in which we are
engaged be of short duration; and may
our many friends be especially protected
by a kind providence. Above all, Ran,
may the love of Christ constrain us
to do all that is good, and pleasing
in the eyes of our maker.

Most sincerely your friend
David R. Barton
Winchester, Virginia

David Rittenhouse Barton, 1827-1862, a Lieutenant in Cutshaw's Company, (Jackson Artillery), Virginia Light Artillery, fell in the fight for Fredericksburg, December 1862.

Randolph Harrison McKim, 1842-1920,served on the staff of General George Hume Steuart and as a chaplain in the Virginia Cavalry. Postwar he was an Episcopal rector in churches in New York City, Washington, New Orleans, and several Virginia localities and wrote "A Soldier's Recollections: Leaves from the Diary of a Young Confederate in which he confessed to being one of the students who raised the Confederate flag over the Rotunda."

Monday, June 13, 2011

1861 June 13 [Boston, Massachusetts]

Dear Charles [Eliot Norton]

No club tonight,
but next Thursday. I
want you to come &
dine tomorrow (1/2 past
2) with Thompson & O[liver].W[endell].

Ever yours

This brief note between two literary giants of the 19th century does not mention the war but both men were avid supporters of the Union cause as was Holmes. Charles Eliot Norton, 1827-1908, served as secretary of the Loyal Publication Society. James Russell Lowell, 1819-1891, used his poetical talents in the cause of abolition and in praise of Lincoln and the Union. Three of his nephews died in the war including General Charles Russell Lowell, Jr., killed at Cedar Creek in 1864. After the war both men were active in the "Dante Club," helping Henry Wadsworth Longfellow translate Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy

MSS 6219

1861 June 13 Lexington [Virginia]

[Written in the University of Virginia Autograph Album of Randolph Harrison McKim]

"What then is our hope?"

My Dear Ran

It needs not words ill written
to prove the depth of a true friendship. We know
it each of the other--May it continue so.
I cannot this last night be prolix--that
the calling I go to now may not prevent us
from meeting hereafter as "Leaders in the
Grand Army" is the wish of
Yours very truly
Sandie Pendleton

June 13th 1861
On the eve of a departure
for the deliverance of

"What then is our hope?" is a line from St. Augustine. Or Pendleton may possibly have been misquoting or rearranging a verse from Job Chapter 17 "And where is now my hope?"

Alexander "Sandie" Pendleton, 1840-1864, was a member of Stonewall Jackson's staff, and after Jackson's death in 1863, served on the staffs of Richard Ewell and Jubal Early. He was mortally wounded in the battle of Fishers Hill, September 1864.

His fellow University of Virginia classmate Randolph Harrison McKim, 1842-1920,served on the staff of General George Hume Steuart and as a chaplain in the Virginia Cavalry. Postwar he was an Episcopal rector in churches in New York City, Washington, New Orleans, and several Virginia localities and wrote "A Soldier's Recollections: Leaves from the Diary of a Young Confederate in which he confessed to being one of the students who raised the Confederate flag over the Rotunda."


Sunday, June 12, 2011

1861 June 12 Madison C. Ho. [Virginia]

Dear Blakey

Will you do me the
favor to Examine the Gun Establishm
ents of Richmond and see if you can
get a Kentucky or Mississippi Rifle
and the price [one?] to carry about 40
or 50" to the pound, and see what you
can get a pr of minie molds to
suit the Rifle for. please do so
tomorrow evening if you possibly can
I understand they are plentiful and
can be bot cheap.

ask some of your
platers what they will plate the
handle of a sword for. it is one
of Dick Dawsons make.

If those Rifles can be had cheap
I can sell quit[e] a number of them

if you can find one of that exact
bore. Specify the size if you can get.

Very Respectfully yours
R. A. Jackson

[the identities of Blakey and Jackson are unknown)

MSS 10911

1861 June 12 Culp. C H.

Head Quarters Camp Henry

Order No--

His Excellency
Jefferson Davis President
of the Confederate States
having by his proclamation
to the People of these States
in conformity with the request
of the Confederate Congress
"invited the prople to the obser-
vance of a day of fasting
and prayer--by such religious
services as may be suitable
for the occasion" and having fixed the 13th day
of June (tomorrow) for that purpose--
and it being especially incumbent and
obligatory upon the officers & soldiers of the
Confederate army to respond in the spirit of
the proclamation by the proper religious obser=
vance of the day indicated by the President
It is therefore ordered that the drill will
be suspended at this post tomorrow--Guard
mounting & dress parade will proceed as usual-
the troops will attend Divine Serivce at
11 0'clock at such churches as may be open
for service. They will be marched by Com=
panies by the inspection Captains or Senior

[page 2]
Lieutenants (in case the Capt may be on other duty)
to and from the various places of worship--
Officers & men will be in uniform with side
arms only--

A majority of the men & officers of each Company
may by vote to be taken immediately after morning
roll call tomorrow-under direction of the Camp
officer of each Company- decide a majority con
curring, to what church the Company will go
in order to attend upon Divine Service--
Should no election be thus held the Captain may
elect for his company & will march it to &
from accordingly--

Any officer or non-commissioned or private
not on other special duty for the day or otherwise
caused or prevented from complying with this
order which requires all do it officers--non
commissioned officers & privates at this Post
to attend upon Divine Service tomorrow
at 11 o'clock in one or other of the churches
in the Village--will be reported to the Commanding
officers--and any disregard or violation of this
order will be deemed a high military offence
and will be dealt with accordingly--

If ever in the history of the world it were incu
mbent upon men to acknowledge their dependence upon
God! to invoke his aid & his blessing in a righteous
cause--It is so incumbent upon us--Let us
humble ourselves therefore before God--acknowledge

[page 3]
oue sins and unworthiness in his Holy presence
Invoke his pardon & favour--And especially
let us pray that he will strengthen our hearts
and nerve our arms in the defence of our
liberties--of our homes & of our country, against
the diabolical purposes of our enemy--
and enable us to carry defeat--dismay &
utter destruction into his ranks wherever
he shall encounter him--
By order of Col Cocke
Jno M Otey Jr
Lieut. Post Adjt

MSS 640

1861 June 12 Manassas Junction [Virginia]

Head Quarters, Dept, of Alexa

General Orders
No 10.

