Sunday, March 6, 2011

1861 March 6th



Ran away from the subscriber on the

6th inst., negro man Albert, aged about

40 years, black and about 5 feet 9 or

10 inches high. His left hand has been

very much injured from the chop of an

axe across it. He wears whiskers. He

had on when left home, an old pair of

pantaloons of a brown color, an old

full cloth coat, and an old hat, thought proba-

bly he may shift his clothing consisting of a

new jeans frock coat, and pantaloons a red-

dish brown, and other pairs of full cloth pants.

It is believed he will make towards Wash-

ingon city as he was taken from there once


I will pay the above reward if taken in any adjoining county to

Rappahannock, and the same or the legal fee if it be more if taken

in Washington city and secured so that I can get him again.

My Post Office is Flint Hill, Rappahannock County, Virginia.

Eastham Jordan

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