Wednesday, December 7, 2011

1861 December 7 Centreville

My Dear Sister –
I received your letter sev-
eral days since, and have also received
several of recent date antecedent to that
and I must thank you for the improvement
in the frequency of your writing. Only to
Continue your well doing in this respect –
and that will assure me that you
deserve my commendation.
One of those unhappy occurrences
necessarily incident to military life will
take place next Monday at which time
the Entire Army, or so much as is avail-
able will be called out to witness it.
I refer to a military execution. Two
men, members of the well known Tiger
Rifles a few days since engaged in
a most outrageous attempt to resist a
regimental guard, and in the course of
their proceedings abused by personal injury
an officer who endeavored to restore
good order. They were soon overpowered
a Court-Martial was immediately convened,
and they were sentenced to suffer death
for their misdemeanor. Some such
Summary treatment of these cases is
necessary as an example, and while all
must regret that such measures have
to be adopted they can but concur
in their justice, and propriety.
Tomorrow morning five companies of
Our regiment are ordered to report to Genl.

[page 2]
Stuart, the commander of the outposts
with three days rations. Several other
regiments I understand have received
similar instructions and it is supposed
that the object of the detail is to make
a reconnaissance in force of the Enemy’s
position or to support our pickets in
the Event of an advance on the part
of the enemy. The first conjecture is I
think the correct one. We will probably
scout toward Falls Church or Springfield
and will be absent about five days.
In the mean time I may have no
opportunity of writing home so you
need feel no uneasiness at the stop-
page of my correspondence.
You mentioned in your last letter
that Sallie Adams had enclosed some arti-
cle for me in the box sent by Abram.
If so it was lost, for none such came.
Thank Miss Sallie for the remem-
brance, and give her, and also her
Mother my kindest regards.
There is nothing of special interest going
on. I have learned since writing the above
that our expedition is only ^ ‘one’ of ordinary
picket duty.
Remember me to all, write
frequently and believe me,
Affectionately Your Brother
Jno. W. Daniel

John W. Daniel, 1st Lt, Co. c, 27th Virginia

[The two executed Louisianians were Michael
O’Brien and Dennis Corcoran. See Terry Lee Jones,
Lee’s Tigers (1987), pp. 38-42.” –Robert K.Krick]

MSS 158

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