Tuesday, September 20, 2011

1861 Sept[ember] 20, Head Qrs 5th Brig. Camp near Fairfax CH

My Precious wife;
I arrived safely last night, but was
quite tired on account of having to walk from the
station to this place a distance of 2 1/2 miles. John
was there in the evening but left with the horses
on the arrival of a train which he was told
connected with the Richd train but did not i have
a slight head ache to day but hope it will pass off

I will ride over to the troop & arrange Richard's
business this evening or to-morrow. My love to him
& congratulations on his daily improvement which
I am sure takes place.

I found two of your letters here which seem to
be the two last--came since I left & some eays
after--One of them was begging me to let you come
up here--the idea! I promise you however if I feel
at all disposed to get sick, I shall make for home
as fast as steam can carry me & you will come to
me. I cam up yesterday with the Corpse of

[page 2]
Col. Washington on its way to Fauquier to be buried.
He was the owner of Mt Vernon which he sold
for such a round sum & was killed by one of
the enemy's picketts when reconnoitering.

The Gentlemen who were with the body seemed
to be pretty sure that the report about Lee's capture
& defeat of Reynolds was not true. Tho' there are
those who believe it now.

Every thing is quiet as possible here--One t hing
I have learned by going to Richmond--Believe
nothing that you hear there until it is confirmed
7 times & is not too good to be true. Try my
precious to get Dick yup to going home by the
Monday's boat & near that time & get to our
own dear home by the last of the week when I
will meet you there

There is not the slightest probability of the
advance of our army before that time, believe me.
Be of good cheer then in you present generous
duties & take care of you self for the sake of
Your devoted Husband
P. B. Cabell

write me every other day

for other accounts of the death of John Augustine Washington, a collateral descendant of George Washington, see the diary of Wesley Hammond for September 13th and 14th, and the letter or Robert E. Lee to Edward C. Turner, September 14th.

MSS 38-111

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