I. The attention of commanding
officers of Posts and Regiments, is called to
the regulations of the Army concerning ambu-
lances or spring wagons; and it is expressly
enjoined that these vehicles shall not be used
except for their legitimate purposes--to wit--the
transportation of the sick, disabled, and woun-
ded men of the army.

II. For the present, ambulances or Spring wagons
and their teams furnished to Regiments, will be
under the immediate direction of the Regimental
Quarter Master, who will keep them in condition
to meet promptly the requisitions of the proper
medical officers.

III. Until otherwise ordered, all permits granted
to citizens to pass into Camp Pickens, or within
the chain of Regimental, main or picket guards,

[page 2]
shall be issued from the office of the com-
manding officer of the Post; and no application
for such papers or permits, hereafter, will be made
to these Head Quarters.

IV. All persons in the military Servie, except
of the Staff of the General Commanding, or from
an outpost, and having dispatches for or business
with the Head Quarters, must apply to the
commanding officer of Camp Pickens for
permits to enter and visit withn the chain of
sentinels of the main or several camps, or
police guards thereof.--
(By order of Brig. Genl. Beauregard,
Thomas Jordan
a.A.Adgt. Genl.)

MSS 640

1861 June 12 Belmead [Fluvanna County, Va.]

My dear Husband

Your letter of the
9th inst by Abner Harris was sent to
me promptly on Monday afternoon
by Thomas Royall who has also become
inspired with the Military zeal of all
our young men broken up his
school & has joined one of the companies
that is to form Wise's Brigade & left
here again last evening to see father
about the arrangements & movements
of the company to be commanded by
Capt Wm A. Cocke of Winchester.
I am glad you received my last
letter so promptly & that It gave satis-
faction as it is very little I can do that
pleases every one now a days. But I have
ever desired & exerted myself to
discharge my duties faithfully in life
in all the relations & some very

[page 2]
responsible ones have been assigned
me by Proficence. And if my dear
Husband there have been times
when my waywardness & willfulness
has tried our generous & noble
nature I hope it will never be the
case again. And should your value
able & useful life b spared through
the perils of this momentous crisis
in the History of our Country & you
be permitted again to reutrn with
your head covered with Laurels as
I am sure it will be to the walks
of private life you will see then
how entirely & unreservedly I am
devoted to you & the remnent of my
life spent in soothing & comforting
your declining years. We never
sufficiently appreciate blessings
until deprived of them. I feel this
but too keenly in regard to yourself
& know now but too sensibly for my
present peace & enjoyment

[page 3]
how entirely dependent we all are
on you for happiness & direction.
Therefore hasten back to the bosom of
your family who are waiting with
open arms to receive you as soon
as you can do so consistent with
your duties as a Patriot & Soldier.
But if your presence & influence can
acheive any good to our soldiers
or people do not think of Home
but devote your energies heart &
sole [sic] to the glorious work before you.
And my prayer to God is that you
will be more than conquerors if
your trust is ina mightier Arm
than that of Flesh to lead you on.
We were greatly cheered by Johns visit
short as it was & the girls particularly
were charmed to be with Brother again.
Sally B. tho' is delicate greatly debilitated
every warm day. Dr. Bryant has sent
her some tonic & iron pills he urges her
to take them & plenty of exercise in the
open air when the weather is not too
oppressive. I think she greatly injures

[page 4]
herself staying upstairs in heated
rooms too much. Your Father returned
Home on Saturday with Cousin
Judy he was I think revived by his
trip here & to Rec[ess] & I never saw him
half so agreeable a communicator
of his feelings to his own family.
His being at last weaned from the
Yankees & his eyes being opened to
their faults as well as ours is exerci
sing a salutary effect upon him
socially he is deeply interested in the
progress of War Movements & one of
the warmest secessionists. Mr Wm. Hemser
says that he the Genl. is right at last
And that last Sabbath week in the afternon
he Mr. H. being with the Genl. in Ri[chmond]
that instead of gong to church as
he started to do both called on the
Governor & the Genl. strongly urged
upon him to have buck shots put
in some muskets for sharp shooters
to render them more effective against
The Yankees. We hear of skirmishes
& reconoitres of a small order in every
direction but when is the battle of
Inkerman in Sebastopol to come off.

[cross written on page 1]
We hear Epsy is still in Jail in R[ichmond] had you not
better have him taken out & sent ot Brunswick.
Aunt Mary wrote me E. is in great trouble and
distress but Mary & Tom Upshur say he
persists in visiting Mary and she to encourage him
has [?] & good for nothing no employment
& no reputation & will not now even enlist in the
service of his country. E[psy] is anxious to be out & go
to Carolina. Mary will not agree to it. All goes
to confirm what I said in my last that they ought
not to live in Norfolk. He believes if sent elsewhere in
July for his Home. You had better write to E. about it
yourself. Aut Mary says she is looking wretchedly &
that she is in trouble & needs advice & direction She
respects yr opinions & I know it would come bbetter from you

[left margin of page 2]
than any one else She is preparing a visit to me
in Richmond tomorrow nght perhpas.

[top margin of page 1]
God bless & protect you believe me as
ever yr loving
& devoted but anxious