Camp Walker
Tuesday 21 1861 [sic] Jany
My Dear Wife
I slept last night in
my cabin for the first time & find
it much better than the tent damp
as it is. I contend that one who has
been living on dirt floors all sum-
mer ought not now to be too fastid-
ious about the sort of floor in his
house. well I like my habitation pretty
well but hope soon to have a plank
floor. I got your letter of the 17”
yesterday. it was a long time com-
ing but welcome when it came
nevertheless. You ask me to tell
you all about myself and every-
thing. I have nothing on the face
of the Earth to say beyond the
fact that I am well & the mud
is knee deep and the roads al-
most impassable. I have no
place to write. Mud every where
and every place & everybody per
fectly disagreeable. hereafter I will
write only every other day.
Edward T.H. Warren, 10th Virginia Infantry Regiment
[transcription by John P. Mann IV]
MSS 7786-g
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